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1880 Federal Census

ED 59, Pages 1-4

This section of the 1880 Frio County census was transcribed by Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman. An attempt was made to transcribe all information (spelling) exactly as it appeared on the census. Some names were very difficult to read and subjected to interpretation. These names have a question mark beside them (some were probably missed). Some of the names were obviously misspelled by the census enumerator or the original census transcriber.
  The month of birth for children who were born within the census years is given in the comment column.
  Information from marriage records and other sources when available are listed via footnotes referenced in the comment column. In a few cases a little family information has been added from my personal genealogical files.
  The transcription can be used freely for family research and distribution to libraries with full consent of the transcriber, however, no permission is granted for its use for sale for financial gain.
  A special thanks to my husband for assisting in typing, deciphering some of the hand writing, and doing the full-name index.
  © 1999, Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman
Page No 1, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 1 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
1 1 Winters, Jasper N. w m 26 Farmer TX unk unk see note 1
Abby w f 24 wife Keeping House TX AR AL
Odus w m 3/12 son TX TX TX Jun
Pearson, Alice w f 9 sister TX AR AL
2 2 Winters, Billington T. w m 54 Farmer MO MO MO see note 2
Dorcus w f 51 wife Keeping House AL AL AL
H. A. J. w m 21 son Farmer TX AL MO
Nathan W. w m 18 son Farmer TX AL MO
John W. w m 11 son Farmer TX AL MO
3 3 Campbell, Jessee W. w m 33 Farmer TX MO TX
Rufus E. w f 29 wife Keeping House MS NJ VA
Oma w f 11 dau at home TX TX MS
William w m 9 son TX TX MS
Carrie w f 7 dau TX TX MS
Mary w f 6 dau TX TX MS
Jessee w m 4 son TX TX MS
Elizabeth w f 5/12 dau TX TX MS Dec
Campbell, Edward S. w m 28 Stock Raiser TX MO TX
4 4 Dunlap, Robert w m 43 Farmer OH NH unk
Sarah D. w f 44 wife Keeping House AR unk unk
John H. w m 9 son TX unk AR
Ida E. w f 7 dau TX unk AR
James R. w m 5 son TX unk AR
Marion L. w m 3 son TX unk AR
Dunn, Charles Elnora w f 16 s-dau at home TX unk AR
5 5 Cude, Nathan W. w m 44 Farmer AL AL AL
Sarah w f 24 wife Keeping House TX AL AL
Lillie A. E. w f 16 dau at home TX AL TX
Mary A. w f 14 dau at home TX AL TX
James w m 18 son at home TX AL TX
Bilington T. w m 11 son at home TX AL TX
Nathan w m 9 son TX AL TX
Franklin w m 6 son TX AL TX
Bevely w m 4 son TX AL TX
Dycus M. w f 2 dau TX AL TX
Joseph w m 6/12 son TX AL TX Dec
6 6 Braum, George J. w m 42 Farmer Hessian Hessen Hessen
Mary w f 26 wife Keeping House TX Elsas Elses
Otto G. w m 5 son TX Hessen TX
Louis W. w m 3 son TX Hessen TX
7 7 Teas, Samuel w m 50 Farmer TX TX TX
Cassiano w f 62 wife Keeping House Saxon Saxon Saxon
Deloras w m 20 son Farmer TX TX Saxon
8 8 McLane, Hiram O. w m 28 Farmer IL IN IN
Mary Q. w f 20 wife Keeping House TX MS MS
John T. w m 30 bro Farmer IN IN IN
9 9 Haynes, Wynn W. w m 37 Surveyor TN TN TN see note 3
Sarah A. w f 29 wife Keeping House TX NC TN
Maggie E. w f 9 dau TX TN TX
George T. w m 6 son TX TN TX
Page No 2, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 1 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Haynes, Sopha A. w m 4 dau TX TN TX
Edna w f 1 dau TX TN TX
10 10 Goodwin, James R. w m 37 Farmer IL unk unk
Maggie w f 29 wife Keeping House IL unk unk
11 11 Thompson, Edward A. w m 21 Dry Goods Merch. TX GA unk see note 4
Mary L. w f 19 wife Keeping House TX unk unk
Edward w m 1 son TX TX TX
Florence w f 1/12 dau TX TX TX April
Halsel, C. Alexander w m 22 border Dry Goods Merch. TX unk unk
12 12 Cude, James W. w m 58 Farmer AL AL AL
Ann E. w f 37 wife Keeping House TX unk unk
William W. w m 23 son Farmer TX AL TX
Charles R. w m 14 son Farmer TX AL TX
Willis F. w m 12 son Farmer TX AL TX
Anderson C. w m 9 son TX AL TX
Darcus M. w f 6 dau TX AL TX
Lucy L. w f 3 dau TX AL TX
Walter W. w m 1 son TX AL TX
13 13 Thomas, Samuel W. w m 32 Farmer TX NC TN
Mary E. w f 26 wife Keeping House TN TN TN
Lue E. w f 7 dau TX TX TN
Fredrick A. w m 5 son TX TX TN
Bessie J. w f 3 dau TX TX TN
Irvin M. w m 11/12 son TX TX TN July
14 14 Witter, Robert B. w m 49 Farmer TN TN FRANCE see note 5
Jane w f 40 wife Keeping House Ireland Ireland Ireland
Josephine w f 21 dau at home TX TN Ireland see note 6
James W. w m 19 son Farmer TX TN Ireland
Ann N. w f 16 dau at home TX TN Ireland
Melvina w f 13 dau at home TX TN Ireland
Lee w f 12 dau at home TX TN Ireland
John H. w m 10 son at home TX TN Ireland
Elizabeth w f 8 dau TX TN Ireland
Charles w m 6 son TX TN Ireland
William w m 4 son TX TN Ireland
George L. w m 2 son TX TN Ireland
15 15 Landrum, Frank w m 54 Farmer GA GA GA
Martha A. w f 48 wife Keeping House GA VA SC
William A. w m 22 son Farmer GA GA GA
Joseph L. w m 20 son Farmer GA GA GA
Washington L. w m 16 son Farmer GA GA GA
Melacy E. w f 16 dau at home GA GA GA
Decatur F. w m 14 son Farmer GA GA GA
Martha A. w f 12 dau at home GA GA GA
Jasper O. w m 9 son GA GA GA
Willis E. w m 6 son GA GA GA
Luna Q. w m 3 son GA GA GA
16 16 Stephen, Andrew Y. w m 33 Farmer MO KY MO
Sarah A. w f 28 wife Keeping House AR TN TN
Sarah I. W f 11 dau at home TX MO AR
Page No 3, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 1 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Stephens, Cora T. w f 9 dau TX MO AR
Mary A. w f 6 dau TX MO AR
Jane w f 62 mother MO PA PA
17 17 Driscol, William M. w m 30 Farmer SC unk SC see note 7
Fannie E. w f 23 wife Keeping House TX MS VA
Harry L. w m 2 son TX SC TX
18 18 Laxson, Holly N. w m 24 Farmer TX TN TX see note 8
Martha M. w f 33 wife Keeping House TX unk unk
Crawford E. w m 7/12 son TX TX TX Nov
19 19 Smith, Robert J. w m 49 Farmer AL NC GA
Lucy J. w f 42 wife Keeping House TX NC GA see note 9
Robert w m 16 son Farmer TX AL TX
Samuel H. w m 14 son Farmer TX AL TX
Mattie A. w m 11 dau at home TX AL TX
William B. w m 9 son TX AL TX
Carrie w f 6 dau TX AL TX
Walter F. w m 4 son TX AL TX
20 20 Huddleston, Isaac N. w m 60 Farmer GA SC NC see note 10
Dorcas A. w f 48 wife Keeping House AL AL AL
Ridgway, Samuel H. w m 19 s-son Farmer TX SC AL
Thompson, Henry w m 17 Farmer TX NJ PA
Holsall, Hammer w m 43 Laborer Prussia Hanover Hanover
21 21 Dixson, Robert w m 38 Farmer AL GA MA see note 11
Louisa J. w f 35 wife Keeping House TX TN AL
Thompson, William S. w m 12 s-son at home TX TX TX
Elizabeth A. w f 10 s-dau TX TX TX
Dixson, Daniel L. w m 9 dau TX TX TX
Carrie w f 5 dau TX TX TX
Orar w f 3 dau TX TX TX
Hewy C. w m 11/12 son TX TX TX
22 22 Hovy, Alvin S. w m 56 Farmer NH NH NH see note 12
Jane w f 46 wife Keeping House MO KY KY
William w m 15 son Farmer TX NH MO
Jessee J. w m 12 son Farmer TX NH MO
Kisiah w f 10 dau at home TX NH MO
Abner w m 8 son at home TX NH MO
23 23 Bishop, America w f 29 Keeping House TX IN KY see note 13
Rufus w m 10 son Farmer TX AL TX
Georgie A. w f 8 dau TX AL TX
Wade H. w m 4 son TX AL TX
24 24 Mangum, Nathaniel T. w m 34 Farmer MS MS MS see note 14
Josephine w f 25 wife Keeping House TX IN KY
Samuel w m 9 son TX IN KY
Luiza w f 7 dau TX IN KY
Lu E. w f 5 dau TX IN KY
Nancy w f 3 dau TX IN KY
Jolm w f 8/12 dau TX IN KY Oct
25 25 Rice, John w m 25 Farmer TX TN TN see note 15
Rebecca w f 17 wife Keeping House TX NH MO
Alvin w m 1 son TX TX TN
Page No 4, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 2 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
26 26 Brummett, John W. w m 64 Farmer KY unk unk see note 16
Kisiah w f 65 wife Keeping House KY SC VA
Farla, Theodore w m 38 Boarder Peddler VA France VA
27 27 Wilkem, Dwyt G. w m 35 Farmer TX unk unk see note 17
Ann w f 29 wife Keeping House SC SC SC
Jeptha w m 12 son at home TX SC TX
Thomas w m 10 son at home TX SC TX
Arminda w f 8 dau at home TX SC TX
Martha w f 6 dau TX SC TX
Williama w m 6 dau TX SC TX
Dwight w m 1 son TX SC TX
28 28 Conner, James A. w m 41 Farmer TX unk unk
Sarah E. w f 30 wife Keeping House OH OH OH
Hannah w f 7 dau TX TX OH
Polly w f 4 dau TX TX OH
Clarinda w f 3 dau TX TX OH
Ardena w f 9/12 dau TX TX OH Feb
John T. w m 15 son Farmer TX TX TX
Irvin w m 11 son Farmer TX TX TX
Lillie w f 14 dau at home TX TX TX
29 29 Bates, Rufus R. w m 55 Farmer NY unk unk
30 30 Halsell, William w m 59 Farmer TN KY IN
Mary E. w f 41 wife Keeping House Nassaw Nassaw Nassaw
Amanda B. w f 3 dau TX TN Nassaw
31 31 Crunek, Herschel w m 55 Farmer TN VA NC
Mary J. w f 35 wife Keeping House AL NC VA
Ema w f 10 dau at home TX VA AL
Herschel w m 8 son TX VA AL
Jerusha w f 6 dau TX VA AL
Ada w f 4 dau TX VA AL
James w m 3 son TX VA AL
Amanda w f 3 dau TX VA AL
32 32 Frazier, Nancy w f 26 Keeping House TX unk unk see note 18
John w m 7 son TX TX TX
Sarah w f 5 dau TX TX TX
Charles w m 3 son TX TX TX
James w m 2 son TX TX TX
33 33 Fowler, John W. w m 32 Farmer TX unk unk
Mary F. w f 26 wife Keeping House TX MO MO
Rosalie w f 7 dau TX TX MO
Josiah w m 6 son TX TX MO
Monroe w m 2 son TX TX MO
34 34 Lawler, John J. w m 54 Farmer MS AL AL
Adeline w f 38 wife Keeping House MS AL TN
John W. w m 13 son TX MS MS
Virginia I. w f 8 dau TX MS MS
Mary E. w f 7 dau TX MS MS
Lula A. w f 5 dau TX MS MS
Martha A. w f 3 dau TX MS MS
Nora B. w f 2/12 dau TX MS MS March

1 Jasper N. Winters was a son of Billington T. and Dorcas Cude Winters.
2 Billington T. Winters married on 25 April 1848, to Dorcas Cude Winters [Walker County, Texas marriage records]. Dorcas was the widow of Billington's brother, Elisha Willis Winters.
3 W. W. W. Haines married Sarah A. Thomas on 18 Feb 1869 [ Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
4 Edward A. Thompson married Mary L. Cude on 7 Jan 1878 [Frio County, Texas marriage records].
5 Robert B. Witter married Jane Downing on 16 April 1856 [Caldwell County, Texas marriage records].
6 Robert J. Smith Jr. married Josephine Witter on 6 Nov 1882 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
7 William Michael Driscol and wife Fannie Elizabeth Hester [Records of Burnie Driscol].
8 Holly N. Laxson married Martha Minerva Halsel on 1 May 1877 [Bexar County, Texas marriage records].
9 Lucy Jane Nite [Frio County, Texas A History, page 115].
10 Isaac N. Huddleston married Dorcas Ann (Long) Ridgeway on 2 Nov 1867 [Refugio County, Texas marriage records].
11 Robert Dixon married Louisa Jane (Elkins) Thompson about 1875.
12 Alvin S. Hovy married Mary Jane Jones in 1860 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
13 America Brummett widow of William "Bill" B. Bishop [Personal research].
14 Nathaniel T. Mangum married Josephine Brummett on 24 Dec 1868 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
15 John Rice married Rebecca Horey (Hovey?) on 12 Jan 1877 [Frio County, Texas marriage records]. Is Rebecca a daughter of Alvin S. Hovey and Mary Jane Jones? Is she Elizabeth Rebecca or Rebecca Elizabeth Hovey?
16 John W. Brummett married Keziah Jones on 11 April 1846 [Fannin County, Texas marriage records].
17 Dwight G. Wilkens married Ann Bishop on 14 May 1867 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
18 Nancy J. Gardner ,widow of Simon J. Frazier, married on 14 Dec 1871[Frio Counnty, Texas marriage records].
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