1930 Federal Census, ED 1

Line Relationship Birthplace Sheet
# Name to Head Sex Race Age Self Father Mother #
1 Harvery B McClure Head M W 39 Georgia Georgia Georgia 1 A
2 Rose H McClure Wife F W 36 Wisconsin Germany Germany 1 A
3 Harvey C McClure Son M W 6 Texas Georgia Wisconsin 1 A
4 Theodore R McClure Son M W 4 New Mexico Georgia Wisconsin 1 A
5 William L McClure Son M W 2 New Mexico Georgia Wisconsin 1 A
6 Joseph A McClure Son M W 1 Texas Georgia Wisconsin 1 A
7 Mildred H Schwyn Lodger F W 31 Nebraska Switzerland Vermont 1 A
8 Guy A Covey Lodger M W 49 New York New York New York 1 A
9 Nan L Oliver Lodger F W 41 Nebraska Switzerland Vermont 1 A
10 James J Wheat Lodger M W 56 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas 1 A
11 Roy W Bouldin Head M W 49 Texas Texas Texas 1 A
12 Jessie L Bouldin Wife F W 39 Texas Alabama Georgia 1 A
13 Mozelle J Bouldin Daughter F W 6 Texas Texas Texas 1 A
14 Billie B Bouldin Daughter F W 5 Texas Texas Texas 1 A
15 Jerry C Campbell Head M W 46 Missouri Missouri Missouri 1 A
16 Martha A Campbell Wife F W 44 Alabama Alabama Alabama 1 A
17 Winnie Campbell Daughter F W 24 Oklahoma Missouri Alabama 1 A
18 W Edward Campbell Son M W 22 Oklahoma Missouri Alabama 1 A
19 Jay M Campbell Son M W 20 Oklahoma Missouri Alabama 1 A
20 Ruth Campbell Daughter F W 10 Oklahoma Missouri Alabama 1 A
21 Winifred Campbell Daughter F W 8 Oklahoma Missouri Alabama 1 A
22 Ray Campbell Son M W 3 New Mexico Missouri Alabama 1 A
23 James W Weldy Head M W 26 Texas Texas Texas 1 A
24 Charles H Johnston Lodger M W 42 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 1 A
25 Clay C Stinett Lodger M W 39 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky 1 A
26 Fred G Stoerkel Lodger M W 37 California Germany Germany 1 A
27 Samuel T Bacon Head M W 52 Iowa Illinois Illinois 1 A
28 David F Faust Head M W 63 Mississippi North Carolina North Carolina 1 A
29 Inez D Faust Wife F W 57 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee 1 A
30 Wilburn W Bouldin Head M W 26 Texas Texas Texas 1 A
31 Clara E Bouldin Wife F W 21 Texas Texas Texas 1 A
32 Billy D Bouldin Son M W 0 Texas Texas Texas 1 A
33 Rufus L McKibben Head M W 50 West Virginia Pennsylvania West Virginia 1 A
34 Eunice E McKibben Wife F W 43 West Virginia Ohio Ohio 1 A
35 J Wing McKibben Son M W 10 Oklahoma West Virginia West Virginia 1 A
36 Lawrence A Gragos Head M W 25 Texas Texas Texas 1 A
37 Gid W Capshaw Lodger M W 41 Oklahoma Oklahoma Georgia 1 A
38 Claude B Allison Lodger M W 30 Texas Oklahoma Texas 1 A
39 A Frank Finnegan Lodger M W 52 Pennsylvania Ireland Ireland 1 A
40 George M Cowan Lodger M W 35 Oklahoma Texas Texas 1 A
41 Walter W Scott Head M W 36 Oklahoma Nebraska Illinois 1 A
42 Mary N Scott Wife F W 25 Oklahoma Illinois Illinois 1 A
43 Marjorie M Scott Daughter F W 13 Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma 1 A
44 Clara S Scott Daughter F W 5 Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma 1 A
45 Walter A Scott Son M W 3 Texas Oklahoma Oklahoma 1 A
46 Vesta M Scott Daughter F W 1 California Oklahoma Oklahoma 1 A
47 Myrtle A Scott Daughter F W 0 Texas Oklahoma Oklahoma 1 A
48 Myrtle M McCrorey Sister-in-law F W 23 Oklahoma Illinois Illinois 1 A
49 Linda M McCrorey Niece F W 1 Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma 1 A
50 W Price Smith Head M W 34 Texas Texas Texas 1 A
Line Relationship Birthplace Sheet
# Name to Head Sex Race Age Self Father Mother #
51 Lila B Smith Wife F W 28 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
52 Warren P Smith Son M W 1 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
53 Clarra Z Smith Daughter F W 0 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
54 John H Kelly Head M W 29 Louisiana Alabama Alabama 1 B
55 William T Rudd Lodger M W 26 New Mexico Texas Texas 1 B
56 Cecil E Barnes Lodger M W 23 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
57 Charles E James Lodger M W 24 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
58 Jim Flinn Lodger M W 35 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
59 Allen Taber Lodger M W 30 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
60 Charles B Whitefield Lodger M W 32 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
61 Samuel F Tennant Head M W 43 West Virginia West Virginia West Virginia 1 B
62 B Paula Tennant Wife F W 44 Ohio Ohio Ohio 1 B
63 Lowell H Tennant Son M W 16 Ohio West Virginia Ohio 1 B
64 Amzi W Carothers Head M W 53 Alabama Tennessee Georgia 1 B
65 Julia M Carothers Wife F W 49 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
66 Henry P Carothers Son M W 22 Texas Alabama Texas 1 B
67 Edmond W Myrick Head M W 39 Alabama Alabama Alabama 1 B
68 Virgie E Myrick Wife F W 33 Texas Arkansas Texas 1 B
69 Monica B Myrick Daughter F W 10 Texas Alabama Texas 1 B
70 Eva L Myrick Daughter F W 8 Texas Alabama Texas 1 B
71 James E King Head M W 32 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
72 T E R King Wife F W 27 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
73 John B King Head M W 23 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
74 Miner R King Wife F W 22 Oklahoma Oklahoma Tennessee 1 B
75 Thaddeus N King Son M W 2 Texas Texas Oklahoma 1 B
76 Laticia C King Daughter F W 0 Texas Texas Oklahoma 1 B
77 Samuel E King Brother M W 26 Texas Texas Oklahoma 1 B
78 Wayne L Phillips Head M W 26 Texas Ohio Texas 1 B
79 Corine Phillips Wife F W 26 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
80 M Christine Phillips Daughter F W 4 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
81 Archie D Finley Head M W 39 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
82 William S Pratt Partner M W 31 Missouri Missouri Missouri 1 B
83 Robert O Morehead Head M W 29 Texas West Virginia Tennessee 1 B
84 Eloise M Morehead Wife F W 23 Texas Alabama Texas 1 B
85 Ray Powell Head M W 34 Illinois Illinois Illinois 1 B
86 Ruby L Powell Daughter F W 8 Illinois Illinois Oklahoma 1 B
87 Fred Powell Son M W 5 Texas Illinois Oklahoma 1 B
88 William Powell Father M W 75 Illinois Indiana Indiana 1 B
89 William T Weldy Head M W 26 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
90 Thelma J Weldy Wife F W 24 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
91 Thomas G Wright Head M W 42 Alabama Georgia Georgia 1 B
92 Laura A Wright Mother F W 69 Georgia Georgia Georgia 1 B
93 John M Green Lodger M W 67 Georgia North Carolina North Carolina 1 B
94 John F Woods Head M W 36 Colorado Colorado Colorado 1 B
95 Myrtle I Woods Wife F W 48 Virginia Virginia Virginia 1 B
96 Joseph A Ryan Head M W 55 New York Ireland New York 1 B
97 James O Jarman Lodger M W 31 Texas Alabama Texas 1 B
98 Lawrence L Moore Head M W 41 West Virginia West Virginia West Virginia 1 B
99 Cokie B Moore Wife F W 27 West Virginia West Virginia West Virginia 1 B
100 Walter J Kerby Head M W 54 Texas Texas Texas 1 B
Line Relationship Birthplace Sheet
# Name to Head Sex Race Age Self Father Mother #
1 Anne M Kerby Wife F W 38 Arkansas Minnesota Indiana 2 A
2 Anne L Kerby Daughter F W 3 Texas Texas Arkansas 2 A
3 John C Ramsey Head M W 45 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
4 Annie F Ramsey Wife F W 45 California North Carolina Kansas 2 A
5 Jess W Massingale Head M W 29 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
6 Louise Massingale Wife F W 25 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
7 John T Rouse Brother-in-law M W 27 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
8 Birdie Rouse Sister-in-law F W 20 Oklahoma Texas Texas 2 A
9 Bernice Rouse Niece F W 2 Texas Texas Oklahoma 2 A
10 Bladen R Ramsey Head M W 58 Texas England Pennsylvania 2 A
11 Jessie B Ramsey Wife F W 50 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
12 John S Fitzsimmons Lodger M W 47 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee 2 A
13 William L Savage Head M W 49 Louisiana Georgia Alabama 2 A
14 Ethel W Savage Wife F W 41 Texas Arkansas Arkansas 2 A
15 H Lee Savage Son M W 12 Louisiana Louisiana Texas 2 A
16 Madaline M Savage Daughter F W 7 Texas Louisiana Texas 2 A
17 Mert P Savage Son M W 6 Texas Louisiana Texas 2 A
18 T C Rutledge Head M W 43 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
19 Addie A Rutledge Wife F W 39 Texas Arkansas Texas 2 A
20 Rome Rutledge Son M W 13 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
21 Howard G Rutledge Son M W 7 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
22 Carl L Bryant Head M W 30 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky 2 A
23 Myrtle Bryant Wife F W 23 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
24 Bobbie Bryant Son M W 3 Texas Kentucky Texas 2 A
25 Kate Pulley Head F W 50 Texas Kansas Arkansas 2 A
26 Aaron C Pulley Son M W 21 Texas Arkansas Texas 2 A
27 Lowell W Pulley Son M W 14 Texas Arkansas Texas 2 A
28 Sylvia Y Pulley Daughter F W 13 Texas Arkansas Texas 2 A
29 Harvey D Fleming Head M W 38 Illinois Scotland Scotland 2 A
30 Laura Fleming Wife F W 32 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky 2 A
31 Elmer H Savage Head M W 24 Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana 2 A
32 Gladys V Savage Wife F W 23 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
33 Felix Millen Head M W 26 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
34 Betty M Millen Wife F W 20 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
35 Ellis L Ashburn Head M W 32 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
36 Marie Ashburn Wife F W 30 Missouri Missouri Missouri 2 A
37 Armida Ashburn Daughter F W 7 Texas Texas Missouri 2 A
38 Juanita J Ashburn Daughter F W 4 Texas Texas Missouri 2 A
39 Geneva Ashburn Daughter F W 2 Texas Texas Missouri 2 A
40 Ellis W Ashburn Son M W 0 Texas Texas Missouri 2 A
41 Johnnie L Jobe Head M W 25 Arkansas Kentucky Missouri 2 A
42 Mary Jobe Wife F W 22 Arkansas Missouri Scotland 2 A
43 Sammie J Jobe Son M W 3 Oklahoma Arkansas Arkansas 2 A
44 Johnnie E Jobe Son M W 1 Oklahoma Arkansas Arkansas 2 A
45 William Pearse Head M W 32 Virginia Virginia Virginia 2 A
46 Lee Driven Head M W 62 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
47 Thomas H East Head M W 55 Arkansas Tennessee Tennessee 2 A
48 Claude C Wright Head M W 30 Alabama Alabama Alabama 2 A
49 Edna C Wright Wife F W 28 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
50 William L Hopper Head M W 29 Texas Texas Texas 2 A
Line Relationship Birthplace Sheet
# Name to Head Sex Race Age Self Father Mother #
51 Elva M Hoppen Wife F W 27 Texas Arkansas Missouri 2 B
52 McKinley Hoppen Son M W 7 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
53 Ernest H Hoppen Son M W 5 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
54 Bass H Hoppen Father M W 63 Texas Tennessee Tennessee 2 B
55 Duren E Esslinger Head M W 30 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
56 Gladys H Esslinger Wife F W 20 Oklahoma Illinois Oklahoma 2 B
57 Thomas I Fisher Father-in-law M W 60 Illinois Missouri Missouri 2 B
58 Sterling M Fisher Brother-in-law M W 16 Oklahoma Illinois Oklahoma 2 B
59 Earl E Fisher Brother-in-law M W 11 Oklahoma Illinois Oklahoma 2 B
60 Kathlyn Fisher Sister-in-law F W 8 New Mexico Illinois Oklahoma 2 B
61 W Olin Peace Head M W 30 Missouri Missouri Missouri 2 B
62 Cleo D Peace Wife F W 25 Oklahoma Texas Texas 2 B
63 Floyd J Goodrich Head M W 52 Michigan Michigan Michigan 2 B
64 Capto K Goodrich Wife F W 50 Michigan Ohio Ohio 2 B
65 Gihand Goodrich Son M W 29 Michigan Michigan Michigan 2 B
66 Descomb S Goodrich Son M W 17 Texas Michigan Michigan 2 B
67 Lawson L Goodrich Son M W 31 Michigan Michigan Michigan 2 B
68 Anna M Goodrich Daughter-in-law F W 28 Illinois Tennessee Illinois 2 B
69 Floyd D Goodrich Grandchild M W 4 Texas Michigan Illinois 2 B
70 Anna J Goodrich Grandchild F W 2 Texas Michigan Illinois 2 B
71 Charles J Gyn Head M W 41 Kentucky Switzerland Switzerland 2 B
72 Dena C Gyn Wife F W 34 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas 2 B
73 Davis J Gyn Son M W 13 Texas Kentucky Arkansas 2 B
74 Alton Wilhite Head M W 27 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
75 Bonnie B Wilhite Wife F W 24 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
76 Billie L Wilhite Daughter F W 5 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
77 Alton T Wilhite, Jr Son M W 2 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
78 Eliza N Hall Head M W 42 Texas Texas Missouri 2 B
79 Iva P Hall Wife F W 39 Texas Tennessee Tennessee 2 B
80 Earl D Goedeke Head M W 29 Texas Illinois Texas 2 B
81 Willie K Duncan Boarder M W 32 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
82 Jewell B Duncan Boarder F W 27 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
83 Eugene B Banfield Lodger M W 35 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
84 Bud C Young Head M W 31 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
85 Vic D Young Wife F W 20 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
86 Jack E Young Son M W 0 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
87 John G Dennis Boarder M W 28 New York Canada Canada 2 B
88 Mac S Kyle Head M W 26 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
89 Katherine Kyle Wife F W 22 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
90 Clabe J Kyle Cousin M W 42 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
91 Jess F Grammer Boarder M W 34 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
92 Glenn A Hibbs Head M W 32 Louisiana Arkansas Louisiana 2 B
93 Donald M Scott Head M W 23 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
94 Mary N Scott Wife F W 22 Texas Texas Texas 2 B
95 Jane O Jarman Lodger F W 30 Texas Texas Texas 2 B