The Day the Little Dog Shot Garrett Lee

by Mary Belle Jones

Matt and Jacob Jones, ages thirteen and nine, at the time of this story, live on the Jones Ranch in Loving county four miles north of Mentone with their parents Skeet and Barbara Jones, sister Sarah and their little dog Kibbles who is about 6 inches tall and 12 inches long. Kibbles was born when Matthew was two, Sarah, age 11, was a new born and Jacob wasn't here yet.

These Jones children have cousins galore who come to visit them in the summer. It was a Saturday, Barbara's brother Robert Lee, his wife Liz, sons Garrett fourteen and Travis twelve and daughter Rebecca six were there. The boys took Matt's pellet gun to go rabbit hunting. Kibbles was along when they got after a rabbit who ran into a hole. They laid the pellet gun that had been pumped up and was ready to shoot on the ground and started digging the rabbit out of the hole. Kibbles was right in the way trying to dig and barking up a storm when one of the boys picked him up and pitched him behind them. One of Kibblel's little paws landed on the trigger of the pellet gun shooting Garret through the fleshly part of his upper arm.

The boys, except Garrett, who thought he was too old to cry, ran crying into the house. The mothers grabbed all the children got in the van to take Garret to the Pecos hospital emergency room. The doctor said it was a clean wound, poured medicine on it and wrapped it in gauze. He sent them home saying that Garrett was fine.

Those six children had a wild tale to tell in Sunday School the next morning.

They were more than a little upset because some would not believe the little dog had shot Garrett.