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1880 Federal Census

ED 59, Pages 25-28

This section of the 1880 Frio County census was transcribed by Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman. An attempt was made to transcribe all information (spelling) exactly as it appeared on the census. Some names were very difficult to read and subjected to interpretation. These names have a question mark beside them (some were probably missed). Some of the names were obviously misspelled by the census enumerator or the original census transcriber.
  The month of birth for children who were born within the census years is given in the comment column.
  Information from marriage records and other sources when available are listed via footnotes referenced in the comment column. In a few cases a little family information has been added from my personal genealogical files.
  The transcription can be used freely for family research and distribution to libraries with full consent of the transcriber, however, no permission is granted for its use for sale for financial gain.
  A special thanks to my husband for assisting in typing, deciphering some of the hand writing, and doing the full-name index.
  © 1999, Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman
Page No 25, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 15 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
212 220 Allen, William J. w m 29 Stock raiser TN SC unk see note 55
Annie E. w f 23 wife Keeping House TX TX TX
Maude w f 4 dau TX TN TX
James w m 1 son TX TN TX
Robert w m 1/12 son TX TN TX April
213 221 Daugherty, William C. w m 38 Stock raiser AR MO TN see note 56
Julia w f 35 wife Keeping House TX KY KY
James w m 12 son at school TX AR TX
George w m 9 son TX AR TX
Lillie w f 6 dau TX AR TX
Sallie w f 1 dau TX AR TX
Richard w m 19 nephew Stock Raiser TX AR TN
Oden, Mahalia w f 72 m-in-law KY KY PA
214 222 Taylor, Joseph b m 24 Laborer TX TX TX see note 57
Saroh b f 20 wife Keeping House TX KY TN
Josephine mw f 1 dau TX TX TX
Walter mw m 9 1/2 bro TX KY TN
215 223 Knight, James E. w m 33 Dept. U. S. Marshal AR MO TN
Mary w f 30 wife Keeping House TX GA GA
William E. w m 2 son TX AR TX
216 224 Martin, Gilbert w m 49 Stock raiser IA IA IA
Thomas G. w m 25 son Stock raiser KS IA IA
Allice H. w f 22 dau Keeping House KS IA IA
Edward R. w m 20 son Stock raiser KS IA IA
Frank D. w m 18 son Stock raiser KS IA IA
Mary w f 11 dau KS IA AI
Jennie w f 9 dau KS IA IA
217 225 Foriman, Anderson w m 52 Teamster TX TN GA see note 58
Nancy w f 42 wife Keeping House TX TN GA
Blue w m 5 son TX TX TX
Anderson w m 4 son TX TX TX
Ransom w m 1 son TX TX TX
Witton, James w m 13 s-son Sheep Herder TX TX TX
John w m 11 s-son Sheep Herder TX TX TX
218 226 Cureton, Alfred S. w m 30 Lawyer MO GA IN
Sarah A. w f 26 wife Keeping House CA IN IL
Georgia A. w f 7 dau CA MO CA
Laura L. w f 5 dau CA MO CA
Eugine W. w m 2 son TX MO CA
Eugenia M. w f 2 dau TX MO CA
219 227 Lee, Henry H. b m 32 Barber MO MO MO
Vinia b f 23 wife Keeping House TX MO AR
Cora b f 10 dau TX MO TX
220 228 Rogers, Thomas H. w m 42 Teamster AL VA VA
Hattie w f 27 wife Keeping House TX unk unk
William E. w m ? Son AL AL AL
George H. w m 3 son TX AL AL
Irine C. w f 4/12 dau TX AL TX Feb
221 229 Slaughter, William J. w m 44 Stock raiser MS MS AL
Caroline M. w f 39 wife Keeping House IL Canada PA
Page No 26, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 16 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Amanda J. w f 17 dau at Home TX MS IL
Mary M. w f 15 dau at Home TX MS IL
Fannie w f 12 dau at Home TX MS IL
Artie C. w f 10 dau at Home TX MS IL
Margritt w f 8 dau TX MS IL
Ida B. w f 3 dau TX MS IL
222 230 Vickers, James F. w m 22 Nephew Stock raiser TX MS IL see note 59
Eliza A. w f 21 wife Keeping House TX MS IL
Pleasant S. w m 2 son TX TX IL
Olga E. w m 6/12 son TX TX IL Nov
Pleasant S. w m 20 bro Laborer TN CO TN
Langworth, John w m 27 Laborer TX IL MS
223 231 Vickers, Sarah E. w f 38 Keeping House MS TN GA
Rebecca H. w f 18 dau at Home TX IL MS
Mary C. w f 15 dau at Home TX IL MS
224 232 Harkness, Robert M. w m 44 Stock raiser AL SC AL
Saroh J. w f 40 wife Keeping House AL AL TN
Sallie B. w f 14 dau at School AL AL AL
Basken w m 9 son TX AL AL
Robert E. w m 5 son TX AL AL
Mary O. w f 2 dau TX AL AL
Emely m f 12 Servant Servant TX TX TX Age is smudged
Evans, Rutledge w m 18 Nephew Laborer AL AL AL
Frank w m 20 Nephew Laborer AL AL AL
225 233 Goza, Annie Kee w f 33 Hotel Keeper MS NC TN
Redus, Louis A. w m 12 son at School TX AL MS
George M. w m 10 son at School TX AL MS
McLemore, Elizabeth w f 69 Mother Boarder TN GA GA
Carethen, John T. w m 28 Boarder Musicion AL AL AL
Vermillion, William w m 48 Boarder Saddler VA VA VA
226 234 Hendrick, Bernard w m 44 School Teacher KY KY KY
Mary D. w f 34 wife Keeping House KY KY KY
Henrietta w f 17 dau at Home KY KY KY
Thomas G. w m 16 son at School KY KY KY
Almeda w f 12 dau at School KY KY KY
William D. w m 8 son At School KY KY KY
Harvy w m 6 son KY KY KY
Babe w m 5 son TX KY KY
Callie w f 3 dau TX KY KY
Bernard C. w m 1 son TX KY KY
227 235 McGeha, Annie w f 64 Hotel Keeper SC SC SC
Christiannie w f 34 dau at Home MS SC AL
Mitchel, Bazel b m 33 Servant Servant MD MD MD
Harkness, James C. B. w m 37 Boarder Sheriff Frio Co AL SC AL
Lister, Francis E. w m 32 Boarder Depty Sheriff LA AL MS
Fechan, Daniel w m 34 Boarder Black Smith Ireland Ireland Ireland
Krause, Joseph w m 18 Boarder U. S. M Carrier TX Austria Austria
Foster, John B. w m 21 Boarder U. S. M. Carrier TX MO TX
Nicholson, Edmund G. DR w m 40 Boarder Physican MD DE MD
McCaughan, Lee N. w m 22 Boarder U. S. M Carrier TN NC KY
Page No 27, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 17 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
228 236 Woodward, John G. w m 64 Co Treasurer NY England Ireland
Mary A. w f 56 wife Keeping House LA PA blurred
Hennin, Kate w f 16 niece at School MS IL MS
Annie w f 14 niece at School MS IL MS
229 237 Earnest, Edward W. Dr. w m 31 Physican GA TN IA see note 60
Annie w f 26 wife Keeping House IL IL IL
Lauretta w f 8 dau TX GA IL
William E. w m 6 son TX GA IL
230 238 Hart, Benjamin T. w m 46 Clerk Dry Good Store NC NC NC
Emely P. w f 37 wife Keeping House NC NC NC
Emma w f 11 dau at School NC NC NC
Benjamine w m 9 son TX NC NC
Herbert L. w m 6 son Mex Mex Mex
231 239 Vargas, Antonio w m 40 Jeweler TX Mex Mex
Antonio Jr. w m 5 son TX Mex Mex
Benito w m 2 son TX Mex Mex
Tomas w m 2/12 son MS TN GA
232 240 Neatherlin, Lewis W. w m 48 Stock raiser AL AL MS
Mary E. w f 43 wife Keeping House TX MS AL
Alise V. w f 24 dau at Home TX MS AL
Ferdonia w f 14 dau at Home TX MS AL
Albert L. w m 12 son at School TX MS AL
Spiva A. w m 6 son TX MS AL
Mary A. w f 3 dau TX MS AL
Earl L. w m 7/12 son TX MS AL
DeLoach, Francis I. W f 20 dau Laborer TX MS AL
Hughes, Francis M. w m 38 Laborer MO KY KY
233 241 Austin, Harrietta mw mw? 45 Keeping House AL AL AL
234 242 Jukes, Joseph w m 42 Huckster England England England
Martha w f 43 wife Keeping House Ireland England Greece
Ffoulks, Edward w m 22 s-son Huckster England England Ireland
Dudly w m 21 s-son Huckster England England Ireland
Christodilla w f 19 s-dau at Home England England Ireland
Florence w f 17 s-dau at Home England England Ireland
Pickford, Charles w m 20 nephew Huckster England England England
235 243 Benevedas, Jose M. w m 40 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Marketa w f 50 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
236 244 Roderiguez, Pomposa w m 35 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Phillippa w f 28 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Hollionita w f 3 dau TX Mex Mex
Juan w m 2 son TX Mex Mex
Garcia, Raphiol w m 45 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Losano, Jose A. w m 40 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
237 245 Gandira, Theodore w m 35 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Manuel w m 7 son Mex Mex Mex
Patra w m 8 son TX Mex Mex
Santos w m 5 son TX Mex Mex
Sandovol, Antonio w f 59 g-mother Keeping House TX Mex Mex
238 246 Andrathu, Padro w m 36 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Tula w f 36 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Page No 28, Enumeration Dist. 59 - 17 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
Torres, Hulian w m 28 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
239 247 Martenez, Florencio w m 20 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Rosa w f 21 Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Jesus w m 4 son TX Mex Mex
Delores w f 3 dau TX Mex Mex
Louisana w f 1 dau TX Mex Mex
240 248 Alvirado, Antonio w m 30 Laborer Mex Mex Mex
Delores w f 25 wife Keeping House Mex Mex Mex
Sabena w f 1 TX Mex Mex
Clinton, James H. w m 40 Laborer TX OH MS
Mayes, Andrew S. w m 22 Laborer TX unk unk
241 249 Bibb, Thomas B. w m 40 Dry Goods Merchant AL VA VA
Sallie(?) V. w f 31 wife Keeping House Al France AL
Willie H. w m 11 son at school AL AL AL
John C. w m 8 son at school LA AL AL
Lula M. w f 4 dau TX AL AL
Thomas R. w m 2 son TX AL AL
250 Powers, Louiza L. w f 50 sister Keeping House AL VA VA
Mary K. w f 21 niece at Home AL VA AL
Virginia C. w f 17 niece at Home AL VA AL
Joseph L. w m 10 nephew at School AL VA AL
Greenwood, Bevelry b m 16 servant Servant AL NC AL
Rowell, John S. w m 35 School Teacher Scotland Scotland Scotland
242 251 Massey, Edward w m 41 Teamster MO MO MO
Elizabeth w f 29 wife Keeping House AL AL AL
Henry w m 14 son Teamster TX MO AL
William w m 11 son at School TX MO AL
Ira w m 8 son TX MO AL
Jose D. w f 3 dau TX MO AL
243 252 Massey, Warren w m 25 Laborer TX MO AL
Ellen w f 20 wife Keeping House TX TX TX
Edward w m 5 son TX TX TX
Andrew w m 3 son TX TX TX
Thomas w m 1 son TX TX TX

55 William J. Allen married Anie E. Berry on 5 December 1872 [Frio County, Texas marriage records].
56 W. C. Dougherty married Julia A. Oden on 28 October 1866 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
57 Joseph Taylor married Sarah Stokes on 31 July 1875 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
58 A. Foreman married Nancy Wilton on 6 February 1873 [Medina County, Texas marriage records].
59 Jas. L. Vickers married Eliza A. Mansfield on 21 September 1876 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
60 Dr. Edward W. Earnest married Annie Lyons on 21 July 1870 [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
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