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Tax Roll, 1910

contributed by John Hawley in March, 2000

The following named individuals were on the Frio County 1910 tax rolls dated October 8, 1910.

This information was extracted from microfilm files located at the San Antonio Main Library Genealogy Department.

Some residents owned acreage. Others owned city/town property. While others owned both. If you find a name with no property notation then they owned other taxable commodities such as live stock, business, etc. If a city (locale) is indicated that means that individual owned (lots/blocks) within that city. I placed a "?" next to names where the spelling might be incorrect. Also, it was difficult to distinguish between some initials "T" and "F". [John Hawley]

Assessor: J.C. James
County Judge: Leo W. Curtis
Commissioner Precinct 1: Richard Nelms
Commissioner Precinct 2: J.T. Bush
Commissioner Precinct 3: R.L. Wolfe
Name Acres Lots/Blocks
Adams, A.D. 320
Adams, Buck 156
Adams, C.D. 529
Adams, G.F. and Co.
Adams, G.F. and Co.
Adams, J. Q. ? Dilley
Adams, R.E.
Adams, W.A. 800
Adcock, R.H. 960
Aguilar, Fernando Pearsall
Aguilar, Mariano Pearsall
Aguirre, Pancho
Aguirre, Sixto
Alexander, W.J. 1227
Allen, E.L. Pearsall
Alley, W.P.
Andrada, Eslina Dilley
Andrada, Maria Pearsall
Andrada, Pedro Pearsall
Andrews, W.E. Moore
Angell, W.V. Pearsall
Applewhite, Hugh 165
Applewhite, Lee 314
Ardis, L.A. 263
Arellano, Francisco Pearsall
Arellano, Trinidad Pearsall
Armstrong, Andrew Pearsall
Armstrong, Jas. Pearsall
Armstrong, Mrs. F.A. ? Pearsall
Arnold, Dan 650 Pearsall
Arnold, J.N. 1113
Arnold, W.A. 8000
Arthur, C.P.
Arthur, P.E. 1275
Atkinson, Geo. M. Pearsall
Avant, R.F. Dilley
Babazo, Gregorio Pearsall
Bailey, J.A.S.
Balderas, Miguel
Balino, Frances Pearsall
Bandy, J.E. 333 Moore
Bandy, J.F.
Banks, Lucy Pearsall
Barller, John Pearsall
Barnes, S. 32
Barnes, Wall
Barron, Wm. L.
Basquez, Quino ?
Beach, N.A.
Beeson, R.L. 320
Beever, C.H. 1500
Beever, Geo. H. Pearsall
Bell, J.H. Derby
Beloz, Catarino Pearsall
Bennett, G.C.
Bennett, Harry
Bennett, John 2300
Bennett, Richard
Bennett, S.A.
Bennett, Walter
Bennett, Wm. 370
Berban, Est. John 42
Berry, J.E. 8200
Berry, J.E. 1280
Berry, John
Betts, Mrs. Nina 160
Biediger, Aug. 158 Moore
Biediger, Ed 1.5
Biediger, P. ? 105
Bierlein, J.P. 857
Bilhartz, August Pearsall
Bilhartz, Henry
Bilhartz, Joseph 72 Pearsall
Billingsley, J.E. Dilley
Billingsley, Jess Pearsall
Bippert, F.R.
Bishop, S.D.
Bivins, John F. Sr 1050
Blackaller, Est. J.H. 13431 Frio Town
Blackaller, G.A. 5 Pearsall
Blackaller, L.E. 4
Blackwell, J.B. Moore
Blanco, Gertudis 160
Bohl, A.P.
Bohl, E.L. 320
Boon, Wm. Pearsall
Bosgur Del Fiburcio ?, Pearsall
Bowen, Mrs. Bell 406
Boyd, J. F. ?
Boyd, J.J. 160
Brake, Mrs. M.C. Pearsall
Branch, J.O. Pearsall
Branch, J.V. 165
Braun, F.C. 339
Braun, J.G. 1650
Braun, O.G. Moore
Bright, E.G. Dilley
Briscoe, Payne 1025
Brooks, H.R. 200
Brown, A.B.
Brown, Est. B. 5698
Brown, R.L. 160 Pearsall
Brown, S.F.
Brown, W.O. 3547
Brown, W.R. 213
Bryant, J.S. 304
Bryson, J.R. 172
Buck, J.E.
Bullard, Jessie 84
Bullock, L.O. 46
Burden, J.L. 1325
Burk, J.F.
Burks, Mrs. M.N. 641
Burnett, Garnett and Co.
Burnett, W.H.
Busby, C.L. 1100
Busby, O.M. 1149 Pearsall
Bush, C.E.
Bush, J.T. 320
Bush, S.N. 35
Butler, W.C. Jr.
Butler, W.C.
Buttles, B.E.
Buttles, J. Sr. Pearsall
Buttles, Palma 300
Cabello, Martin
Cady, H. et al 2000
Calicut, C.G. 65 Dilley
Calk, C.P.
Calk, J.P. Derby
Callahan, A.B.
Camero, Perfino
Campbell, J.E. Jr.
Campbell, J.M. 15700 Pearsall
Cannon, F.C.
Cantu, Balente Pearsall
Cantu, Rosa Dilley
Cardenas, Gracia Pearsall
Careser, Francisco ?
Carpenter, T.P. 920
Carranza, Juan
Carroll, A.E.
Carroll, W.E. 284
Carter, J.A. Pearsall
Casas, Ausencio ?
Casas, Juan
Casos, Florentine
Cassos, Jesus
Castanola, A.G. Pearsall
Castillo, Juan Pearsall
Castillo, Placido
Castillos, Frank
Cavender, G.R. Dilley
Cavender, Mrs. S.J. 12 Dilley
Cavender, T.G. Dilley
Cavender, W.S. 200
Chabez, Santana ?
Chadies, Candugo Dilley
Chapa, Ignacio Pearsall
Chapa, N.
Chapa, P. Arzola
Chaves, E. 26
Chisolm, B.B. 180
Christian, J.V.
Clausewitz, F. 736
Clausewitz, Martin
Clausewitz, Will Derby
Cleveland, J.T. 323
Clifton and Matthews, Pearsall
Cloud, L.A. 140
Cochrane, J.S.
Coffee, C.M. 485
Coffman, R.M. 160
Coffman, W.O.
Coker, Clay Pearsall
Coker, T.B. Pearsall
Coleman, E.E.
Coleman, Wiley 100
Comanche, Anastasho
Connelly, R.L. Moore
Conover, B.E. 160
Conover, B.T. 1096 Moore
Conover, F.M. Moore
Cook, John Derby
Cook, K.T. Derby
Cook, O.H.
Cook, T.C.
Cordoba, Aunlto ? Pearsall
Cordoba, Luzs
Cordoba, Marial
Cordoba, Santros de Reina Pearsall
Cortez, Orliviana Pearsall
Couser, Chas. 3
Couser, G.W. 152
Couser, J.M. 398
Couser, Mrs. M.A. 174
Cowden and Cowden, 36539
Cowley, W.B. 5107 Pearsall
Cox, J.C. 360
Coy, Eloisa Santos Dilley
Craig, J.W.
Crain, P.M. 1280
Crawford, V.T. 1001 Pearsall
Cronin, Wm. J. 320
Cross, J.W. 160
Cross, W.L. 610
Cruez, Crespin
Cruz, Ben Moore
Cruz, Eveal Dilley
Cude, A.S.
Cude, B.T. 265 Moore
Cude, E.L.
Cude, Joe
Cude, Mrs. N.N. 173
Cude, N.W. Sr. 200
Cude, V.H.
Cude, W.S.
Cude, W.T. 80
Cude, W.W.
Culpepper, Mrs. S.E. 1280
Curry, J.L. 100
Curtis, A.L. 28
Curtis, A.L. & Lula & Geo. 83
Curtis, A.L. and Lula 74 ??
Curtis, Delbert 320
Curtis, Geo. W. Pearsall
Curtis, Green ? 250
Curtis, W.A.
Dalton, G.B.
Dannell, M.D.
Darlington, Mrs B.T. 2959 Dilley
Daughertry, Mrs. Dessie ? Pearsall
Davidson, Mrs. C.A. 1
Davidson, W.H. and Co.
Davidson, W.H. and Co. Moore
Davila, Carloty Pearsall
Davila, Cruez Pearsall
Davis, J.R. Pearsall
Davis, John A. Pearsall
Davis, Mrs. M.P. 22
Dehos, Francisco
DeLuna, T.
Denson, H.Y.
Devilbiss, C.H. 10
Devilbiss, Ernest Pearsall
Devilbiss, Luther Pearsall
Devilbiss, M.E.
Devilbiss, Mrs. M.P. Pearsall
Devilbiss, Mrs. T.A. Pearsall
Devilbiss, Tom Pearsall
Dew, H.L.
Dewoody, T.V. Dilley
Diaz, Calistro Dilley
Diaz, Jesus
Diaz, Manuel Dilley
Dillahunty, C. 247
Dillard, N. 75
Dixon, R.E. 240
Donnell, Tom
Donnell, W.E.
Donovan, Mrs. H.J. 160
Dover, W.W. Dilley
Dowe, Est. J.M. 512
Dowe, F.T. Sr. Pearsall
Duke, S.J.
Dumont, J.T. 4 Pearsall
Duncan, Ben Jr. 200
Duncan, Ben Sr 1962 Moore
Duncan, Jess Moore
Duncan, R.S.
Dunks, J.J.
Dunlap, A.
Dunlap, J.H. 5
Dunlap, R. 420
Dunlap, W.C.
Dunmore, W.S. 355
Dunn, J.A. 605
Echols, J.P. 180
Echols, T.
Edmonstone, A.T. 500 Dilley
Edmonstone Mercantile Co., Dilley
Edwards, C.H. 605
Edwards, John 640
Edwards, L.C. 2001
Edwards, L.D. Moore
Edwards, L.J.W. 8103
Edwards, W.C. 4000
Eldridge, J.C. 300
Eldridge, J.D. 2259
Eldridge, Lee
Eldridge, S.I. 14952
Eldridge, T.D. 320
Eldridge, Tobe
Ellis, C.C.
Ellis, J.D.
Ellis, S.H.
Ellis, W.W. 392
Ellison, J.W. 25
Ellison, Mrs, S.C. 349 Moore
Ellison, Sam ?
English, Jim. W. Pearsall
Erskine, J.F. 154
Escobedo, Cristobal Moore
Estrada, Timotara
Farnsworth, G.W. 45
Favor, A.J. 160
Favor, Brit 160
Favor, C.C. 1
Favor, Tom 106
Fenneman, Ed Moore
Ferguson, A.O. 180 Moore
Ferguson, D.B.
Ferguson, J.C. Moore
Ferguson, W.T. 160
Field, J.E. Pearsall
Field, S.S. 255
Finch, A.B. Dilley
Finch, C.C. 467
Finch, Dave 160
Finch, L.B. 160
Fiore, G.H.
Flores, Delfino Pearsall
Forester, C.J.
Forester, J.R. Pearsall
Forester, R.H.
Fort, H.H. 158
Foster, E.C.
Foster, G.S. 284
Foster, Lee 485 Pearsall
Foster, Miss Hettie 282
Foster, T.W. 184
Fowler, P.M.
Franklin, S.T.
Franks, G.W.
Franks, Mrs. Martha 320
Franks, Sam
Franks, W.A.
Frazier, C.W. 160
Frazier, J.H. 160
French, C.E.
Frio Cotton Oil Co., 2
Fryer, R.M.
Fuller, D.W. 161
Fuller, Hugh
Fuller, J.H. Pearsall
Fuller, J.W. 6 Pearsall
Fuller, Willie & Hazel 534
Fullerton, Horace
Fullerton, P.Y.
Funk, Wm
Furguson, A.W. Pearsall
Furguson, J.W. 230
Furguson, W.W. 310
Gallegos, Salone
Galvan, Mauro
Gammage, W.B.
Gansabado, Calletano
Garcia, Atiliano
Garcia, Atilino
Garcia, Felix
Garcia, Isadora Dilley
Garcia, Jesus Pearsall
Garcia, Landro
Garcia, Onofoe ? Dilley
Garcia, Pompetia Pearsall
Gardner, J.E.
Gardner, J.W. 671
Garner, D.
Garner, Issac
Garrett, G.B. 100
Garrett, T.E.
Garza, Alejandro 8
Garza, Estaban 5
Garza, Eulalio Pearsall
Garza, Francisco 3
Gaston, D.C. 160 Moore
Gebara, Antonio Pearsall
Genobebo, Sabas Pearsall
Geyer, W.A. 320
Gill, R.H. 502
Gill, Roy
Gillispie, M.E.
Gilman, B.I. 5
Goforth, J.F. 318
Gonzales, Anacelto Pearsall
Gonzales, Antonio Dilley
Gonzales, Carlos Pearsall
Gonzales, Leniolia ? Pearsall
Gonzales, Manuel
Gonzales, Marcelo Pearsall
Gonzales, Martinez
Gonzales, Tedora Pearsall
Gordon, C.M. 4146
Gouna, Blas Dilley
Gouna, Cristobal Dilley
Gouna, Manuel 320 Dilley
Govea, Jesus Pearsall
Gravell, J.A. Dilley
Gray, J.E. Pearsall
Gray, J.M.W. 9 Pearsall
Gray, John
Guerrero, Serapio Pearsall
Guevara, Sabar Pearsall
Guiterrez, Juan M. 160
Gusman, Porifirio ? Pearsall
Gutires, Braulio ?
Gutires, Carlos ? Pearsall
Hanner, W.H. 560
Hans, Mrs. Gabe 205 Frio Town & Pearsall
Hardy, C.T. 2004
Harkness, J.C.B. 26 Pearsall
Harr, E.J.
Harr, N.A. Dilley
Harr, W.D. Dilley
Harrell, J.M.
Harrell, W.D. 138
Harrington, H.L.
Harris, C.E. Moore
Harris, D.N.
Harris, F.E.
Harris, H.E.
Harris, J. Will 186
Harris, J.W.
Harris, J.W. 3
Harris, J.W. and Co.
Harris, Joe 86
Harris, M.D. 14
Harris, Mrs. E. 1
Harris, Mrs. W.D.
Harris, P.S. 100 Pearsall
Harris, W.H. Pearsall
Harrison, G.C. 600
Harrison, R.K. Moore
Hassell, J.B. 5
Heard, C.J.M.
Hendrickson, J.T. 196
Henson, Claud
Henson, G.W. 160
Henson, W.A.
Hernandez, Engarison
Hernandez, Gregoria
Hernandez, Hotabano
Hernandez, Inofous
Hernandez, Jacoba
Hernandez, Jose 1
Hernandez, Lucs Moore
Hernandez, Manuel
Hernandez, Reyes
Hernandez, Severo
Hernandez, Ynes Pearsall
Herrin, J. Newton Pearsall
Hess, G.S. Pearsall
Hess, Mrs. W.D. 66
Hickey, J. 152
Higdon, Wm. Pearsall
Hill, Jno. D. and R.T. 28
Hill, John D. 20 Pearsall
Hill, Mrs. Reba 6
Hill, R.T. 18
Hindes, D.W. Pearsall
Hindes, F.D. Pearsall
Hindes, G.F. 5319 Pearsall
Hindes, Mrs. Chas. Pearsall
Hindes, W.R. Pearsall
Hoggatt, W.W.
Holland, A.G. 21 Pearsall
Holland, R.C. Pearsall
Hopkins, A.H. Dilley
Hopkins, Bros ? Dilley
Hopkins, Clara 93 Pearsall
Hopkins, R.B. Dilley
Horne, J.H.
Howard, N.C. 132
Hubbard, Ella M. 377 Pearsall
Hudson, C.H. Pearsall
Hudson, Geo Pearsall
Hudson, I.J.
Hudson, J.T. 20 Pearsall
Hudson, R.W. Pearsall
Hudson and Davis,
Hugo, O.G. 2116 Dilley
Huie, Mrs. M.V. and Son Pearsall
Isbell, G.W.
James, J.C. Pearsall
Jensen, T. 1559 Moore
Jerkins, Joe 160
Johnson, Buck 78
Johnson, C.H. 6
Johnson, H.E. 843 Moore
Johnson, Harry
Johnson, J.W. 265
Johnson, L.W. 164 Moore
Johnson, Mrs. F.A. Pearsall
Johnson, Quill
Johnson, V.
Johnson, W.D.
Johnson, W.D. and Co.
Jones, A. 117 Moore
Jones, Bill
Jones, C.E. 2
Jones, H.H.
Jones, Mrs. E.P. 640
Jones, Mrs. J.A. 160
Jones, N.W. 16 Moore
Jordan, J.W.
Juarez, Estevan Pearsall
Keeney, R.D. 340
Kellams Bros.,
Kelly, J.B. 95
Kelly, R.B. 160
Kemper, J.M. 15 Pearsall
Kempf, Chas. 160
Kercheville, Mack
Kerr, C.E. 400
Kerr, J.R.T.
Kilgore, W.Y. 213
King, I.A. 10
King, J.J.
Kinsel, D.P.
Kinsel, J.A. 375
Kinsel, J.T. 2694
Kinsel, J.W. 127
Kinsel, Jess
Kinsel, R.A. 250 Dilley
Kinsel, R.A. and J.A. 125
Kirkham, John
Kirkham, Mrs. C.P.
Kirschke, John
Kolb, A.J. 15
Laldibor, Remunda
Langley, Mrs. Oma 1
Lann, N.
Lason, Crawford Bigfoot
Lauderback, D.E.
Lauderback, W.A. 160
Laughenhouse, J.A. 159
Lawes, L.L. 160
Lawrence, J.T. Dilley
Laxton, H.N. 2
Leach, J.A. 160
Leach, L.
Lee, C.E. 346 Pearsall
Lee, E.F.
Lee, Floyd
Lee, J.E. 916
Lee, J.R. 640
Lee, W.W. 450
Lee, Will
Leinneweber, Mrs. P.W. 106
Lenderman, C.L. 111
Lilly, A.A. 1
Lilly, E.A. Pearsall
Lilly, G.C. 166 Pearsall
Lindholm, M.W. 284
Lindholm, O.E. 1024
Lippard, D.C. 290
Little, D.B. 5245 Frio Town
Little, D.B. and F.C. 2733
Little, Fannie C. 3343
Little, J.F. Pearsall
Little, J.G. 247
Little, J.J. 5715 Pearsall
Little, R.A. 15
Little, S.L.
Littleton, R.T. 320
Long, J.D. 1361
Long, J.M. 321
Long, J.N. 971
Long, J.N. and Maggie 2733
Long, M.E.
Long, Mrs. Maggie 3835
Long, R.J. Pearsall
Long, W.A.
Long and Shelton, 1011
Lopez, Adelaido Pearsall
Lopez, Amelio Pearsall
Lopez, Delores Pearsall
Love, J.R. 428
Lowe, L.A.
Lowe, Mrs. M.C. 214
Loxton, J.H. 14116
Lozano, G.W. 480
Lugo, Levatian
Luna, Doniciano de 392 Pearsall
Luna, Lagruana D. ? Pearsall
Mabry, J.H. Dilley
Madero, Silbero Dilley
Madison, J.S. 480
Magness, J.C. Pearsall
Malone, E.C.
Malone, J.J.
Malone, J.W.
Malone, R.E.
Malone, R.J. 1766
Maney, E.P. 110
Maney, H. Jr. 1280 Pearsall
Maney, M. 110 Pearsall
Marion, J.T. 3735
Marks, E.H. 240
Martin, Green Pearsall
Martin, L.T. 1298
Martin, T.J. 115 Dilley
Martinez, Antonio Pearsall
Martinez, Florencio 1
Martinez, Juan
Martinez, Lazaro 160 Moore
Martinez, Lino Pearsall
Martinez, Ramon
Massengale, J.F. 186
Matthew, J.C. 22
Matthews, Miss E. Pearsall
Mays, C.G. 6
Mays, D.H. 200
Mays, J.N. 21
Mays, N.M. 240
McAda, J.W.
McAfee, J.P. Dilley
McAfee and Edmonstone, 76 Dilley
McBee, John 200
McBee, Mark
McBee, W.A. 297
McCampbell, B.F. 161
McCandless, G.H. 872
McCaughey, John400
McConnell, W.B.
McCracken, W.C.
McDougal, A.J. 2
McFadden, R.N. 1266 Moore
McGlothin, J.B. 200
McGlothin, T.H. Dilley
McKinley, G.W.
McKinley, N.S. 320
McKinley, W.W. 3123
McKinney, H.C.
McKinney, W.C. 13
McKinnley & Summers, 16
McMahan, J.T.
McWhorter, J.A. 44
McWhorter, J.E.
McWhorter, Jas. M.
McWhorter, John
Meeks, Mrs. J.T. 501 Dilley
Melendrez, Jose Pearsall
Melms, Mrs. L. 2802
Melms, Richard
Melon Mercantile Co., 1
Melon Ware Huse, 1
Mendas, Colomena ?
Mercer, E.L.
Mercer, J.T. 26
Mercer Drug Co.,
Metcalf, J.A.
Milam, O.E. 3
Miller, C.R. Dilley
Miller, F.O. 132 Moore
Miller, J.W.
Miller, T.B. 644
Mills, H.H. 300 Dilley
Mills, M.V. 20
Mills, Mrs. M.A. 159
Mirels, Francisco
Mitchell, Newton
Mixon, G.K. 1
Moleno, Geo.
Molino, Christiana
Moore, Gin Co. Moore
Moore, J.N.
Moore, L.W. 155
Moore, P.F. 650
Moore, P.K.
Moore, R.A. Sr. 6 Pearsall
Moore, Rufe
Moore, T.N.
Moore, W.G.
Moore Mercantile Co.,
Moquech, Juan Pearsall
Morales, Casimera Dilley
Morales, G.O. Pearsall
Morales, Geronimo 320
Moreno, Cepriano
Moreno, Eulogio Pearsall
Moreno, Fales ?
Moreno, Luis Pearsall
Moreno, Nicolas Pearsall
Moreno, Pedro Pearsall
Morin, Reyes Pearsall
Motley, W.R. Dilley
Mudd, A.C. 679
Mudd, E.A. Pearsall
Mudd, G.H. 640
Muniz, Juan
Muniz, Londes
Munoz, Francisco
Murphy, J.E. 363
Murphy, W.T.
Murray, A.J.
Murray, E.B.
Murray, J.M. 160
Navarro, Ed
Navarro, Propino
Neatherlin, B.
Neatherlin, Mrs. E.J. 561 Dilley
Neeley, Houston ??? Pearsall
Neill, J.C.
Newsom Bros.,
Nicholson, John
Nicholson, Mrs. N.J. 2
Nixon, B.K.
Nixon, J.K. 1016
Nixon, R.S.
Nixon, T.P.
Noel, E.W. 5
Nolen, A.S. 107
Norvell, J.B. 117
Nowlin, T.P. 492
Noys, Geo.
Obets, Aug. Jr 302
Obets, Aug. Sr. 1234 Moore
Obets, Chas. 2845 Moore
Obets, E.A. Moore
Obregon, Apolano
Oliver, J.G. 155
Orelia Gin Co., 2
Ornelas, Carlos
Orr, Mrs. E. Pearsall
Osteryoung, Louis 10
Outlaw, E.
Outlaw, Mrs. C.E. 170
Owings, Est. L. 22
Owings, J.D. Pearsall
Padalla, Martin Pearsall
Palacios, Pedro Pearsall
Park, D. 96
Park, F.L. 126
Park, R.S. 1931
Parker, A.D.
Parker, Dan Sr.
Parker, J.A.
Parker, John
Parker, M.A.
Parker, M.B.
Parl, Wm.
Patillo, W.A. Dilley
Patterson, J.D. 5
Patterson, R.W.
Patterson, S.F.
Pearsall Gin Co., 3
Pearsall Mercantile Co., Pearsall
Pena, Pablo Pearsall
Penland, J.W.
Perez, Demecio Pearsall
Perez, geronimo
Perez, Lenofio Dilley
Perez, Yndolerio
Phelps, S.T. Pearsall
Phillips, D.F.
Phillips, R.E. 525
Pigford, Mrs. Annie 160 Pearsall
Pigford, Mrs. Mary 160
Pisot, Adam
Porter, R.N. Pearsall
Pouncey, C.E.J. 925
Pouncy, D.B. Dilley
Powell, E.T. 320
Powell, E.T. 675
Powell, Jas. Pearsall
Pranglin, Jno. L. Pearsall
Pranglin, Mrs. Bessie 35 Pearsall
Pruett, A.E.
Pruett, A.L. 110
Pruett, Andrew
Pruett, D.D. Pearsall
Pruett, E.J.
Pruett, Frank
Pruneda, Abarista Dilley
Ramel, P.V. 800
Ramirez, Eugenio Pearsall
Ramon, C.
Rankel Falipe ?,
Rankin, J.A. 320
Rankin, J.T.
Rankin, W.D. 733
Ratcliff, M.V. 22
Raveilo, Garvenia Dilley
Ray, E.T.
Redditt, R. 985 Pearsall
Reed, O.L.
Reed, R.D.
Reed, Richard Pearsall
Reina, Natividad Pearsall
Reiosas, Mersa
Rena, Guadalupe Moore
Renteria, Juan Pearsall
Reyna, Jacinto
Reyna, Martin
Reyos, Gregoria
Rhodes, Mrs. S. Pearsall
Richardson, Warren
Ricks, J.B.
Ricks, W.H.
Ridgeway, S.H. 930
Riggan, J.M. 220 Pearsall
Riggs, S.J.
Riggs, T.B. 429
Riojas, Silbiano 160
Roberts, Artie C. 5260
Roberts, Bruce 1
Roberts, Ed 1499
Roberts, S.C. 1600 Pearsall & Derby
Roberts, W.A. 1600
Roberts, W.A. and A.C. ? 3736
Roberts, W.A. and Co.
Robledo, Faustino
Robledo, Manuel
Roche, Mrs. M.A. 800
Rodriguez, Dario Pearsall
Rodriguez, Florentino Dilley
Rodriguez, Jesus Moore
Rodriguez, Lauro Dilley
Rogers, E.H.
Rogers, J.A. 240
Rogers, Lon
Rogers, Paul
Rogers, R.H. 587
Rogers, W.F.
Rogers, W.H. 310
Rogers and Co., Dilley
Ross, Jas. 320
Ross, Louis
Rosson, Carl 2
Rouse, Guterez Pearsall
Rowell, Mrs. L.L.
Rowland, E.B. 560
Rubalcarda, Casemire
Rubenstein, Ben & Sol 167 Pearsall
Rubenstein Mercantile Co.,
Ruede, O.M. 640
Ruiz, Lucio
Ruiz, S.R. Dilley
Rumfield, F.M. ?
Rumfield, J.H.
Rumfield, Mrs. M.A. 1464
Rummel, F.W. 438
Rummel, G.A.
Rummel, R.C.
Rummell, G.H.
Russell, W.A.
Russell, W.E. Pearsall
Rutledge, E.B. Pearsall
Ryland, J.A. 100
Ryman, W.L. 6
Ryman and Co.,
Sackville, H.A. Dilley
Sackville, Wm. 9514 Dilley
Sadler, A.D.
Sadler, G.W. Jr.
Sadler, Geo. W. Jr. 15
Sadler, Mrs. W.A. 175
Saenz, Augstine Cruz Moore
Salas, Satonio ? 2
Salazar, Calletana Pearsall
Saldana, Maunel
Salenis, Marcadio ?
Salidbor, Abran ?
Salina, Miguel
Salinas, Benito Dilley
Salmon, J.T. Pearsall & Dilley
Samulio, Pablo
Sanchez, Demetro Pearsall
Sanchez, Martin Pearsall
Sanchez, Warlupe ?
Sanders, A.D. Pearsall
Sanders, A.R. 1163
Sanders, G. Jr. and Co.
Sanders, Geo W. 1723 Pearsall
Sanders, Geo. R. 1756 Pearsall
Sanders, Geo. W. & Bros Mercanti.
Sanders, Geo. W. & Son
Sanders, Mrs. T.A. Pearsall
Sanders, T.A.
Santos, M.S.
Sauceda, Santos Pearsall
Saunders, Mrs. Ruby Pearsall
Sauter, John
Saxon, Jas. F. Pearsall
Scalloon, E.
Schorp, Jos. 3450
Schorp, L. and J. 4141
Scott, J.E. 5 Pearsall
Scott, K.M. 251
Shelton, L.C.
Sherman, C.T.
Silbas, Domingo 66 Pearsall
Silbas, Juana Pearsall
Silbas, Juana Pearsall
Silbas, martina Pearsall
Silvas, Lazaro
Silvery, Mrs. J.W. 225
Simas, A.D.
Simmons, A.M. 640
Simmons, C.O. 120
Sims, M.R.
Sims, R.L.
Sing, J.R. 68
Sinks, J.W. 5
Sinks, M.B. 592
Sinks, Tom
Skinner, J.K.
Skinner, J.W. 140
Slaughter, Mrs. C.M. 2950
Sledge, L.W.
Smith, B.A. Pearsall
Smith, B.A. & Sons Pearsall
Smith, Chas. G. Pearsall
Smith, Est. Needham Pearsall
Smith, F.G. Pearsall
Smith, G.B.
Smith, L.G.
Smith, L.H. Pearsall
Smith, Magus 741 Pearsall
Smith, Mrs. O.C. 444
Smith, Needham Jr.
Smith, R.J. Jr.
Smith, R.J. Sr. 582
Smith, Thos. 320
Smith, W.B.
Smith, W.F.
Smith, W.H. 110
Soldana, Antonio Moore
Soldana, Pascual
Solonio, Elulerio
Sorrells, J.M.
Sorrells, Louis 107
Sorrells, W.E.
Sotomayor, Mariano
Spear, G.B. 27
Spear, W.J.
Speed, Bob
Speed, J.T. 640
Speed, Jno. J. 640
Speed, Mrs. M.W. 132
Speed, S.G. 8669
Spratt, J.P. et al 3428
Spruill, J.T. 200
Stakes, Waldo
Stalling, S.L. Pearsall
Starr, A.H. 110
Starr, J.L.
Starr, J.M. 478
Starr, J.W.
Starr, John 320
Steele, H.D.
Steinmetz, A. 114
Stewart, A.A.
Stewart, B.F. 217
Stewart, F. S. 207 Dilley
Stewart, H.B. 382
Stewart, J.R. 966 Dilley
Stewart, Mrs. M. 215
Stewart, W.I. 218
Stone, E.
Stone, F.A.
Stone, J.H.
Stribling, W.F.
Strickland, J.F. 320
Strickland, W.W.
Stroman, E.P. 2
Suars, Faustina
Suggs, J.L. 393
Suggs, J.M.
Suggs, W.A.
Sullivan, T.H. Pearsall
Summers, J.B. 332
Summers, M.E.
Summers, W.F.
Sweeney, A.C.
Talley, J.F.
Talley, J.W. 50
Talley, Mrs. Nora C. 910
Tankersley, A.G.
Tankersley, J.W.
Tankersley, M. 70
Tankersley, Porter 418
Tankersley, R.F.
Taylor, G.C 200
Taylor, H.L.
Taylor, Hrs?? Mrs. A.J. 3435
Taylor, L.D. 13
Taylor, Milton 4605
Taylor, Milton & Children 3216
Taylor, W.B.
Taylor, W.H 341
Teal, A.J. Jr
Terry, Wm Dilley
Thalman, C.D. 320
Theanda, Ygnacia
Thetford, J.D. 1529
Thetford, R.W. 1466
Thomas, Mrs. J.S. 138
Thomas, Mrs. S.W. 581
Thomas, R.W. 400
Thomas, W.H. 1
Thompson, Chris 960
Thompson, H.
Thompson, Luct 2614
Thompson, W.F. 2288 Pearsall
Thompson, Walter Pearsall
Thurmond, Fred 1
Thurmond, P.A. Dilley
Thurmond, W.P.
Thurmond Bros., 2
Tilley, V.H.
Toalson, Geo.
Toalson, J.A.
Toalson, J.J.
Tomblin, J.H. 160
Tomblin, R.T.
Tomson, Eric Pearsall
Tores, Manuel
Tores, Octabiana Dilley
Torres, Porfirio Dilley
Trafton, M.C.
Trevino, Albinio
Trickey, Walter Pearsall
Troutz, C.C. 1282
Troutz, George
Troutz, Mrs. Mary 420
Tuggle, N.G. 13
Tuttle, W.R. 100
Tyner, J.J. 108 Pearsall
Tyner, J.W.
Tyree, Est. L.T. Moore
Tyree, J.H. 240
Valdez, Pascuala Pearsall
Valdiaz, Anastia Dilley
Valle, Lucio
Vargas, Antonio Pearsall
Vasher, Mrs. E.W. Pearsall
Vaughn, Mrs. J.W.
Vaughn, V.W.
Vega, Anieto
Vicker, L.C.
Vicker, S.P.
Villareal, Estanislado
Villareal, Francisco
Villareal, Jesus 24
Villareal, Sista Pearsall
Villegas, Juan Dilley
Vining, B.C.
Vinton, Jake 160
Vinton, John
Vinton, Kirb ? 15 Pearsall
Wade, J.D.
Wadzeck, Fred
Walker, H.E. Pearsall
Wallace, W.A. 13
Ward, Bros Dilley
Ward, H.E. 799
Ward, H.J. 796
Ward, Jack
Ward, Mrs. Luah Pearsall
Ward and Bandy, Dilley
Ward and Co., 320
Ware, Mrs. J.L. 1
Watson, C.A. 100
Weatherly, F.T. Pearsall
Weathersby, C.S. 330
Weathersford, W.W.
Webb, J.D. 227
Webb, W.N. 200
Weir, John 315
West, T.J. 462 Moore
Whitaker, A. 2
Whites, W.W. 3
Whitley, B.L.
Whitley, Geo.
Whitley, J.L. 210
Whitley, M.K.
Whitley, Mrs. George 126
Wickware, M.A.
Wier, Geo. C. 160
Wier, J.
Wight, G.T. 226 Moore
Wilburn, F.A. Derby
Wilkins, Wm.
Williams, J.B. 162
Williams, S.W. 126
Williamson, L.C. Moore
Wilson, C.B.
Windrow, J.M.
Winn, A.J. Dilley
Winn, Joe 160
Winters, B.T.
Winters, D.T. 600
Winters, E.C. 100 Moore
Winters, Est. B.F. Moore
Winters, Hartford 1
Winters, Howard 300 Moore & Pearsall
Winters, J.L.
Winters, J.L. 167
Winters, J.W. Moore
Winters, Minor Mrs. B.F. ?? 300
Winters, Mrs. Mattie 1
Winters, Mrs. Sammie Moore
Winters, N.W.
Winters, S.A. 175
Winters, Tob ??
Winters, W.A.
Winters, W.F. Moore
Winters, W.O.
Wipff, E. 359
Witter, C.R. 160
Witter, Lizzie
Witter, R.B. 287
Witter, W.W. 160
Wolfe, Mrs. R.C. 340
Wolfe, R.L. 1600
Wolfe, Walter 894
Wood, M.C. 222
Wood, W.B. 140
Wood, W.R. Dilley
Woodward, Bros 102
Woodward, C.B. 10471 Pearsall
Woodward, C.B. and Ida B. 2652
Woodward, Ida B. 3270
Woodward, J.A.
Woodward, N.P. 4560 Pearsall
Wools, F.H.
Wright, H.C. 360 Dilley
Wright, J.L.
Wright, J.M. Dilley
Wright, W.H. Dilley
Wshitley, J.W. 656
Wyatt, T.S.
Yates, Ed 725
Yates, Mrs. D.P. 2600 Pearsall
Young, B. Moore
Young, B.J. Moore
Young, D.N.
Young, Henry 5
Young, W.T. 320
Youngblood, J.W.
Youngblood, Louis
Youngblood, W.T. 640
Yowell, J.J. Dilley
Zalos, Thomas
Zapata, Miguel Pearsall
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