Historical Newspaper Abstracts
Big Spring Daily Herald Big
Spring, Texas, Sunday Morning, January 5, 1930 Volume
2--No. 187 Section Two
Miss Black At Home to Friends
Miss Lennah Rose Black
entertained a group of young folks in her home Thursday
evening. Games, candy making and informal fun were
diversions of the evening. After guests left, members
of the F. U. N. club were entertained at a slumber
party. Those present were: Misses Imogene Runyan, Veda
Robinson, Lena Kyle, Mary Gene Dubberly, Margaret
Bettle, Elda Mae Cochran, Maxine Thomas, Lennah Rose
Black and Polly Webb.
Mrs. Cunningham Pioneer
Mrs. C.
W. Cunningham was hostess to members of the Pioneer
Bridge Club Thursday afternoon in her home on South
Scurry street. The house was prettily decorated in
Christmas tokens and a large Christmas tree.
delicious two course salad plate was served after the
games, to the following members: Mesdames E. M. Cline,
J. B. Whisenant, and J. R. Dillard, visitors, and
Mesdames J. D. Biles, Albert M. Fisher, W. W. Inkman, R.
C. Strain, Dee Hilliard, Shine Philips, Harry Hurt, C.
W. Cunningham, Homer McNew and E. O. Ellington, club
Spring Boy Scout Troop One Holds Record Second To None
In United States
By Curt Bishop
In the
cold of a February evening a Chicago newspaperman became
lost in the mist of a London fog. Suddenly a youth in a
khaki uniform appeared by his side and offered to guide
him wherever he wanted to go. When he reached his
destination the American was suprised to find the youth
would accept no reward, and upon discovering that he was
a member of the order of scouts founded in England by
the famous Baden-Powell, decided he would introduce the
organization into his own land. And thus came into being
the noblest society for boys the world has ever
known--the Boy Scouts of America.
The foundation
of a chapter in Big Spring was almost instantaneous
after the report of the Chicagoan concerning its worth.
In fact, it is the oldest in continuous service in Texas
and certainly one of the oldest in America, for its
organization date of September, 1911, the same year of
its introduction into the United States, leaves little
for completion.
Thirty boys were in this first
troop, founded at the earnest wishes of Mrs. B. Reagan,
and with C. S. Holmes as the first scoutmaster. Among
those who answered the first bugle call were Horace
Reagan, Harry Stokes, Rueben Stokes, Olden Hull, Carroll
Barnett, Kenneth Barnett, Harry Whelton, John Quinn,
Ralph Rix, Virgil Masters, Aaron Johnson, Vernon
Crawford, Walton Morrison and Merle Lee.
Holmes remained scoutmaster until 1921, earning the
highest badge a scoutmaster can win, when J. M. Manuel
succeeded him. In 1927 F. C. Hopkins, the present
scoutmaster, became supervisor of their activities and
they came under the sponsorship of the Rotary club.
Thirty-two boys now compose the four patrols of the
local organization. Walton Morrison and Mr. Holmes serve
as honorary assistant scoutmasters, Jarrel Pickle, Clyde
Thomas, Walter Smith and Robert Robinson are the four
patrol leaders. There are nine first class scouts: Clyde
Thomas, Walter Smith, Dwayne Ory, Tillman Crance, John
Tilard, Howard Swarzenbach, R. D. Cross, Steve Ford and
Wagner Thomas; seven second class scouts: George Thomas,
Aubrey Davis, C. C. Hart, Thornton Hart, James Ripps,
James Cross and Paul Warren; and eighteen tenderfeet.
Walter Morrison has earned a ten year badge for service
while Allan Stripling and Harmon Morrison merit five
year badges.
Honorary members are Theo Ferguson,
Howard Smith, Joe Pickle, Harmon Morrison, James Smith
and Walton Morrison.
Under the regime of Mr.
Hopkins the local organization of Scouts has advanced
rapidly. This year athletics were introduced in the
routine, and twenty-two of the members responded to the
call for the first Boy Scout gridiron eleven. Games were
played with Colorado and with Stanton, resultin in a tie
and a victory for the locals.
(This is a much
longer article but I have just transcribed the first
portion in order to record the names within the
Whisenant Home Scene of Event for Mrs. Simpson
Complimentary to Mrs.
William Simpson of Midland, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whisenant
were hosts at the first of a series of buffet suppers
and bridge events of the year Friday evening.
house decorations sounded the warm red hues of the
mid-winter, cyclamen being used for floral
embellishments, while red tapers centered the individual
tables. Tables were laid with Venetian cutwork cloths.
Mrs. Harvey Willaimson won ladies' high score award,
a large cyclamen plant, while men's prize, a linen
handkerchief, was presented to Dr. M. H. Bennett. Mrs.
Simpson was remembered with a pair of sheer silk hose.
Those present were: Mrs. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
S. Blomshield, Mr. and Mrs. Newt S. Jennings, Dr. and
Mrs. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. harry Hurt, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Frazier, Dr. J. R. Barcus, Miss Clara Pool, Ira
Thurman, Mrs. Fred Keating, Carroll Barnett, Miss Nell
Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williamson and the hosts.
Spring Daily Herald
Big Spring, Texas
Sunday, January 5, 1930
Pg 4
Public Records
District Court Suits
Fritz R. Smith, Judge
Twila Giles vs Oscar Giles,
Ruth Davidson vs. J. J.
Davidson, divorce.
Mattie Slaton vs J. T. Slaton,
F. W. Kee vs Myrtle Kee,
Effie D. Dickerson vs. J. L.
Dickerson, divorce.
Dora Roberts vs. H. Ferrell,
debt and foreclosure.
T. J. Stewart vs. Gertrude
Stewart, divorce.
West Texas National Bank vs.
O. W. Lowe, suit on note.
Lillie Opal Sides et. vir
Cosden and Company, Inc., damages.
Bertha Lee Conner vs. T.
Conner, divorce.
Marriage Notices
James L. Prichard, County
Kim Long to Vallie Shugerts
Juan Urista to Paula Nabarro
Jose Joquez to Guadelupe B.
W. A. Clarence to Lela Mays.
James L. Prichard, County
Louisa Bauer to Manuel Puga,
warranty deed, lot 6, block 7, Bauer addition.
J. M. Blocker to A. A. Green;
deed, lot 4, Block E, Moore addition.
James Currie to W. B. Currie,
deed to trust, lot 6, block 25, H & T. C. Ry Co. Survey.
W. B. Day to John Nutt, deed,
lot 10, block 60.
J. W. Dutton to Ella M.
Galliher, mineral deed, 220 acres.
G. N. Evans to Idaho Oil
company, mineral deed, section 14, block 33, township
south, T & P Ry Co survey.
Leroy Echols to S. R. Hayler,
deed, lot 19, block 10, Coahoma.
Cole Huffman to J. O. Haney,
deed, part section 22, block 33, township 3 south.
Ruby Hall to H. Clay and Earle
A. Read, deed, lot 6, block 1, Edwards Heights.
G. T. Hall to A. D. Neal,
mineral deed, section 4, block 32, township 2 south.
Idaho Oil Company to J. E.
Knetsch, royalty deed.
International Electric Company
to Texas Electric Service Company, deed, lots 7, 8, 9,
block 3, Tennyson addition; lot 6, block 3, lots 1, 2, 3
block 3 and lots 4 and 5, block 3 Tennyson addition.
L. F. Loudamy to E. H. Lawson,
deed, lot 2, block 20, Cole and Strayhorn addition.
R. F. Lyons to Clayton
Stewart, deed, section 107, block 29, W & N W Ry Co
Kate Pope Morrison to A. R.
Martinez, deed, west half of lot 11, block 99.
Hollis Manly to Henry C.
Jenkins, deed, lots 5 and 6, subdivision E. block 17,
Fairview addition.
T. M. Nelson to Wm. Goat and
E. R. Miller, deed, part of section 11, block
33, township 2 north.
L. S. Patterson to James
Currie, deed, section 6, block 25, H & T C Ry Co survey.
A. J. Parton to A. A. Green,
deed, lot 4, block E, Moore addition.
Fox, Striplin to G. T. Hall,
mineral deed, south half of section 4, block 32,
township 2 south.
H. F. Taylor to G. S. True,
deed, part of section 3, block 33, township 1 south.
Carrie M. Wright to J. W.
Porter, deed lots 5 and 6, block 7, subdivision C,
Fairview addition.
Box Supper Planned at Cauble
The public is cordially
invited to attend a box supper at Cauble school Friday
evening, January 17, at 7:30 o'clock.
Proceeds will be devoted to
school needs, it was announced.
Jury Disagrees.
George West, Tex. Jan. 4. (AP)
-- The jury holding the fate of Roberto Martinez
reported at 11:50 p.m. that they were unable to reach
any agreement and were locked up for the night.
County Youth Charged in Death Of Father
Lamesa, Tex., Jan. 4 (AP) --
Robert Durham, 22, today faced charges of murder in the
slaying of his father, A. J. Durham, at their ranch
home. Charges against the son, held here, were filed
elder Durham was shot to death with a shot gun last
Monday, four charges entering his body. Officers
believed the first was fired through a window, while the
aged farmer was lying on his bed. He ran screaming from
the house, and at least two more charges struck him as
he ran down the road. Durham died a short time after the
fourth shot was heard.
Attorney A. W. Gibson said the trial would be held as
soon as possible. No reason was advanced for the
Pg 7
Lodge Notices
The I.O.O.F. lodge meets every
Monday night at 8 o'clock in the I.O.O.F. Hall. All
visiting members welcome.
John Phillips, N.G.
O. J. Welch, Scribe.
Rebecca Lodge meets every Thursday night at 8 o'clock in
the I.O.O.F. Hall. All visiting members are invited to
Mrs. J. A. Kinard, N.G.
Nova Ballard, Sec.
encampment meets first and third Friday in each month in
the I.O.O.F. Hall. All visiting patriarchs are extended
a cordial welcome to attend.
L. E. Crenshaw, C. P.
Jones Lamar, Sec.
W. H. Martin of St. Mary's Episcopal church has been
given the mission station of Lamesa in addition to his
work in the local church. The appointment came from
Bishop E. Cecil Seman, D. D., bishop of North Texas.
Citation by Publication
1618 -- Jesse May Horton vs. Melvin Horton. In the
District Court, Howard County, Texas.
State of Texas to the sheriff or any constable of Howard
county -- Greeting:
You are hereby commanded that
by making publication of this citation in some newspaper
published in the county of Howard once in each week for
four consecutive weeks previous to the return day
hereof, you summon Melvin Horton, whose residence
unknown, who alleged to be non-resident of the state of
Texas, to be and appear at the next regular term of the
district court of Howard county, to be holden at the
courthouse thereof, in the city of Big Spring, on the
first Monday in February, A.D., 1930, the same being the
3rd day of February A. D. 1930, then and there to answer
a petition filed in said court on the 14th day of
November A.D. 1929, in a suit, numbered on the docket of
said court, No. 1618 wherein Jesse May Horton is
plaintiff and Melvin Horton is defendant, the nature of
plaintiffs demand being substantially as follows to-wit:
Suit for divorce from the
bonds of matrimony and for custody and possession of
child wherein it is alleged as follows: On or about the
4th day of April, 1924, plaintiff was duly and legally
married to defendant in the town of Greenville, Texas,
and continued to live with him as his wife until about
the 26th day of October, 1925.
plaintiff has been an actual bona fide inhabitant of the
state of Texas for a period of twelve months, and has
resided in the said county of Howard, where this suit is
filed, a period of six months, next preceding the filing
On or
about the 26th day of October, 1925, without any cause
or provocation whatever, defendant voluntarily left and
abandoned plaintiff with the intention of finally
separating and living apart from her, and has continued
so to do up to the filing of plaintiff's petition, such
abandonment has endured over three years.
during the marriage of plaintiff and defendant they have
had born to them as issue of such marriage, one child, a
boy, age three years, James Roy Horton, who is still
living. Plaintiff is able to bring up and educate such
child properly and defendant is not; and he will not
care for said child and has never seen said child and
plaintiff seeks custody of same.
Wherefore plaintiff prays the court that defendant be
cited to appear and answer herein and for judgment
dissolving said marriage relations, and for custody of
said child, and for such other relief as she may be
entitled to.
fail not, but have you before said court on the said
first day of next term thereof this writ with your
return thereon, showing how you have executed the same.
under my hand and seal of said court at office in the
city of Big Spring, Texas, this the 4th day of January
A. D. 1930.
(SEAL) Witness, J. J.
Prichard, Clerk of District Court in and for Howard
County, Texas. By Artie Collings, Deputy.
D. H. Amos, 19, To Be Buried
Funeral Services for Drummond Hunt Amos, 29, who died in
San Antonio Thursday morning will be held in the chapel
of the Charles Eberley Funeral Home at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon. Rev. Dow Hubbard Heard, pastor of the First
Baptist church, will have charge. Burial will be in the
Mt. Olive cemetery.
deceased was born May 18, 1900 in Big Spring where the
family has resided for a number of years. He has been
ill since last April. He was the son of Mrs. Mary Bell
Amos. His father, George Amos, died four years ago.
addition to his mother, those who survive are three
sisters, Mrs. Stella Biggs, Mrs. Fannie Biggs, both of
Big Spring, Mrs. Jack Loftis of Commerce, and three
brothers, Will, Bryan and George Jr.,all of this city.
First Baptist Church At Main
and Sixth
Dow Hubbard Heard, Pastor.
On this, the first Sunday in
1930, we extend to you a welcome to all our services.
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
W. C. Blankenship, educational
Sermon 11 a.m. Subject: A
Splendid, New Year's Resolution."
All B.Y.P.U.'s (primary,
junior, intermediate, senior and adult) at 6 p.m.
Sermon 7 p.m. Subject: "The
Pentecostal Power."
Start the New Year right. Come
to church.
Morning services, in the Ritz
theatre, will begin at 11 a.m. The pastor, Rev. R. L.
Owen, will take as his sermon topic, "First Things."
Bible classes will meet at
9:45 a.m. in the Ritz.
Evening services, at 7:30 p.m.
will be held in the Episcopal church. Fifth and Runnels
streets. There will be special music at both services.
Anniversary Observed by Couple
Mrs. Euta Plum assisted by her
sister, Miss Veda Robinson, and her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Doyle Robinson, entertained at dinner complimentary to
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. A. Robinson who
observed their birthday anniversaries Thursday.
delicious turkey dinner was served to the following:
Mrs. Euta Plum and son Thomas Harold, Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Robinson and daughter, Miss Veda Robinson, Lawrence
Robinson, Judge Ashley and the honor guests.
June 8, 1930 Big Spring Daily Herald
Visits Canyon
Pauline Cantrell, county superintendent, will be out of
her office until Monday morning, having gone to Canyon for
the weekend. Her sister, Miss LaDean Cantrell, will enter
the West Texas State Teachers College there for the summer
To Arizona
Miss Lucille Kyle left yesterday morning for Arizona, where
she will visit her cousin, Mrs. James Watson.
To Entertain
Mrs. C. W. Kokanour
and Mrs. W. W. Pendleton will entertain with a bridge party
Friday afternoon at three o'clock in Mrs. Kokanour's home
at 2202 Runnels street.
Plan For Monday Meeting
The Women's Auxiliary
of the Presbyterian church will have a program meeting Monday
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
"Mountain Missions"
will be the subject and Mrs. H. W. Caylor will be the leader.
The program will be as follows: hymn, "Sweet Hour
of Prayer"; prayer; devotional, Mrs. W. R. Settles:
hymn, "Work for the Night is Coming"; "Our
Task Among the Hills," Mrs. Leslie Dahme; "The
Promise of a New Generation." Mrs. Sam Baker; circle
of prayer: "The Wages of Sin in a Mountain Family,"
Mrs. T. S. Currie; solo, Mrs. J. Wade Johnson, Mizpah.
Charlotte Kimsey Has Birthday Party
Charlotte Kimsey celebrated her fifth birthday anniversary
Thursday afternoon with a party at her home in Washington
Games were played and a contest held. Maxine
Miller won the prize for the girls and Phil O'Bar won for
the boys.
Refreshments of Dixie Cups and cake were
served to the following: Mary Sue Bonham, Maxine and Fred
Miller, Jane Hurley, Gary Bivings, Lillian Francis Etheridge,
Jacqueline Faw, Billie and Bobbie Bass, Grover Cunningham
Jr., Phil O'Bar, Joyce Rives, Margery and Roberta Henry,
Bobbie Stahlman, Edward Fisher, Ema Lee and Joel Prager,
Mary Jo Barnes and Charlotte Kimsey.
Miss Creighton to College
Opal Creighton left the early part of this week for Canyon
where she will be enrolled in the West Texas State Teachers'
College for the summer months.
Deats Returns
Mrs. C. W. Deats and son, Wesley,
returned yesterday from a three week's trip and visit to
her mother to San Antonio.
Expected Here
Mrs. Ruth Lewis Airhart has
received word from her sister Mrs. D. D. Thornton, who is
at present in New York touring the east with her husband
and two sons, and expects to be in Big Spring about June
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton's home is in Meridian,
Miss., and Mrs. Thornton before her marriage was Miss Rhoda
Public Records
Mae Shank vs. V. N. Shank, divorce.
Marriage Licenses
L. E. Mullins
and Miss Tommye Herring.
H. B. Webb and Miss Genevia
Wm. F. Taylor and Miss Frances Eddings.
Rogers Hefley and Miss Mary Arnold Nelson, Sterling city.
Notice of Intention to Wed
M. M. Ainsworth and Mrs. Dora Murphy, Ackerly.
C. K.
Huff and Miss Corrinne Higgs
B. F. Altridge to Mrs. A. E. Adams, deed,
lot 17, blk. 21, Forsan
S. M. Barbee to A. C. Walker,
transfer vendor lien, lot 5, blk 7, McDowell.
C. Bauer et al to O. D. Engle, warranty deed, Lot 8, Blk.
38, Govt.
G. L. Blackburn et al to R. M. McCullum, extension,
part Sec. 39, Blk. 33, 3-N.
Continental Southland to
E. W. Pike, release, Lots 13, 14, 15, Blk 1.
Cragin and
Son to Public, assumed name.
J. W. Cook to J. A. Queen,
royalty deed, two tracts.
Sarah Hyman et al to Magnolia
Petroleum Co., lease part Sec. 6, Blk. 29.
Jno. B. Littler
to Rusk County Lumber Co., deed, lots 11 and 12, Blk. 32,
R. F. Lyons to O. A. McRea, deed, part Sec. 5 Blk
32. 1-S.
Mid-Tex Co. to W. H. Adams, Royalty deed, part
Sec. 36, Blk. 34, 1-8.
C. W. Mitchell to R. F. Lyons,
mineral deed, part Sec. 25, Blk. 34, 3-N.
Magnolia Petroleum
Co. to Anne Rose Hensinger et al, release, Sec. 67, Blk.
29, W. & N. W.
Markham Jones Lumber Co. to A. C.
Walker, transfer mechanic's lien, lot 4, blk. 2, Highland.
R. M. McCollum to R. Blackburn to al, extension, part Sec.
39, Blk. 33, 3-N.
McRea et al to R. F. Lyons et al, deed,
part Sec. 5, Blk. 31, 1-S.
McRea et al to W. R. King,
deed, part sec., Blk. 31, 1-S.
John Nutt et al to A.
C. Walker, deed of trust, lot 4, Blk. 2, Highland.
W. Pike to Stahlman Lumber Co., transfer, Lots 13, 14, 15,
Blk. 1.
Jno. E. Penny to Edith M. Nabours, transfer,
Lot 3, Blk. 12, Edwards.
G. T. Palmer et al to Phillips
Petroleum Co., change deposit, part Sec. 9, Blk. 33, 3-N.
Realty Bond and Mortgage Co. to L. B. Curd, transfer Lots
13, 14, 15, Blk. 1.
H. L. Rix to Realty Bond and Mortgage
Co., transfer, Lots 13, 14, 15, Blk. 1.
H. L. Richards
to W. H. Remele, deed, Lot 10, Blk. 10, Wash.
H. L. Rix
to Cragin & Son, deed of trust, parts Lot 13, 14, 15,
Blk. 1.
Realty Bond and Mortgage Co. to D. B. Curd, transfer,
Lot 5, west 1-2 of lot 4, Edwards.
Southwester Glass
and Paint Co. to H. L. Rix, release, Lots 13, 14, 15, Blk.
L. D. Stripling to State National Bank, deed of trust,
part Sec. 46, Blk. 33, 1-S.
H. F. Taylor to H. H. Hurt,
transfer lien, part Sec. 3, Blk. 33, 1-S.
D. K. Wooten
et al to Keisling Gin Co., deed, Lot 7, Blk. 20, Saunders,
Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, Blk. 1, Coahoma.
B. E. Winterrowd to
J. A. Lee, lien, Lot 6, Blk. 107.
R. M. Winn to Cicero
Smith, lien, Lot 22, Blk. 2, Wright.
J. D. Wood to H.
H. HArdin, lien, Lot 1, Blk. 6, Wright.
Mrs. Matthews Returns
Mrs. C. H.
Matthews has returned from a visit with relatives and friends
in Breckenbridge.
Building For Week
Building permits for the first week
in June totaled $3,713.50. No major building was filed with
the city secretary during the week, the largest construction
item being for $2,700, and covering erection of a filling
Following is a list of the permits issued:
J. A. Lee, 14 x 25 brick veneer filling station, Lot 6,
Blk. 107, original, estimated cost $2,700.
J. R.
Petty, hanging sign, 122 East Third Street, $16.
D. R.
Dennis, hanging sign, 122 Main Street, $7.50.
M. Segell,
repairing roof, Lot 12, Blk. 26, $15.
Shelby Hall, 16
x 32 frame house, 207 East 13th St., estimated cost $500.
H. L. Rix, moving house from lot 5, block 41, original,
to lot 5, block 14, Lakeview Addition, $75.
D. W. Adkins,
repairing barn, lot 2, block 13, Boydstun addition, $200.
G. L. Brown, rebuilding servant house, 608 Aylford Street,
A. J. Currie, moving house from lot 6, block 107,
original to lot 5, block 10, Moore addition.
F. J. Dean,
hanging sign, 404 East Third St., $25.
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