If you have access to information that may help a researcher, please volunteer to help.Look-up Rules:
1. ONE look-up per email
2. Do not ask for "any information", be specific about what you want.
3. Do not ask the volunteer to search outside the references he has volunteered to search.
We have an offer for lookups for cemeteries in Howard County. Thank you so much Mary! Mary Schuelke has offered to do lookups and photos of tombstones in Ackerly and West Knott Cemeteries. Mary Schuelke
The Genealogical Society of Big Spring has a large selection of books and genealogical information. Members are willing to help with your queries.
The Genealogical Society of Big Spring
500 Main St
Big Spring, TX 79720.
HOWARD COUNTY 1882-1982, published by Howard County Historical Commission. History of pioneer families, cemetery listings (Big Spring and surrounding towns), churches, and businesses.
GETTIN' STARTED - HOWARD COUNTY'S FIRST 25 YEARS, by Joe Pickle. 1980. Includes Howard County (federal) Census, June 24, 1880, Howard County's First Tax Roll (as reported to the State in 1881), listings of physicians, dentists, attorneys, county officials, first telephone customers.
SOUVENIR HISTORY ALBUM-CENTENNIAL, MAY 1981, Arrival of the Railroad, misc. listings.