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Newspaper Abstracts

Submitted by: Nancy Connally


Fort Worth Daily Gazette

Vol 7, No 301, Ed 1

Thursday, November 1, 1883


Front page:

[For sale]

COLORADO CITY – ELEGANT, RESI-dence, five rooms, nicely finished, two cisterns and necessary outbuildings, stable, carriage house, four acres of land, square in shape, neat fence, splendid garden, all for $3,000. Address Texas Investment company.



Page 8


The Opera at Colorado – Other Local Notes and Happenings

Correspondence of the Gazette


Colorado City, October 27


Everybody went to the opera on opening night. The world and his wife were there, and a more appreciative and intelligent audience we have never looked upon. The opera of Mascottte was finely rendered, to their evident satisfaction, and all the stars came in for their merited share of applause. Gilbert and Sullivan’s Iolanthe will be given this evening, and for this afternoon matinee. Pinafore, the old stand-by, will be dragged our from its time-honored seclusion. The management, Mr. Frenkle have generously invited the pupils of our public schools, free of charge, to witness the latter performance.


Roller-skating is the latest craze indulged in by the Coloradoites. Messrs. Beyer & Taylor have established a rink in the Frenkle building, and it is crowded all day long and until late in the evening. As far as pleasure is concerned, roller-skating seems far-fetched, but there are many who flatter themselves that the indulgence therein is enjoyment, and that, probably, is all that becomes necessary. Man is a queer animal when pleasure is concerned.


The Texas & Pacific railway pay-car made its appearance on time last week, gladdening the hearts of the boys here and adding to the weight of their pocketbooks, which had become rather sickly towards the end of the month.


In the district court on Saturday last, wade Hudson, a negro, was found guilty of murder in the second degree and sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary for the killing of Sam Seals, another of the same race, at Phoenix park in August last.


Owing to the indisposition of Judge Wheeler who was not able to hold court this morning, Judge Allen was elected temporarily to supply his place.


The Texas Pacific and Panhandle stage line now leaves Colorado on Monday and Thursday, making two trips each week, both ways to Mount Blanco. Judge Quinn, agent for the Texas express company, is also agent for this line of stages.


Large amounts of buffalo bones are received here and are in good demand, buyers willingly paying a good price for the same. There are thousands of tons still scattered over the prairie which might be gathered and pay well for the time and labor expended.


Co. T. Windsor Robinson, the founder of the thriving town of Vernon, situated near Red river in Wilbarger county, was in the city last week in attendance on the railroad meeting and is enthusiastic in regard to the future of “his darling,” for which he predicts great things when the railroad strikes it.


The grand jury made is final returns to his honor Judge Wheeler on Friday evening. They had found seventy-six indictments, thirty-two of which are cases of felony. They endorsed highly the condition of the jail and the management of same by Sheriff Dick Ware, and recommended in their report that steps be taken for the construction of an additional number of cells, and that arrangements e made for heating the jail during the winter season. Also for the lighting of the stairways and corridors of the court-house.


Deputy Sheriff Lewis from Dallas placed under arrest a young man named Walter Scott, employed in Neimeyer’s restaurant, on Friday last and took him off to Dallas, where he is charged with robbing a man at a variety theater some weeks ago.


Henry Waldron, who was arrested by Sheriff Ware on a telegram from Georgetown, where he is wanted for an alleged deadly assault upon Wm. Schaeffer, being unable to furnish bond has been committed to jail.


J. R. Calhoun, Esq., our competent district attorney, returned this morning from Eastland, where he spent Sunday with his family.


J.H. Dunn has bought Mr. Perkins’ interest in the furniture business on Second street, and the firm now appears as Dunn & Henderson.


E.J. Edwards returned on Friday evening from his trip to California, bringing with him a fine lot of ewes to be placed on his ranch here.


Howard Peake, the general hardward [sic] man, was doing the city in the interest of his house on Saturday.


A.W. Dunn, Esq., president of the Colorado National bank, has headed the subscription list of the Texas Baptist women’s missionary association with the handsome sum of $6,000 to be devoted to the evangelism of Mexico.


F. Meyers, the popular shoemaker, has removed to the store adjourning Hunt & Doss’ drug store, where he has opened up a fine stock of goods in his life. Fred is the boss and the boys all know it.


Mrs. Dr. Strauss has returned from an extended trip to relatives in Dallas.


Dr. E.H. Sabin’s name appears as a partner in the firm publishing the Press this week. The doctor is an experienced newspaper man and fine and talented writer, and we wish him a full meed of success in his new enterprise.


Mr. E. W. Dale of Bonham came in on this morning’s train and will remain a few days.



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