
We would love to post your Callahan county photos here. Most of these pictures are too small to be printed and are shown at a different size (bigger or smaller) than what they actually are. You can right-click them and open them in a new tab to see the original size.

Boyd Family Photos

Tate Family Photos

Tom Alridge and Friends

Tom Alridge, Will Martin, Frank Robison, Ernest Crawford, Callahan County, Texas
(top) Tom Alridge and Will Martin, (bottom) Frank Robison and Ernest Crawford

Ernest Crawford and Friends

Ernest Crawford, Will Martin, John Crawford, Frank Robison, Callahan County, Texas
(top) Ernest Crawford & Will Martin, (bottom) John Crawford & Frank Robinson

Matthew Gardner

Matthew Gardner, Callahan County, Texas
Matthew Gardner, about age 17

Sarah (Rawlings) Hoover Family, c. 1899

Matthew Gardner, Callahan County, Texas
Source: John C. Lofton, June 2010
back: Jeff, Charlie, and Will Hoover; middle: Annie Eliza, Rosa, Elizabeth and Mary Thankful Hoover; seated: Sarah Rebecca (Rawlings) Hoover
Sarah's husband, Andrew Jackson Hoover died 31 March 1899 at the age of 47. This photo may be a portrait of the family in mourning for their husband and father.

Walter Edgar Lehew and Truman Olen Cutbirth

Walter Edgar Lehew and Truman Olen Cutbirth, Callahan County, Texas
l-r, Walter Edgar Lehew and Truman Olen Cutbirth

Walter Edgar Lehew and unidentified Crawford girl

Walter Edgar Lehew and Miss Crawford, Callahan County, Texas

John Lehew

John Lehew, Callahan County, Texas John Lehew, Callahan County, Texas
World War I, Enlisted at Baird, Texas, Sept 21, 1917, at age 22
Served in US. Army, 165 Dep Brigade to Oct. 29, 1917, Company C, 111 Am Tn, until discharge
Overseas from July 31, 1918 to June 6, 1919, Honorably Discharged June 19, 1919

John Lehew with John W.W. Crawford

John Lehew with John W.W. Crawford, Callahan County, Texas
Left is young John Lehew with John W.W. Crawford

James Calvin Lehew

James Calvin Lehew, Callahan County, Texas

Elsie Lehew

Elsie Lehew, Callahan County, Texas

Sarah (Crawford) Martin

Sarah (Crawford) Martin, Callahan County, Texas

Fred and Maggie (Lehew) Risley

Fred and Maggie Risley, Callahan County, Texas Maggie Lehew, Callahan County, Texas
Fred and Maggie Risley   and   Maggie alone

Turner Family Photo?

Sue is trying to identify the picture shown below. If you can help with the identification please contact Sue by email at:
Turner Family, Callahan County, Texas
Sue's comments about the picture:
"Thomas Walter Turner was b. 1883 in MS., died 1972 at Clyde, Callahan Co., Texas. He was a twin. I found this photo and I am sure it's one of our Turners, but want to verify it. These babies are twins, and the only twins I find in the Turner line is Thomas and his brother, David. Could anyone verify this for me? Is this a photo of Thomas, David, and their parents, William Timothy and Georgia Melissa (McBryde) Turner? Thanks".

Oglesby Store, 1985

Oglesby Store, 1985, Callahan County, Texas
from Merle Stevens, Brownwood, Texas
The Oglesby Store, Post Office and Blacksmith Shop owned by Charles Jasper Oglesby from 1882. The post office closed in 1907.

School Children

Dudley or Denton Valley School, Callahan County, Texas
Either Dudley or Denton Valley School children. Perhaps you can tell me which school. and approximately what year. Perhaps about 1910?

WWI Draftees

WWI Draftees, Callahan County, Texas
A picture of the Callahan County "draftees" for WWI. John James Lehew is just right of the post where the flags are hung.

Putname Fire

Putname Fire, 1912, Callahan County, Texas
Cathy Bradley sent this picture of a 1912 fire in Putnam. Would anyone care to furnish additional pictures or comment on this fire?