
by Mary Belle Jones

Fab is a detergent. Years ago there was a commercial ditty advertising Fab to the tune of, "There'll Be A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight".

We had unexpected company one night, a family of six. We were a family of seven. I was cooking supper when they came and didn't have enough for all of us so I made a bunch of bologna sandwiches. Punk had worked hard all day. He really tanked up on those sandwiches.

After the company left I put the children to bed and cleaned the kitchen. When I swept the kitchen I couldn't find the dust pan. There was just a little bit of Fab detergent left in a box that I poured into a glass and set it on a shelf just above the sink. I finished the sweeping by using the Fab box as a dust pan.

In the middle of the night Punk woke up thirsty. The moon was bright so he didn't turn on the light. He got a glass from the shelf over the sink, filled it with water and drank it all to water that bologna. He ran into the bedroom flipped on the light and started to yell, "What was in that glass". But all that came out of his mouth were bubbles. I began to sing the commercial ditty "Fab washes clean clear through and deodorizes too, there'll be a clean Punk in this house tonight".

Not only did Punk not appreciate my singing, he burped bubbles all night.

In spite of this and many other things, Punk and I have been married 52 years. We have five children, fourteen grands and four greats. Life just gets better all the time.