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Franklin County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history


Look-up Rules:
1. ONE look-up per email
2. Do not ask for "any information", be specific about what you want.
3. Do not ask the volunteer to search outside the references he has volunteered to search.
Reference Book/Database Volunteer Remarks
Franklin County Births
Probated Births filed in Franklin County, TX, Birth Records of Franklin County 1903-1952
Gina Speaks
Franklin County Marriages 1875-1959 Gina Speaks
Polly Brown
Rhonda Causey
Franklin County Cemetery Markers
Listings from all known cemeteries in Franklin County
Gina Speaks
1880 Franklin County Census Gina Speaks
Polly Brown
Rhonda Causey
1900 Franklin County Census Gina Speaks
Rhonda Causey
1910, 1920, & 1930 Franklin County Censuses Gina Speaks
Franklin County Death Index
Information from original death certificates, including birth and death date, place of birth parents names, and burial place. Also contains listening by maiden name for married women.
Gina Speaks
Rhonda Causey
Obituaries and Death Notices From Franklin County Newspapers
1907-1925, 1926-1936, & 1937-1947
Gina Speaks
Historical Records of Franklin County
Contains Land Grants, Cemeteries, Tombstone Inscriptions Dating Before 1900, Confederate Veterans, Confederate Army Companies, Early School Records, Names in the Counties Earliest Tax and Civil Records, History of Post Offices and Communities, and a Polling List for the 1916 Election.
Gina Speaks
Polly Brown
Life and Times in Franklin County 1923
Excerpts from the Optic Herald, including births, deaths, marriages, illnesses, visitors and trips mentioned in the community news columns for 1923.
Rhonda Causey
Franklin County Funeral Home Records Jan 1902-Jan 1928 Gina Speaks
Hagansport Information
1860 Hagans Port Census, 1910 Hagansport Census, Hagansport School Census 1914; 1923-24; 1931-32; 1932-33; 1933-34; 1934; 1935-36; 1936; 1937-38; 1943; 1951-52; 1963-64; 1964-65; A Journey Thru Hagansport
Rhonda Causey There is a lot of information about the northern part of the county concentrated in the Hagansport area (cemeteries, family stories, etc.).
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This page was last updated on 05 August 2024.