The Dallas Morning News - Nov 27 1899
Sent by Bunny Freeman  CC of Henderson County, Texas


T. T. Hendley Thrown From His Horse at Junction City.

Brenham, Tex., Nov 26 --
Mr. Attie Dever is just in receipt of information to the effect that Mr. T. T. Hendley was thrown from a horse in Junction City, Kimble county, yesterday and received injuries which will probably prove fatal.  The skull was badly fractured besides other and less serious wounds.  Mr. Hendley is a cousin of Mr. Dever, was raised in Washington county, near Burton, and removed from the county several years ago and is now a citizen of Georgetown.
    This afternoon at 2 o'clock two colored men whose names could not be learned were bird hunting on the Morriss farm, two miles west of town.  A covey of partridges were flushed and both men were shooting rapidly.  One, without noticing that his partner was in direct range, fired and filled is friend's arms and leg full of No. 6 shot.  The wounded man was brought to the city and some thirty-five of the shot were cut out.

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