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1880 Federal Census

ED 59, Pages 21-24

This section of the 1880 Frio County census was transcribed by Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman. An attempt was made to transcribe all information (spelling) exactly as it appeared on the census. Some names were very difficult to read and subjected to interpretation. These names have a question mark beside them (some were probably missed). Some of the names were obviously misspelled by the census enumerator or the original census transcriber.
  The month of birth for children who were born within the census years is given in the comment column.
  Information from marriage records and other sources when available are listed via footnotes referenced in the comment column. In a few cases a little family information has been added from my personal genealogical files.
  The transcription can be used freely for family research and distribution to libraries with full consent of the transcriber, however, no permission is granted for its use for sale for financial gain.
  A special thanks to my husband for assisting in typing, deciphering some of the hand writing, and doing the full-name index.
  © 1999, Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman
Page No 21, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 12 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Dayton I. W m 31 bro Stock raiser MI NY NY
Hanman, John w m 27 boarder Stock raiser CO unk unk
Culpepper, Andrew J. w m 24 boarder Stock raiser MI unk unk
Price, Edward H. w m 24 boarder Stock raiser TN unk unk
Gillman, Ben I. W m 24 boarder Stock raiser IL Con Con
Ayor, William w m 30 boarder Stock raiser ME ME ME
Parsons, Carle w m 24 boarder Stock raiser NY NY NY
Noble, Edward w m 24 boarder Stock raiser MS MS MS
Crew, Oscar W. w m 28 boarder Stock raiser KY KY KY
Salton, Stall Leveritt w m 25 boarder Stock raiser MS MS MS
178 184 Flores, Patronela w m 35 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Juanetia w f 14 dau Keeping House TX Mex Mex
Juaneta w f 12 dau at Home TX Mex Mex
179 185 Diaz, Eniss(?) w m 60 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Saturnenio w f 48 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
186 Guillen, Rapheol w m 30 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Librara w f 25 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Jusesa w m 2 son TX Mex Mex
Williams, John b m 26 Sheep Herder FL FL FL
Bascus, Marcelenus w m 38 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
Losanno, Domingo w m 20 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
Prefatto, Flores w m 65 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
Sefferino, Trevenio w m 22 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
Carpio, Sanches w m 25 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
180 187 Hollingsworth, Benjamin F. w m 28 Stock raiser OH OH MI
Sarah M. w f 30 wife Keeping House MI NY MS
Dolly M. w f 12 ad dau? at Home NY NY NY
Fisher, Garnete m m 15 Laborer TX TX TX
Castillio, Padro w m 38 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
181 188 Ponds, Edward S. w m 36 Farmer AL AL AL see note 53
Rebecca M. w f 35 wife Keeping House GA NC NC
Charles A. w m 13 son Farmer TX AL NC
Ida W. w f 10 dau at Home TX AL NC
Larken M. w m 8 son TX AL NC
William E. w m 6 son TX AL NC
Mildred E. w f 4 dau TX AL NC
Julia E. w f 1 dau TX AL NC
182 189 Slaughter, Benjamine w m 68 Farmer MS NC NC
Manervia w f 64 wife Keeping House AL AL AL
McDaniel, Delilia w f 5 g-dau TX Scotland TX
Rumfield, Austin w m 29 Laborer TX PA TN
Dalbrell, Aug...(?) W m 6/12 son of Joseph TX TX TX
Thompson, Willie w m 6 s-son of Jock Clinton TX unk TX
Page No 22, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 14 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
183 190 White, Lycurgus S. w m 45 Post Master MS NC TX
Mary F. w f 30 wife Keeping House PA NJ PA
Joel w m 6 son TX MS PA
184 191 Reverer, Louis w m 60 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
Juanita w f 56 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Jessus w m 22 son Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Berial, Mariana w m 40 b-in-law Laborer Mex Mex Mex
185 192 Martinez, Maguill w m 28 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
Moreoto w f 18 wife Keeping House TX Mex Mex
Corosco, Tomasos w f 15 s-in-law at Home TX Mex Mex
186 193 Minas, Gorgenia w m 30 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
Juaneta w f 30 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Martine w m 13 son Sheep Herder TX Mex Mex
Garnifacia w f 12 dau at Home Mex Mex Mex
Damasco w m 9 son TX Mex Mex
Pasquol w m 5 son TX Mex Mex
Ceriacco w m 3 son TX Mex Mex
Agapetra w f 2 dau TX Mex Mex
Guera, Antonio w m 47 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
187 194 Yarpado, Incarnacion w m 40 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Antonia w f 27 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Carlos w m 7 son TX Mex Mex
Hosafa w f 5 dau TX Mex Mex
188 195 Gonzales, Sanches w m 67 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Husta w f 56 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Manuella w f 26 dau at Home Mex Mex Mex
Hosa M. w m 17 son Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Crasencia w m 16 son Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Bineto w m 14 son Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Martena w f 7 g-dau TX Mex Mex
Huffamijer, Husta w f 3 g-dau TX TX Mex
189 196 Medina, Graviel w m 28 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Molista w f 28 wife Keeping House TX TX TX
Alota w f 13 dau at Home TX Mex TX
Esperina w f 12 dau at Home TX Mex TX
Alvino w m 10 son Laborer TX Mex TX
Estavan w m 8 son TX Mex TX
Manuel w m 5 son TX Mex TX
Jose w m 3 son TX Mex TX
Pera Hildo w m 2 son TX Mex TX
190 197 Gonzales, Santiago w m 23 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Juanato w f 26 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Josa A. w m 2 son TX Mex Mex
191 198 Gonzales, Nickolas w m 24 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Jesusa w f 22 wife Keeping House TX Mex Mex
Frutora w f 2 dau TX Mex TX
Tomasseta w f 5/12 dau TX Mex Mex Jan'y
192 199 SallasSar, Juan w m 45 Laborer Mex Mex Mex The Sar part of the name was
in a different handwriting
Ousala w f 40 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Fransisco w f 18 dau at Home TX Mex Mex At this point the
name is written Sallasar
Page No 23, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 14 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Sisara w m 10 son Laborer TX Mex Mex
Aquagralia w m 9 son TX Mex Mex
Loueza w f 7 dau TX Mex Mex
Manuelleta w m 5 son TX Mex Mex
Padro w m 3 son TX Mex Mex
Nickolas w m 5/12 son TX Mex Mex Dec
193 200 Maldonon, Melchor w m 40 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Makella w f 45 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Poleto w m 6 g-son TX Mex Mex
194 201 Parez, Eleho w m 25 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Mary w f 24 wife Keeping House TX Mex Mex
195 202 Gonzales, Antonio w m 38 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Carmel w f 24 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Jose A. w m 12 son Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Delores w f 9 dau TX Mex Mex
Juan w m 7 son TX Mex Mex
Gragoria w m 5 son TX Mex Mex
Pablo w f 3 dau TX Mex Mex
Enocenta w m 1 son TX Mex Mex
196 203 Sanchez, Patronelo w m 25 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Tomosar w f 30 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Manuella w f 2 dau TX Mex Mex
197 204 Riaz, Raphael w m 26 Sheep Herder Mex Mex Mex
Juaneta w f 20 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Maneul w m 8 son Mex Mex Mex
Juaneta w f 6 dau Mex Mex Mex
Agapeto w m 1 son TX Mex Mex
Lopez, Agapeto w m 25 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Louiza w f 16 wife Keeping House TX Mex Mex
198 205 Ramerez, Antonio w m 53 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Esavara w f 30 wife Keeping House TX TX TX
Veto w m 12 son Laborer TX Mex TX
H...(?) W m 9 son TX Mex Mex
Antonio w m 6 son TX Mex Mex
199 206 Tobarro, Antonio w m 25 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Pierson, Andrew L. w m 27 Stock raiser Sweeden Sweeden Sweeder
200 207 Hanty, Gabriel w m 30 Merchant TX Alsace Alsace
Terresa w f 20 wife Keeping House TX Alsace Alsace
Annie C. w f 1 dau TX TX TX
201 208 McMohen, John B. w m 64 County Judge TN KY NC
Morioh P. w f 58 wife Keeping House AL VA NC
201 209 Thompson, Williom A. w m 30 Laborer MS Ireland The birthplace for
the mother was blank
Fannie w f 22 wife Keeping House MS AL MS see note 54
Katherine w f 6 dau TX MS MS
John w m 4 son TX MS MS
Julia w f 9/12 dau TX TX TX Sept.
202 210 Price, Daniel T. w m 27 Lawyer NC NC NC
Sallie w f 24 wife Keeping House TX TN MO
Carl w m 2 son TX NC TX
203 211 Pranglin(?), John A. w m 30 County Clerk GA England SC
Page No 24, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 14 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Julia E. w f 20 wife Keeping House MS OH IN
John L. w m 1 son TX MS OH
Bessie w f 7/12 dau TX MS OH Oct.
Covts, Annie E. w f 32 sis School Teacher GA England SC
Alfred H. w m 8 son GA GA GA
Almarine w f 6 dau GA GA GA
204 212 Johnson, Newton w m 45 Carpenter SC SC SC
Cornelia J. w f 37 wife Keeping House AL SC SC
Celistia I. W f 13 dau at school AL SC AL
Marcus A. w m 8 son LA SC AL
Augusta A. w f 4 dau TX SC AL
Edward E. w m 2 son TX SC AL
205 213 Sanders, George W. w m 28 Dry Goods Merchant AL AL AL
Bertha w f 27 wife Keeping House TX Lusane Lusane
Bertha A. w f 3 dau TX AL TX
George R. w m 1 son TX AL TX
James M. w m 22 bro Dry Goods Clerk AL AL AL
206 214 Musgrove, James H. w m 46 Stock raiser TN TN AL
Martha w f 32 wife Keeping House TX TN TN
Daniel L. w m 12 son Stock Raiser TX TN TX
Annie M. w f 10 dau at home TX TN TX
207 215 Merriwether, Thomas W. w m 38 Lawyer TN GA GA
Lucy M. w f 34 wife Keeping House TX TN TX
William T. S. w m 9 son TX TN TX
Lander, Fannie w f 18 s-in-law at home TX NC TX
Kate w f 16 s-in-law at home TX NC TX
208 216 Little, Brice w m 46 Stock raiser Scotland Scotland Scotland
Mary w f 41 wife Keeping House Ireland Ireland Ireland
John w m 20 son Stock raiser TX Scotland Ireland
David B. w m 18 son Stock raiser TX Scotland Ireland
Mary w f 16 dau at home TX Scotland Ireland
Samuel L. w m 12 son Stock raiser TX Scotland Ireland
Sarah w f 10 dau at home TX Scotland Ireland
George S. w f 6 son TX Scotland Ireland
Edmond w m 1 son TX Scotland Ireland
209 217 Neatherlin, Franklin H. w m 34 Saddle Tree Maker MS LA AL
Elizabeth J. w f 28 wife Keeping House TX TX TX
Caleb M. w m 8 son TX MS TX
Vaughan w m 6 son TX MS TX
210 218 Ridley, William R. w m 42 Dry Goods Clerk TN TN VA
Mary F. w f 39 wife Keeping House AR AL MS
Charles L. w m 23 son TX TN AR
Harifa D. w f 13 dau at Home TX TN AR
Julia F. w f 11 at school TX TN AR
Minnie L. w f 9 dau TX TN AR
Harry M. w m 5 son TX TN AR
Inez D. w f 3 dau TX TN AR
Eva C. w f 3/12 dau TX TN AR Feb'y
211 219 Wallen, Calvin w m 33 Stock raiser TX TN MO
Jennie w f 32 wife Keeping House TX Alsace Alsace

53 E. S. Ponds married R. A. Carter on 20 December 1865 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
54 William Thompson married Frances McMahon on 1 January 1874 [Frio County, Texas marriage records].
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