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1880 Federal Census

ED 60, Pages 17-19

This section of the 1880 Frio County census was transcribed by Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman. An attempt was made to transcribe all information (spelling) exactly as it appeared on the census. Some names were very difficult to read and subjected to interpretation. These names have a question mark beside them (some were probably missed). Some of the names were obviously misspelled by the census enumerator or the original census transcriber.
  The month of birth for children who were born within the census years is given in the comment column.
  Information from marriage records and other sources when available are listed via footnotes referenced in the comment column. In a few cases a little family information has been added from my personal genealogical files.
  The transcription can be used freely for family research and distribution to libraries with full consent of the transcriber, however, no permission is granted for its use for sale for financial gain.
  A special thanks to my husband for assisting in typing, deciphering some of the hand writing, and doing the full-name index.
  © 1999, Elerie Ann Shoemake Bowman
Page No 17, Enumeration Dist. 60 - 17 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
126 146 Ward, L. T. w m 47 Farmer TN TN TN see note 81
H. w f 36 wife House Keeping TX AL AL
Jose w f 17 dau at home TX TN TX
Wm w m 15 son going to school TX TN TX
Julia w f 13 dau going to school TX TN TX
Martha w f 11 dau going to school TX TN TX
Ider w f 9 dau TX TN TX
John w m 6 son TX TN TX
Annie w f 4 dau TX TN TX
Dempsie w f 1 dau TX TN TX
Heard, W. F. w m 40 Laborer KY KY KY
Walters, Russele w m 22 Laborer TX Baden Baden
127 147 Bocker, J. F. w m 23 Stock Raiser TX Prusia France
Louise w f 18 wife House Keeping TX Prusia France
S. w f 6/12 dau TX TX TX Dec
128 148 Marran, Joseph w m 23 Stock raiser TX France France
Louis w m 24 bro Farmer TX France France
129 149 Hess, Jas M. w m 48 Farmer TN AL AL
M. D. w f 44 wife House Keeping MS AL VA
John w m 14 son going to school TX TN MS
Alice w f 10 dau going to school TX TN MS
130 150 Reap, Mark w m 40 Farmer AR MS MS
Nancy w f 35 wife House Keeping MS MS MS
Martin w m 7 son AR AR MS
Susan w f 4 dau TX AR MS
131 151 Randle, G. W. w m 45 Farmer TN NC NC see note 82
Sarah w f 29 wife House Keeping TX MS MS
H. C. w m 10 son TX TN TX
J. R. w m 9 son TX TN TX
N. N. w f 6 dau TX TN TX
T. T. w m 4 dau TX TN TX
M. D. w m 2 son TX TN TX
Mirtle w f 5/12 dau TX TN TX Jan
132 152 Mayes, W. w m 65 Farming TN SC NC
Mary A. w f 63 wife House Keeping PA PA PA
A. J. w m 24 son Laborer TX TN PA
John E. w m 20 son Laborer TX TN PA
Margaret w f 18 dau at home TX TN PA
Page No 18, Enumeration Dist. 60 - 18 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
133 153 Woodard, G.A. w m 53 Farmer NC NC NC
B. A. w f 59 wife House Keeping NC NC NC
Petty, Jane w f 26 s-dau at home TN NC NC
Cordelia w f 20 s-dau at home TX NC NC
Melissia w f 20 s-dau at home TX NC NC
Effice w f 2 g-dau TX TN TN
134 154 Redemon, S. W. w m 35 Farmer MO MO MO
M. A. b f 38 wife House Keeping TN VA BC
Ida m f 13 dau at home KS MO TN
Pirce, Wm m m 6 Hdp son TX TX TX
135 155 Matison, W. b m 24 Farmer MO MO MO
Sarah b f 21 wife Homes Keeping TX VA MS
Martha b f 4 dau TX MO TX
Carrie b f 2 dau TX MO TX
Melia b f 1 dau TX MO TX
136 156 Banks, Henry b m 55 Farmer VA VA VA
Mary b f 44 wife House Keeping MS MS MS
Clara b f 19 dau at home TX VA MS
John b m 18 son Laborer TX VA MS
Thos b m 16 son Laborer TX VA MS
Hixey b f 11 dau goes to school TX VA MS
Isibel b f 10 dau TX VA MS
Will b m 8 son TX VA MS
Cordelia b f 7 dau TX VA MS
Cora b f 5 dau TX VA MS
Annie b f 3 dau TX VA MS
Frank b m 3/12 son TX VA MS Mar
137 157 Irvin, John b m 35 Farmer TN TN TN
Matilda b f 24 wife House Keeping TX VA VA
John b m 3 son TX TN TX
Sarah b f 1 dau TX TN TX
Page No 19, Enumeration Dist. 60 - 19 & 21 June 1880
Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Comment
138 158 Amberson, R. G.(?) W m 28 Farmer TX MS TN
G. A. w f 20 wife House Keeping MS MS MS
139 159 Kerr, (initials smeared) w m 44 Farmer TN TN TN see note 85
M. H. w f 38 wife House Keeping GA GA GA
Thos A. w m 17 son works on Farm TX TN GA
Mollie w f 15 dau going to school TX TN GA
W. A. w m 13 son work on Farm TX TN GA
Ida L. w f 9 dau TX TN GA
J. D. w m 7 son TX TN GA
W. W. w m 18 nephew works on Farm TX TN TN
140 160 Cook, J. T. b m 30 Farmer TN TN TN see note 83
Margaret b f 24 wife House Keeping KY KY KY
S. A. b f 3 wife TX TN KY
W. A. b m 2 son TX TN KY
Newton, A. b f 20 s-in-law at home TX KY KY
141 161 Curtis, Green b m 26 Farmer TN TN TN see note 84
Sarah m f 23 wife House Keeping TX AR ?
Henry m m 4 son TX TN TX
Alex m m 2 son TX TN TX
Carrie m f 1/12 dau TX TN TX May
Ford, Susan m f 27 at home TX TN ?
142 162 Molms, Theo w m 43 Farmer Bavaria Bavaria Bavaria
Louisa w f 33 wife House Keeping TX Prusia Prusia
Martha w f 10 dau TX Bavaria TX
Emma w f 8 dau TX Bavaria TX
Rosebud w f 5 dau TX Bavaria TX
Charles w m 2 son TX Bavaria TX
143 163 Wagner, John w m 48 Stock Raiser Wurtenburg, Wurtenburg, Wurt.
McFarland, D. K. w m 45 Superinta Stock Raiser OH OH OH
Schubert, A. w m 21 Laborer Shepherd Sachsen Sachsen, Baiern
Herman w m 19 Shepher Shepherd Sachsen Sachsen, Baiern
Roderiques, Juan w m 28 Laborer Shepherd Mex Mex Mex
Crus, M. w m 15 Laborer Shepherd Mex Mex Mex

81 Lycurgus T. Ward married Hannah Emeline Davidson on 14 January 1858, [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
82 G. W. I. Randle married Sarah Langly on 1 September 1868, [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
83 Jas. T. Cook married Maggie Harrison on 30 August 1875, [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
84 Green Curtis married Sarah Navarro on 27 March 1875, [Atascosa County, Texas marriage records].
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