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1880 Federal Census

ED 59, Pages 5-8

This section of the 1880 Frio County census was transcribed by Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman. An attempt was made to transcribe all information (spelling) exactly as it appeared on the census. Some names were very difficult to read and subjected to interpretation. These names have a question mark beside them (some were probably missed). Some of the names were obviously misspelled by the census enumerator or the original census transcriber.
  The month of birth for children who were born within the census years is given in the comment column.
  Information from marriage records and other sources when available are listed via footnotes referenced in the comment column. In a few cases a little family information has been added from my personal genealogical files.
  The transcription can be used freely for family research and distribution to libraries with full consent of the transcriber, however, no permission is granted for its use for sale for financial gain.
  A special thanks to my husband for assisting in typing, deciphering some of the hand writing, and doing the full-name index.
  © 1999, Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman
Page No 5, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 2 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Goode, Sarah w f 74 m-in-law Midwife AL unk unk
35 35 Farmer, William H. w m 53 Farmer MO unk unk
Jane w f 46 wife Keeping House IL KY NC
Allen T. w m 11 son Farmer TX AL IL
Rody Ann w f 9 dau TX AL IL
James M. w m 6 son TX AL IL
Ellen w f 2 dau TX AL IL
36 36 Gardner, Martha w f 57 Keeping House AL VA AL
Presilla w f 14 dau at home TX TN AL
37 37 Gardner, Joseph W. w m 28 Farmer LA AL VA see note 19
Jannie w f 23 wife Keeping House MO TN TN
Thomas w f 1 son TX LA MO
Bentley, George w m 31 Laborer NY England England
38 38 Baker, Isaac J. w m 35 Farmer AR KY AR
Christinna L. w f 30 wife Keeping House TX AL AL
William w m 11 Son Farmer TX AR TX
John w m 9 son at home TX AR TX
Albert w m 7 son TX AR TX
Henry w m 4 son TX AR TX
Betty w f 2 dau TX AR TX
Thomas w m /12 son TX AR TX
39 39 Rutledge, John w m 45 well digger TX unk unk see note 20
Racheal w f 33 wife Keeping House TX unk unk
Mary w f 10 dau at home TX unk unk
Elizabeth w f 8 dau TX unk unk
Charles w m 2 son TX unk unk
40 40 Couser, John F. w m 42 Farmer TN NC TN
Martha A. w f 36 wife Keeping House AR AL TN
Robert L. w m 14 son Farmer TX TN AR
John M. w m 11 son Farmer TX TN AR
James A. w m 9 son TX TN AR
George W. w m 8 son TX TN AR
Lemuel L. w m 3 son TX TN AR
41 41 Titsworth, William G. w m 27 Farmer TX unk unk
Sarah A. w f 19 wife Keeping House TX TN AR
42 42 Jones, Edward P. w m 48 Farmer TN unk TN see note 21
Susan J. w f 38 wife Keeping House TX AL AL
Aquilla M. w m 18 son Farmer TX TN AL
Charles E. w m 13 son Farmer TX TN AL
Henry H. w m 10 son Farmer TX TN AL
John M. w m 7 son TX TN AL
Mary E. w f 5 dau TX TN AL
Bendix, Elizabeth w f 41 s-in-law Seamstress TX AL AL
43 43 Moore, Peter F. w m 39 School Teacher MD unk unk see note 22
Rosa w f 27 wife Keeping House MS AL AL
William C. w m 10/12 son TX MD MS
Pearson, Michael w m 53 Laborer AL TN SC
44 44 Larrance, John w m 40 Farmer TX unk unk
Mary w f 39 wife Keeping House AL TN NC
Page No 6, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 2 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Francis L. w f 53 wife Keeping House GA GA GA
Harroce w m 21 son Stock Raiser TX TN GA
Thomas w m 18 son TX TN GA
Senn(?), Henry N. w m 10 Farmer AR AR AR
Barbra A. w f 6 AR AR AR
45 45 Zumwalt, Andrew w m 38 Waggoner TX Holland Holland
Jane w f 34 wife Keeping House TX
Rachael w f 6 dau TX TX TX
James W. w m 4 son TX TX TX
Tobitha w f 2 dau TX TX TX
46 46 Farmer, Posey w m 53 Waggoner Donn d d
Sarah w f 17 wife Keeping House TX d d
John w m 12 son Waggoner TX TX TX
George w m 8 son TX TX TX
47 47 Carver, Ishman w m 27 Texas Ranger AR TN
Mary J. w f 30 wife Keeping House AR TN Nu
George L. w m 10 son Farmer TX TN AR
John F. w m 8 son TX TN AR
Ada E. w f 5 dau TX TN AR
Andrew T. w m 3 son TX TN AR
Margrite w f 8/12 dau TX TN AR Sept
Wayne, John H. w m 22 Laborer TX Ireland
48 48 Holmes, William A. w m 30 Farmer TX see note 23
Rody E. w f 23 wife Keeping House TX
Nancy C. w f 5 dau TX TX TX
Willie W. w m 5 son TX TX TX
Ann N. w f 2 dau TX TX TX
Jeferson M. w m 4/12 son TX TX TX
49 Ruston, John w m 22 b-in-law Farmer TX SC PA
Sarah B. w f 18 Keeping House TX S
Hugh A. w m 2 TX TX TX
Martha L. w f 7/12 TX TX TX Sept
49 50 Saddler, William D. w m 66 Farmer TN NC SC see note 24
Elizabeth C. w f 62 wife Keeping House TN TN TN
William w m 15 g-son Farmer TX MO TN
50 51 Kaufman, Robert w m 29 Farmer TX MS MS see note 25
Prudy J. w f 37 wife Keeping House TN TN TN
Daniel w m 7 son TX TX TN
Leroy w m 6 son TX TX TN
Walter w m 2 son TX TX TN
Sapp, Martha A. w f 15 s-dau at home TX TX TN
Elizabeth w f 13 s-dau at home TX TX TN
51 52 Johnson, Albury w m 56 Farmer SC VA VA
Sarah w f 56 wife Keeping House NC NC NC
Rowland w m 14 son Farmer TX SC NC
John W. w m 10 son Farmer TX SC NC
Eliza w f 8 dau TX SC NC
Holmes, Martha w f 23 dau at home TX SC NC
Sarah w f 3 dau TX MO AL
52 53 Berry, Thomas w m 51 Stock Raiser TN TN TN
Page No 7, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 3 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Francis L. w f 53 wife Keeping House GA GA GA
Harroce w m 21 son Stock Raiser TX TN GA
Thomas w m 18 son TX TN GA
Senn(?), Henry N. w m 10 Farmer AR AR AR
Barbra A. w f 6 AR AR AR
53 54 Connelly, James w m 49 Farmer MD Ireland Ireland
Mary E. w f 43 wife Keeping House TX TN TN
Robert L. w m 7 son TX MD TN
Starr, Mary E. w f 12 s-dau at home TX MO TN
Kaniva, Roda F. w f 10 s-dau at home TX TX TN
54 55 Nelson, William F. w m 28 Farmer AL NC SC
Rody A. w f 17 wife Keeping House TX AL TX
Virginia w f 9/12 dau TX AL TX July
55 56 Thompson, Agnes w f 47 Keeping House Elsase Elsase Elsase
Virginia A. w f 14 dau at school TX TX Elsase
Julia E. w f 11 dau at school TX TX Elsase
Lula C. w f 9 dau at school TX TX Elsase
56 57 Clinton, John w m 32 Farmer IL KY MO
Mary A. w f 23 wife Keeping House TX TX Elsase
Maggie w f 3 dau TX IL TX
Lucy w f 1 dau TX IL TX
Harton, George w m 30 School Teacher LA SC LA
57 58 Joiner, William N. w m 52 Wheelright SC SC SC
Katherine w f 39 wife Keeping House MS VA VA
Bulah w f 16 dau at home MS SC MS
Lillian w f 13 dau at home MS SC MS
Beoty w f 8 dau MS SC MS
Blanch w f 4 dau TX SC MS
Sidney w m 3 son TX SC MS
Travis, Barney w m 26 Blacksmith Ireland Ireland Ireland
58 59 Garner, Leroy F. w m 34 Farmer AR TN TN
Laura E. w f 19 wife Keeping House TX TX Alsase
Charles H. w m 3 son TX AR TX
Frederick C. w m 11/12 son TX AR TX
59 60 Elledge, James M. w m 37 Farmer IL KY MS
Matida A. w f 26 wife Keeping House TX TX Alsase
Hendrick A. w m 7 son TX IL TX
Leroy E. w m 5 son TX IL TX
James M. w m 2 son TX IL TX
Anna L. w f 2/12 dau TX IL TX
60 61 Long, James E. w m 39 Stock Raiser AL TN TN see note 26
Amanda P. w f 35 wife Keeping House MS SC TN
Charles A. w m 12 son Stock Raiser TX AL MS
Annie L. w f 10 dau at home TX AL MS
Tobias w m 7 son TX AL MS
Berta w f 4 dau TX AL MS
Davis, Martha w f 16 1/2-sis AR SC MS
61 62 Rudy, William A. Sr. w m 49 Farmer SC SC SC
Nancy A. w f 45 wife Keeping House MS TN TN
William A. Jr. w m 24 son Farmer AR SC MS
Page No 8, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 4 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Postell w f 12 dau at school AR SC MS
Leroy S. w m 9 son AR SC MS
Adolphus E. w m 3 son AR SC MS
Ludwick, James H. w m 20 Laborer Il IA IL
62 63 Tilley, Samuel J. w m 25 Farmer TX AL MS see note 27
F...(?) w f 21 Keeping House TX TN TN
Maude w f 3 dau TX TX TX
Herbert w m 1 son TX TX TX
Abner w m 9 bro TX AL MS
Nathaniel B. w m 17 bro TX AL MS
63 64 Cude, John M. w m 46 Farmer AL AL AL see note 28
Nancy N. w f 39 wife Keeping House TX TN TN
Hardeman V. w m 11 son Farmer TX AL TX
Anna F. w f 7 dau TX AL TX
Thomas N. w m 6 son TX AL TX
64 65 Winters, Lavina w f 69 Keeping House TN TN TN see note 29
65 66 Thomas, John w m 35 Laborer TX KY TN
Sarah w f 25 wife Keeping House TX KY KY
Marion w m 9 son TX TX TX
Wallace F. w m 8 son TX TX TX
Walter w m 6 son TX TX TX
Charles w m 4 son TX TX TX
66 67 Saddler, George W. w m 26 Farmer TX TN TN see note 30
Sarah E. w f 36 wife Keeping House TX KY KY
Henry C. w m 8 son TX TX TX
William L. w m 6 son TX TX TX
Missouri w f 4/12 dau TX TX TX Feb'y
Taylor, Felix w m 15 s-son Farmer TX TX TX
James w m 12 s-son Farmer TX TX TX
67 68 Saddler, James K. w m 31 Farmer TN TN TN see note 31
Mary E. w f 28 wife Keeping House TX TX TX
Olly w f 8 dau TX TN TX
Cora Lee w f 5 dau TX TN TX
Rebecca C. w f 3 dau TX TN TX
Tennessee w f 8/12 dau TX TX TX
68 69 Henson, George W. w m 28 Farmer TX LA LA
Darcus w f 22 wife Keeping House TX AL TX
Ora w f 4 dau TX TX TX
Orin A. w m 3 son TX TX TX
William A. w m 8/12 son TX TX TX
69 70 Crouch, Martin E. w m 34 Stone Mason MO TN TN
Sarah w f 31 wife Keeping House TX NC TN
John W. w m 14 son Farmer TX MO TX
Pleasant M. w m 12 son Farmer TX MO TX
Laura w f 10 dau at home TX MO TX
Charles N. w m 8 son TX MO TX
Adam T. w m 6 son TX MO TX
Jacob C. w m 2 son TX MO TX
Waldroop, Sarah w f 70 m-in-law Mid wife TN TN TN

19 J. W. Gardner married Jennie Holmes on 28 May 1878 [Medina County, Texas marriage records].
20 John J. Rutledge married Rachel Ingram on 16 Jan 1878 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
21 Edwin/ Edward Paul Jones married second to Susan Jane Edwards about 1867 [source Nettie A. Jones Shoemake].
22 Peter F. Moore married Clara Rosie Newton on 26 Aug 1878 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
23 William A. Holmes married Rhonda E. Cude on 31 Jan 1873 [Frio County, Texas marriage records].
24 William D. Sadler married Elizabeth Clark about 1836 probably in Jackson County, Tennessee.
25 Robert Kaufman married Prudence Jane "Prudie" (Sadler) Sapp on 24 Jan 1871 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
26 James E. Long married Amanda P. Jones on 15 June 1865 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
27 Samuel J. Tilley married Fannie McMahon on 4 January 1877 [Medina County, Texas marriage records].
28 John M. Cude married Nancy Naomi Winters on 17 Sep 1855 [Hays County, Texas marriage records].
29 Lavina Bridges Winters widow of William Carven Winters.
30 George W. Sadler married Sarah Elizabeth (Jones) Taylor on 1 Dec 1870 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
31 James K. Sadler married Mary E. Berry on 4 Dec 1868 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
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