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Iraan Restland Cemetery

Restland Cemetery, Pecos County, Texas

From Iraan, take Hwy 190 northwest about 3 1/2 miles and cemetery is on the right.

GPS Coords: 30.9301676,-101.95781

I have a row-by-row list.

If you have obituaries or pictures that you would like added to this page or would like to
volunteer to help with look-ups, please email me, and I will be Happy to get them online!

This was a complete list at the time of recording but I don't have a date for that; I'm guessing about 2008

  Aguero, Bobby Lee Feb. 26, 1962-Nov. 7, 1986 Do not stand at my grave and weep. For I am not there. For I am now safe. In the loving hands of God. Till We all meet again, in Glory.
  Aguilar, Dominick Oct. 5, 1976-Apr. 30, 1983 Tell the people I love them for now I walk on strrets of gold where someday we will walk together. Weep not mommy and daddy for we have gone to heaven and wait for yall in glory. Let the little children come to me and do not stop them because the kingdom of heaven belongs to my children.
  Aishman, Dorothy Anne Aug. 2, 1926-Apr. 28, 2002 (wife of Will)
  Aishman, Will Edward Dec. 13, 1919 (o.d.) (h/o Dorothy)
  Alexander, Randy Eugene Sr. Dec. 29, 1961-Nov. 19, 1985
  Alford, C. P. "Jelly" 1906-1962 (h/o Lenore)
  Alford, John M. 1947-(o.d.) (same stone as C. P. and Lenore C. Alford)
  Alford, Lenore C. 1907-1990 (w/o C. P.)
  Alldredge, Teresa Renee July 18, 1962-May 14, 1985 Our Loving Daughter, Sister & Mom
  Alldredge, Wayne R. Aug. 14, 1930-Dec. 25, 1998 (h/o no name)
  Anglada, Gladys L. 1929-2004 Creativity, enthusiasm, Perserverance (w/o John)
  Anglada, John J. 1916-1978 Courage, Compassion, Reviresco (h/o Gladys)
  Arbogast, Carl Edward (military) SP5 US Army Vietnam 1935-1979
  Archer, Mamie Proctor Aug. 22, 1889-Aug. 23, 1976
  Arnold, Claude D. Jan. 21, 1913-Apr. 13, 1999 Earth hath no sorrows that Heaven cannot heal. (h/o Dorothy)
  Arnold, Dorothy M. Apr. 2, 1920-Aug. 1, 2003 (w/o Claude)
  Arnold, Ema Jean Aug. 26, 1914-May 26, 1993
  Badgett, Delbert R. Dec. 29, 1916-June 18, 1994 (h/o Ola)
  Badgett, Ola Janell "Nell" July 3, 1920-Sept. 24, 1986 (w/o Delbert)
  Badgett, Paul S. Aug. 11, 1909-July 19, 1999 In God's Care (h/o Ruby)
  Badgett, Ruby M. June 8, 1912-Feb. 26, 1986 (w/o Paul)
  Baeza, Marcelo July 24, 1913-July 21, 1984 (h/o Maria)
  Baeza, Maria Sept. 11, 1911-Sept. 1, 1998 (w/o Marcelo)
  Bailey, Bea Derks Nov. 27, 1935 (o.d.) (w/o Jim)
  Bailey, Dorothy J. 1909-1981 Mother
  Bailey, James Robert (military) T Sgt. Us Air Force Vietnam Jan. 23, 1935-Sep. 16, 1994
  Bailey, Jim Jan. 23, 1935-Sept. 16, 1994 In God's Care (h/o Bea)
  Baker, Addie Mae Jan. 10, 1898-Jan. 29, 1985 mother
  Baker, Frank G, Sept. 24, 1919-July 26, 1978 (h/o Lillie)
  Baker, Lillie b. Mar. 23, 1923 (o.d.) (w/o Frank)
  Baker, Nadine "Dean" Dec. 1, 1925-Feb. 23, 1971 Mother
  Balko, Arthur H. 1893-1967 (h/o Jewell)
  Balko, Emil Wilhelm Sept. 17, 1913-Mar. 15, 1984
  Balko, Frank A. (military) Cpl. US Army World War II Nov. 8, 1923-Jul. 18, 2000
  Balko, Frank Andrew Nov. 8, 1923-July 18, 2000 m. Aug. 3, 1974 (h/o Lucille)
  Balko, Jewell L. 1896- 1963 (w/o Arthur)
  Balko, Lucille Annette Feb. 19, 1936 (o.d.) (w/o Frank) If we never meet again this side of heaven I'll leave this world loving you.
  Bankston, Richard Dean Oct. 20, 1939-Apr. 5, 2001
  Bankston, Rose Annette Sept. 15, 1907-June 5, 1999 Mother
  Barbee, Henry Grady Oct. 6, 1900-Mar. 28, 1970 (h/o no name) Earth has no sorrows that Heaven cannot heal
  Barnes, Oliver July 11, 1891-Jan. 19, 1934 We will meet again.
  Barnett, Patsy Lee Jan. 9, 1942-Jan. 19, 2004. Mama. Nana.
  Bascom, Bart V. (military) Tech 3 US Army World War II Nov. 3, 1919-May 26, 1988
  Bascom, Bart V. Nov. 3, 1919-May 26, 1988 (h/o Maureen)
  Bascom, Elaine Apr. 30, 1940-Feb. 10, 1965
  Bascom, Frank G. 1888-1975 (h/o Mary)
  Bascom, George S. May 29, 1913-Oct. 21, 1990 (h/o Rubye)
  Bascom, Mary S. 1891-1981 (w/o Frank)
  Bascom, Maureen Hitt Jan. 4, 1920-Oct. 26, 2000 (w/o Bart)
  Bascom, Rubye M. May 26, 1912 (o.d.) (w/o George)
  Beckett, Bessie F. 1883-1960 (wife of W.A.)
  Beckett, Dorothy A. Dec. 4, 1917-Dec. 6, 1989 wife
  Beckett, Dorothy P. 1919-2007 (w/o William)
  Beckett, W. A. 1888-1964 (h/o Bessie)
  Beckett, William F. 1918-1984 (h/o Dorothy)
  Beckett, William Frederick (military) SF1 US Navy World War II Apr. 17, 1918-Nov. 26, 1984
  Bennett, Eloise May 22, 1904-Aug. 31, 2000 In Loving Memory
  Bennett, Eugene "Chile" 1902-1973
  Bennett, Eugene Allen 1878-1973 (w/o William)
  Bennett, Mary Belle 1912-1980
  Bennett, William Franklin 1878-1972 (h/o Eugene)
  Berry, Addie B. Feb. 14, 1906-Aug. 25, 1983 (w/o Clifford)
  Berry, Clifford H. May 7, 1913-Jan. 22, 1992 (h/o Addie)
  Bibby, Ella June 28, 1908-June 15, 2000 Mama (w/o Homer)
  Bibby, Homer Nov. 15, 1900-May 2, 1988. m. Feb. 1, 1934 Daddy (h/o Ella).
  Bickley, Bessie 1896-1961 (w/o Joe)
  Bickley, Joe W. Rev. 1886-1969 (h/o Bessie)
  Bird, Bessie B. 1893-1962 (w/o William M.)
  Bird, Michael D. March 7, 1960-October 5, 1997 In God's Care.
  Bird, William M. 1896-1960 (h/o Bessie B.)
  Black, Garland L. "Slats" Apr. 23, 1918 (o.d.) m. Sept. 10, 1948 (h/o Virginia) Father
  Black, Virginia L. "Tinky" May 29, 1922-May 28, 1991 (w/o Garland) Mother
  Blackburn, Horace B. 1892-1983 Daddy Horace (h/o Kate) (on same stone as Hal and Snow Hall)
  Blackburn, Kate P. 1894-1978 Grammy (w/o Horace) (on same stone as Hal and Snow Hall)
  Blackwell, Alta F. June 3, 1911-Feb. 4, 1995 (w/o Monroe)
  Blackwell, Bettie Jo June 28, 1927-Sept. 25, 2003 (w/o Charles)
  Blackwell, Charles M. Apr. 28, 1931 (o.d.) m. May 26, 1950 (h/o Bettie)
  Blackwell, Monroe M. Feb. 7, 1910-Sept. 12, 1991 wed. Dec. 19, 1928 (h/o Alta)
  Blaine, Charley 1892-1963
  Blaine, Charlie L. (military) US Navy World War I Aug. 28, 1892-Feb. 7, 1963
  Blakesley, Lloyd Keith May 20, 1938-Jan. 6, 1981
  Blakesley, Wayne Keith Sept. 17, 1962-March 7, 1966 Son
  Bonnell, Cora E. 1906-1970 (w/o Shack)
  Bonnell, Shack W. 1898-(o.d.) (h/o Cora)
  Bowerman, Ava July 12, 1897-July 4, 1974 (w/o Emmett Sr.)
  Bowerman, E. R. Jr. Nov. 13, 1937-Dec. 13, 1990 Christian, Husband, Dad
  Bowerman, Emmett Raymond Mar. 16, 1897-Dec. 19, 1981 (h/o Ava)
  Bowerman, Teresa Annette Jan. 21, 1969- May 28, 1989 Loved Daughter, Grand-daughter, wife, mother
  Box, Hattie L. 1898-1977 (w/o James)
  Box, James A. 1896-1968 (h/o Hattie)
  Boyd, Annabelle M. Nov. 2, 1922-Sep. 25, 2002 Mother
  Boyd, Bernard F. "Beefy" 1916-1991
  Boyd, Bernard F. (military) Sgt. US Army Air Corps World War II Jun 4, 1916-May 21, 1991
  Boyd, Danielle Nicole Aug. 1, 1982-Sept. 1, 1983 Our Darling Baby. A Beautiful Rosebud God picked for his bouquet.
  Brewer, Dorlis J. "Dodie" Oct. 2, 1928 (o.d.)
  Brown, Ollie V. Aug. 28, 1902-June 30, 1970
  Bryan, Imogene C. May 6, 1924- Nov. 3, 2004
  Bryan, John W. (military) Apr. 18, 1918-Oct. 6, 1987 FG1 US Navy World War II
  Bryan, John W. Apr. 18, 1918-Oct. 6, 1987 (h/o Imogene)
  Bryant, Bula Miller Mar. 30, 1895-July 30, 1984 (w/o Edward)
  Bryant, Chloea Faye Voyles Feb. 25, 1922-Dec. 12, 2002 (w/o Gene)
  Bryant, Edna Williams April 18, 1898-Jan. 11, 1992
  Bryant, Edward Napoleon Aug. 4, 1889-Mar. 20, 1969 (h/o Bula)
  Bryant, H. E. "Gene" Oct. 14, 1920-Feb. 6, 1986 (h/o Chloea)
  Buchanan, Janie Yancy Apr. 24, 1917-October 31, 1975 Wife& Mother
  Buchanan, Phillip Haines Dec. 30, 1881-June 25, 1974
  Burnett, Edith Elizabeth Jan. 1, 1912-Feb. 20, 1995 Mother
  Burnett, Lee A. 1925-(o.d.) wed. Sept. 6, 1946 (h/o Ruth)
  Burnett, Roscoe Warren June 2, 1907-Apr. 23, 1968 "Rocky" He Loved
  Burnett, Ruth D. 1923-1987 (w/o Lee)
  Cabezuela, Antonia C. May 10, 1921-Aug. 4, 2004 Beloved Mother and Grandmother. Psalm 23-Psalmm 99
  Cade, Mary Sue Feb. 17,1925-Jan. 18, 1963 Mother
  Calks, Cecil T. 1885-1965 (h/o Lily) The
  Calks, Cecil Turrell July 5, 1895-Nov. 17, 1965 (military) Texas Pvt. 32 Co. 165 Depot Brigade World War I
  Calks, Lily Pearl 1901-1994 (w/o Cecil)
  Calvert, E. E. "Red" 1908-1965 Together Forever (h/o Edna)
  Calvert, Edna E. 1908-1998 (w/o E.E.)
  Cantu, Randy Lee (metal marker)
  Carroll, Corrine F. Aug. 2, 1936-Nov. 26, 1987. Mom Stand firm in your faith, be brave, be strong, Do all your work in love.
  Cash, J. W. Dub May 26, 1917-Aug. 6, 1990 wed. Feb. 4, 1938 (h/o Laurisa)
  Cash, Laurisa O'Bryant Jan. 4, 1922-June 27, 2005 (w/o J. W.)
  Castaneda, Joseph Paul Aug. 7, 1978-Apr. 30, 1983 I burst forth like a blossom into a new life with Jesus where there is no more pain and no more tears
  Chambers, George Wm. Jr. April 18, 1979 (o.d.) Infant. Our Little Angel
  Chambers, William Douglas Nov. 13, 1976-Feb. 10, 2000 In Loving Memory. Son, Brother, Uncle, and Friend. Our angel in Heaven.
  Clemons, Eugene Aug. 20, 1936-Jan. 6, 1981 I'll wait for you. (h/o Mary)
  Clemons, Mary Janice Jan. 6, 1935 (o.d.) (w/o Eugene)
  Cook, Jack Thomas 1882-1960
  Cooley, George W. 1896-1981 Together Forever (h/o Susan)
  Cooley, Susan Frances 1895-1980 (w/o George)
  Cooley, Walter W. (military) PFC US Army World War I Dec. 5, 1892-Oct. 20, 1970
  Cooney, Cynthia Lynn 1956-1956 Infant
  Copeland, James F. July 7, 1904-April 8, 1977 (h/o Zola)
  Copeland, Zula Lee Dec. 23, 1905-June 5, 1982 (w/o James)
  Cox, Harley W. Feb. 24, 1905-Feb. 25, 1988 wed. June 14, 1935 Together Forever (h/o Gladys)
  Cox, R. Gladys Apr. 7, 1911-Nov. 22, 1993 (w/o Harley)
  Cruz, Lupe 8-17-27 8-5-90 Muchas Si Hicie-Bien Las Pasas-Todas Musere-Ron El Mas Tu Sobre-Tes A Prov. 31.29
  Curtis, Mary E. 1902-1998 (w/o Travis)
  Curtis, Travis B. 1904-1996 (h/o Mary)
  Davis, Clara Mae 1931-1999
  Davis, Gary Von Apr. 26, 1967-Feb. 21, 1972 Our Beloved Son; In God's Care
  Davis, Robert Mark June 29, 1954-Sept. 7, 1994
  Dehoyos, Alyssa Lizzet June 18, 2006-Nov. 23, 2006
  Dicele Jesus Yo Soy La Resurrecion y la vida el que cree en mi aunque este muerto vivira Juan 11:25
  Dillon, Everett "Sly" January 20, 1941-January 7, 1990
  Dominguez, Eliza G. 1929-2002 (w/o Merejildo Sr.)
  Dominguez, Merejildo G. (military) PFC US Army World War II Jul. 22, 1915-Oct. 2, 2002
  Dominguez, Merejildo G. 1915-2002 (h/o Eliza)
  Dominguez, Merejildo G. Jr. 1943-(o.d.)
  Donowho, Dortha Fay Sep. 6, 1921 (o.d.) (w/o Joe)
  Donowho, Joe Clyde Dec. 12, 1913-Dec. 26, 2001 (h/o Dortha)
  Dorris, A. D. "Chick" Jan. 25, 1908-Sept. 28, 1996 wed. June 4, 1938 (h/o Verna)
  Dorris, Verna Linna "Jack" Dec. 9, 1910 (o.d.) (w/o A. D.)
  Dossett, Frankie T. Oct. 20, 1911-Apr. 26, 1982 Daughter
  Dossett, Oma Walker Aug. 7, 1888-Feb. 18, 1978 Mother
  Douthit, Milton E. 1899-1978
  Dudley, Walter C. 1916-1974 married Nov. 2, 1941
  Dudley, Wynta D. 1920 (o.d.)
  Dudrey, Elbert Gordon "Sandy" 1951-1960
  Dykes, Dorothy Cloah Nov. 12, 1912-July 18, 1994 (w/o Lavern)
  Dykes, Lavern W. (military) PFC US Army World War II 1914-1983
  Dykes, Lavern Walter June 18, 1914-Sept. 26, 1983 married Apr. 30, 1942 (h/o Dorothy)
  Easley, Baby Girl Dec. 22, 1990-Dec. 22, 1990
  Elguea, Adela R. Dec. 16, 1935-Jan. 21, 1995 Rest in Peace
  Elliott, Annie L. 1918-1996 (w/o Buster)
  Elliott, Bradley Steven Aug. 7, 1964-May 21, 1979 Son
  Elliott, Buster C. 1910-1978 (h/o Annie)
  Elliott, Byron Ray July 17, 1966-May 21, 1979 Son
  Elliott, Danielle June 27, 1984-Sept. 12, 1984 Unconditional love. Infant.
  Elliott, James "Bubba" Carlton Mar. 18, 1961-Feb. 4, 1962 Infant He was the Sunshine of our home
  Elliott, Larry Gene Oct. 7, 1945-May 21, 1979 Father
  Elliott, Tamberley K. Mar. 1, 1964-Nov. 4, 1964 Our Daughter
  Ellwood, Charles William (military) Sgt. US Air Force World War II Korea Apr. 13, 1920-Apr. 14, 1976
  Ellwood, Edith Mae Mar. 25, 1925-Nov. 18, 1991
  Ellwood, Russell March 28, 1978-June 21, 1995
  Emery, E. V. "Blackie" Apr. 24, 1919 (o.d.) married Aug. 23, 1946 (h/o Gerald)
  Emery, Ethan Van (military) Apr. 24, 1919-Sep. 20, 2004 US Army World War II
  Emery, Gerald "Gay" Jan. 14, 1920-Feb. 5, 1980 (w/o E. V. )
  Evans, Maude M. "Meg" July 22, 1925 (o.d.) (w/o Gene)
  Evans, T. E. "Gene" Jan. 13, 1930-Feb. 5, 1985 Precious Memories (h/o Maude)
  Eversole, Dill A. June 28, 1900-Nov. 21, 1978 (h/o Opal)
  Eversole, Opal M. May 13, 1903-Sept. 19, 1979 married Feb. 10, 1923 (w/o Dill)
  Eversole, Ralph D. Sep 29, 1927-Aug. 16, 1961 Blessed are the pure in heart
  Eversole, Ralph Dill (military) Texas PFC GL1 INF REGT World War II Sep. 16, 1925-Aug. 16, 1961
  Fannin, A. Rowland 1917-1979 married November 5, 1942 Together Forever 9h/o Wanda)
  Fannin, Albert Rowland (military) PFC US Army Jun 20, 1917-Jun 20, 1979
  Fannin, Wanda P. Snow 1925-(o.d.) (w/o Rowland)
  Farmer, Fred 1904-1987 (h/o Lillian)
  Farmer, Lillian 1904-1966 (w/o Fred)
  Fife, Juanita E. Feb. 19, 1904-May 6, 1975
  Foster, Tyler Shane Aug. 30, 1997 (o.d.) Infant
  Freeman, Allen DeWayne Feb. 11, 1931-Nov. 27, 1968 Father (f/o Paula)
  Freeman, Paula Beth Oct. 27, 1956-Aug. 15, 1968 Daughter (d/o Allen)
  Gamboa, Ruben Jr. June 12, 1982-Nov. 11, 2001 Beloved Son No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.
  Gardner, Flo F. 1915-1994 (w/o M. C.)
  Gardner, M. C. "George" 1916-1997 Together Forever (h/o Flo)
  Garland, Bobbie R. April 1, 1924-Feb. 23, 2001 (w/o Carter)
  Garland, Carter R. Feb. 23, 1917-Apr. 21, 2006 (h/o Bobbie)
  Garrison, C. G. "Tuffy" 1914-1992 married Mar. 5, 1938 (h/o Lucyle)
  Garrison, John M. (military) Pvt. US Army July 19, 1922-Feb. 24, 2004
  Garrison, John M. July 19, 1922-Feb. 24, 2004 Brother
  Garrison, Lucyle 1919-1995 (w/o C. G.)
  Garrison, Ruby M. June 12, 1916-Jan. 27, 2006 (w/o Wilford)
  Garrison, Wilford L. Nov. 24, 1916-March 10, 2003 (h/o Ruby M.)
  Gibbs, Dolly July 29, 1937-Oct. 12, 2002 (w/o Tommy)
  Gibbs, Doris 1959-1959 Infant
  Gibbs, Gertrue m. Feb. 26, 1908-Mar. 26, 1996 (w/o William)
  Gibbs, Tommy J. Apr. 6, 1932 (o.d.) wed. Nov. 27, 1957 (h/o Dolly)
  Gibbs, William D. Sr. Feb. 6, 1908-Jun. 4, 1994 (h/o Gertrue)
  Gibson, Bertie L. May 15, 1929 (o.d.) (w/o Jack)
  Gibson, Jack W. Sept. 14, 1924-Feb. 21, 1979 Blessed be Thy Name (h/o Bertie)
  Gonzales, Esperanza "Hope" Oct. 31, 1957-May 29, 1970 Safe in the arms of Jesus
  Gracey, Ferne E. March 31, 1904-March 31, 1992 (w/o W. T.)
  Gracey, W. T. "Buck" August 14, 1901-October 20, 1992 (h/o Ferne)
  Green, Allison Diane Aug. 15-16, 1988 Daughter
  Green, Zachary Brian Oct. 25-28, 1990 Son
  Hail, Elmo Bill (military) June 18, 1913-Apr. 10, 1991 1st Lt. US Army World War II
  Hail, Elmo Billy June 18, 1913-Apr. 10, 1991 married Nov. 16, 1946 (h/o Opal)
  Hail, Opal Ellen Feb. 27, 1921-Dec. 24, 2000 (w/o Elmo)
  Hall, Hal H. 1912-2001 (h/o Snow) (on same stone with Horace and Kate Blackburn)
  Hall, Snow B. 1921-2000 (w/o Hal) (on same stone with Horace and Kate Blackburn)
  Harber, Raymond Lloyd Sep. 17, 1933-March 7, 1988 Safe in the Arms of Jesus.
  Hardin, Charles R. 1943-1984 (h/o Sydney)
  Hardin, Curtis D. Aug. 13, 1904-Mar. 17, 1972 (h/o Nora B.)
  Hardin, Nora B. Aug. 8, 1907-Dec. 5, 2002 (w/o Curtis)
  Hardin, Sydney Shadle 1943 (o.d) (w/o Charles R.)
  Harper, Floyd Lee Sep. 24, 1913-Aug. 19, 1991 married Jan. 14, 1946 (h/o Valerie) Beloved Husband and Father
  Harper, Lleva Dean Aug. 27, 1923 (o.d.) (w/o Lloyd)
  Harper, Lloyd Dee Sept. 24, 1913-July 19, 1987 married Aug. 31, 1941 (h/o Lleva) His quiver was full. Ps. 127
  Harper, Valerie Lenora Jan. 29, 1926-May 7, 1980 (w/o Floyd) We arose and called Her Blessed
  Harris, Betty J. 1938 (o.d.)
  Harris, Verl L. 1933-1988 Verl & Betty (h/o Betty)
  Harris, Verl Leroy (military) US Army 1933-1988
  Hartley, Bessie E. 1903-1995 (w/o Glen)
  Hartley, Glen H. 1902-1982 Together Forever (h/o Bessie)
  Harvey, Joe C. Feb. 16, 1915-Jan. 13, 1972 (h/o Macie)
  Harvey, Juanita B. Nov. 5, 1941-Oct. 4, 1984
  Harvey, Macie Oct. 16, 1919 (o.d.) (w/o Joe C.)
  Harvey, Ruthie Mae July 27, 1909- July 7, 1991 Beloved Mother & Grandmother. At last with Jesus. Mother.
  Harvey, Tammy L. Dec. 12, 1960-Jan. 25, 1961 Our Darling Baby
  Heath, M. Owendia Jan. 1, 1925-Oct. 29, 1983 Beloved Mother and Friend
  Heflin, Vernie Ruth Sept. 23, 1926-Nov. 24, 1984 Precious Lord Take My hand. (on back) Mother
  Henderson, Andrew R. Oct. 13, 1914-Jan. 12, 1971 (h/o Clarabelle)
  Henderson, Clarabelle B. March 28, 1915-June 3, 1982 (w/o Andrew)
  Hensley, Jay Gordon Sept. 9, 1964-June 16, 2006 Living with Jesus. Forever in our hearts
  Hernandez, Nabor 1884-1973 Father
  Higdon, Faye 1929-2002 (w/o Mart)
  Higdon, Mart. 1925-1979. In Loving Memory (h/o Faye)
  Hill, Homer Oct. 10, 1897-Mar. 27, 1984 wed. Dec. 24, 1934 (h/o Mattie)
  Hill, Jay Steven Oct. 28, 1964-April 13, 1978
  Hill, Mattie Zoe May 18, 1918 (o.d.) (w/o Homer)
  Holland, Rufus Charles August 18, 1915-November 24, 2005
  Holmes, E. M. "Gene" Mar. 15, 1922-Nov. 18, 1982 In Loving Memory (h/o Jeanette)
  Holmes, Jeanette M. Dec. 5, 1924-(o.d.) (w/o Gene)
  Holmes, Linda Kay (metal marker) May 3, 1949-Jul. 19, 2006
  Horne, Ada Louise 1911-1978 (w/o H. Leslie)
  Horne, H. Leslie 1901-1970 (h/o Ada)
  Howell, Steven Neal July 22, 1959-Mar. 15, 1984 Grandson of O.K. & Pansy Powell
  Hutchison, Diane Aug. 14, 1946-Sept. 9, 1989 (w/o Frank)
  Hutchison, Frank C. June 11, 1925-Sept. 17, 1984 (h/o Diane)
  Hutchison, James Thomas 1943-1998
  Idell, J. C. Jan. 24, 1924-May 3, 2001 (h/o Louise)
  Idell, Louise Sept. 23, 1928-Sept. 21, 1989 (w/o J.C.)
  Jacobsen, Ethel G. "Lawson" Sept. 6, 1910-May 2, 1989 (w/o James)
  Jacobsen, James "Jimmy" Dec. 26, 1907-Dec. 5, 1972 (h/o Ethel)
  Jacobsen, James M. (military) Texas Cpl. Army Air Force World War II Dec. 20, 1907-Dec. 5, 1972
  Jeffers, Kimberly Annette "Kimbo" December 10, 1971-February 24, 1977 Kim loved all things for her life is eternal. Preciouse memories ( on back) Kim Jeffers For the Christian, Death is really the beginning of Life.
  Johnson, Alissa Ann Oct. 12, 1984 (o.d.) Daughter
  Johnson, H. A. "Guy" 1890-1968
  Johnson, Lennie W. 1894-1972
  Johnson, N. C. "Johnny" March 6, 1915-October 30, 1983
  Johnston, Ada Frances July 16, 1900-July 25, 1975 Grandmother (w/o Rembert)
  Johnston, Rembert W. June 7, 1898-Oct. 24, 1971 Grandfather (h/o Ada)
  Jones, Allen "Tooter" Feb. 24, 1965-Apr. 13, 2004 Loving Father, Brother & Son
  Kelly, Joel "Joe" A. Sept. 27, 1889-Sept. 27, 1986 (h/o Mabel)
  Kelly, Mabel Bricker April 8, 1907-Nov. 17, 1989 (w/o Joel)
  Kennedy, Dorothy Nell Aug. 23, 1937 (o.d.)
  Kennedy, Herman P. July 7, 1907-Oct. 10, 1974 (h/o Laura)
  Kennedy, Laura E. April 4, 1907-May 26, 2004 (w/o Herman)
  Kennedy, Neal Newton May 22, 1930-July 18, 1969 married Jan. 15, 1953 (h/o Wanda)
  Kennedy, Wanda Thadine May 14, 1938-Jan. 15, 1967 (w/o Neal) To be absent from the body is present with the Lord.
  Kennedy, William Clayton (military) Cpl. US Army Korea Aug. 18, 1932-Jun 14, 1992
  Kennedy, William Clayton Aug. 18, 1932-June 14, 1992 (h/o Dorothy)
  Kilpatrick, Daniel Boone 1871-1958
  Kimbrough, Don E. (military) US Navy World War II July 21, 1926-June 21, 1993
  Kimbrough, Don July 21, 1926-June 21, 1993 (h/o Pauline)
  Kimbrough, Pauline Aug. 31, 1910 (o.d.) (w/o Don)
  King, Bernice G. 1917 (o.d.) (w/o Dalton)
  King, Dalton M. 1915-1993 (h/o Bernice)
  King, Leo March 24, 1941-April 8, 1997
  Kinnard, Jacob M. June 14, 1941-July 2, 2002 (h/o Paula)
  Kinnard, Jacob R. Aug. 6, 1910-Nov. 25, 1983 In Loving Memory Father (h/o Merle)
  Kinnard, Jacob Randolph (military) S2 US Navy World War II Aug. 6, 1910-Nov. 25, 1983
  Kinnard, Merle Inez Aug. 29, 1911-June 14, 2005 Mother
  Kinnard, Paula J. Sept. 2, 1943 (o.d.) (w/o Jacob)
  Klassen, John Zane May 7, 1958-May 6, 1983 Beloved husband (on back of stone) Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn's rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush. I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there I did not die.
  Kniveton, J. Hoyt April 29, 1903-Oct. 30, 1978 (h/o Virginia)
  Kniveton, J. Virginia Apr. 22, 1907 (o.d.) (w/o Hoyt)
  Laffoon, F. Charles 1929-2007 (on back: G. P.) (h/o Jane)
  Laffoon, Jane 1931-2003 (on back: Granna, loving Mother, special Granna) (w/o Charles)
  Laffoon, Kim Ann August 4, 1955-October 23, 1997 Daughter and Sister
  Lanehart, Lila 1904-1996 (w/o W. R.)
  Lanehart, W. R. 1893-1968 (h/o of Lila)
  Lipscomb, Sidra Celes Aug. 27, 1975-Oct. 22, 1975 Our Angel
  Lively, Frank S. July 27, 1918-Oct. 27, 1999 (h/o Juanita)
  Lively, Juanita J. Feb. 15, 1921 (o.d.) wed. Feb. 14, 1942 (w/o Frank)
  Loftin, Karla Dale Oct. 11, 1976-Oct. 12, 1976
  Lopez, Eduviges Estrada Sept. 16, 1917-Aug. 4, 1970 To my beloved Wife and Mother
  Lopez, Francisco Jan. 29, 1925-Feb. 19, 2002
  Lopez, Francisco M. (military) US Army World War II Jan. 29, 1925-Feb. 29, 2002
  marked, no name
  marked/no name
  Mason, Everette M. June 26, 1919-Apr. 27, 1981 (h/o Vada)
  Mason, Vada E. Nov. 3, 1922 (o.d.) Love Forever and Three Days (w/o Everette)
  Mayberry, Alice P. 1910 (o.d.) (w/o Harry T.)
  Mayberry, Harry T. 1902-1971 (h/o Alice P.)
  McAnally, Billie L. July 11, 1918-Oct. 26, 1995 Beloved Mother & Wife. (w/o Claude)
  McAnally, Claude A. "Bud" July 19, 1918-Jan. 17, 1983 married Dec. 29, 1939 Beloved Father & Husband (h/o Billie)
  McAnally, Claude Arnold (military) Cpl US Army World War II July 19, 1918-Jan. 16, 1983
  McBee, Millard P. Feb. 19, 1905-Sep. 6, 1995 married Feb 21, 1933 (h/o Thelma)
  McBee, Thelma D. Nov. 8, 1915-Aug. 25, 1988 (w/o Millard)
  McCartney, Charles Eston May 6, 1924-June 8, 1982
  McCartney, Emma Kathaleen Oct. 18, 1921-Feb. 4, 1970
  McCarver, Evelyn E. 1912-1991 (w/o Walter)
  McCarver, Walter E. 1912-1973 (h/o Evelyn)
  McDaniel, Tilda Jane Aug. 11, 1918-Mar. 2, 1979
  McDaniel, Willard V. Sr. May 3, 1915 (o.d.) wed. Feb. 12, 1936 (h/o Tilda Jane)
  McDaniel, Zelma Mae Sep. 16, 1925-Dec. 31, 1973 She Lived As She Breathed.
  McDonald, Gladys 1898-1969 (w/o Joe E.)
  McDonald, Joe E.1887-1963 married May 18, 1943 (h/o Gladys)
  McKamey, Jimmy Lee 1949-1976 Rest In Peace Beloved Brother and Son
  McKee, Daisy C. 1884-1961 (w/o Royal)
  McKee, Royal A. 1884-1968 (h/o Daisy)
  McNeil, Emmie E. 1905-(o.d.) (w/o Troy)
  McNeil, Troy M. 1891-1984 Troy & Emmie (h/o Emmie)
  Mendoza, Abel G. August 1, 1943-May 17, 2003
  Mendoza, Michael R. May 31, 1983 (o.d.) Son. Infant
  Merrifield, Thespa P. 1922-1969
  Meyer, Alta L. 1906- 1983 (w/o Clarence)
  Meyer, Clarence S. 1902-1973 (h/o Alta)
  Miller, Carl E. May 12, 1918- July 10, 1955 (h/o V. E.)
  Miller, Mabel 1901-1980 (w/o Robert C.)
  Miller, Robert C. 1901-1972 (h/o Mabel)
  Miller, V. E. Cade June 8, 1919- Feb. 26, 1996 (w/o Carl E.)
  Mills, Henrietta "Auntie" Aug. 23, 1853-Feb. 11, 1937 At rest in Jesus
  Moellering, Emil (military) Pvt. US Army World War II Sep. 2, 1921-Jul. 14, 1976
  Moellering, Emil 1921-1976 m. July 27, 1943 Daddy (h/o Lillie)
  Moellering, Lillie E. 1925-2003 Mother
  Monroe, Henry Clay Jr. Apr. 1, 1917-Jan. 2, 2001 wed. May 4, 1940 Son (h/o Rachel)
  Monroe, Rachel Black June 8, 1920-May 9, 1980 Raye (w/o Henry)
  Montejano? (metal marker)
  Montgomery, Carson G. 1905-1993 wed. Oct. 12, 1927 (h/o Edith)
  Montgomery, Edith O. 1906-1991 (w/o Carson)
  Montgomery, Gary W. Nov. 23, 1943-July 21, 2007
  Montgomery, John W. February 23, 1926-March 17, 1994
  Moore, Jesse J. Babe Aug. 9, 1905-July 19, 1959
  Moore, Jessie D. 1873-1955 (h/o Lurena) Father
  Moore, Lurena 1877-1955 (w/o Lurena) Mother
  Morris, Anna Nancy (w/o Jess) May 30, 1900-Jan. 3, 1978 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
  Morris, Jess Newton (military) May 20, 1895-Jan. 11, 1961 Texas Pvt. Medical Department World War I (h/o Anna)
  Morrow, Thad C. June 4, 1917-Oct. 24, 2007 m. Oct. 26, 1945 US Army Corps of Engineers (h/o Wanda)
  Morrow, Wanda E. Nov. 24, 1924 (o.d.) (w/o Thad)
  Newton, Lillie M. 1900-1970 Rest in Peace
  Nixon, Jean Edgar 1926-1966 Love Is Eternal (h/o no name)
  Nixon, Nathalia June Shiffitt Mar. 2, 1925 (o.d.)
  Nixon, W. H. "Wimpy" Sept. 30, 1922-Apr. 4, 2006 m. Jan. 1, 1945. Keep on the Sunny Side. (h/o Nathalia)
  Nixon, Wimford Hale (military) MOMM1 US Navy World War II Sep. 30, 1922-Apr. 4, 2006
  Osborne, Auda L. July 7, 1906-July 25, 1967 (w/o Thomas B.)
  Osborne, Thomas B. Nov. 18, 1887-Mar. 7, 1971 (h/o Auda)
  Parker, Jane 1909-1991 (w/o M. E.)
  Parker, M. E. 1908-1982 (h/o Jane)
  Pence, Ena V. Aug. 28, 1910-Nov. 17, 2002 Mom
  Perry, Allen D. 1910-1969 (w/o I. Helen)
  Perry, Frank A. Jr. Oct. 26, 1914-Jan. 19, 1988 married Nov. 1, 1936 (h/o Freda)
  Perry, Freda Dec. 30, 1913-Aug. 26, 1998 (w/o Frank)
  Perry, I . Helen 1909-1996 (w/o Allen)
  Perry, Theodore Melvin (military) US Marine Corps May 25, 1940-Jan. 10, 1989
  Peterson, Brett Wilson 8 hours September 2, 1986 (same stone as Bryce)
  Peterson, Bryce Stanton 18 hours September 2, 1986 (same stone as Brett)
  Peterson, Daniel Lee November 7, 1961-June 24, 1984
  Petralba, Mario Jr. Sept. 10, 1976-Nov. 14, 2006 In Memory of. A loving Son, Brother and Father.
  Plendl, Sylvia Sept. 7, 1958-Feb. 8, 1982 Wife. In Loving Memory
  Pope, Deborah Carol 1958-1958 Infant
  Porter, Carroll Troy Dec. 15, 1915-Dec. 22, 1997 (h/o Melba)
  Porter, Melba Noreen March 16, 1922-Oct. 5, 2001 (w/o Carroll)
  Powell, Gene Allen Aug. 19, 1941-Apr. 29, 1983
  Powell, James Larry April 8, 1934-March 18, 2000
  Powell, Kermit & Pansy married Oct. 14, 1928 Just a Closer Walk With Thee
  Powell, Owen Kermit Jr. (military) PFC US Army Aug. 18, 1929-Apr. 20, 1975
  Powell, Owen Kermit Jr. Aug. 18, 1929-Apr. 20, 1975
  Powell, Owen Kermit Sr. May 7, 1904-Nov. 15, 1974
  Powell, Pansy Cameron Mar. 9, 1911-Oct. 7, 1987
  Powell, William T. Jan. 6, 1913-Aug. 25, 2005 Husband & Daddy
  Powers, Alene C. Dec. 10, 1915-July 6, 1996 (w/o Homer)
  Powers, Homer L. Feb. 24, 1903-Nov. 6, 1974 (h/o Alene)
  Quintero, Maria Ninfa (metal marker) 1927-2003
  Ramsey Connie E. 1955-1974 (w/o Max)
  Ramsey, Gwen M. May 18, 1937 (o.d.) (w/o Howard)
  Ramsey, H. Max 1955- (o.d.) married Feb. 2, 1974 (h/o Connie)
  Ramsey, Howard L. Apr. 23, 1936-MAr. 9, 1997 wed. Nov. 25, 1954 (h/o Gwen)
  Remy, Albert William July 28, 1939-Sept. 24, 2003 Husband of Hellen Wright Remy
  Richardson, Rod R. Sept. 1, 1926-Feb. 4, 2000
  Richardson, Rodney R. (military) Pvt. US Army World War II Sept. 1, 1926-Feb. 4, 2000
  Ridley, Henry 1902-1959 (h/o Jennie)
  Ridley, Jennie 1903-1987 (w/o Henry)
  Riggs, Kathleen "Sister" May 13, 1919-November 18, 2007
  Ringener, John D. (military) Texas S Sgt US Army World War II April 15, 1909-Jan. 11, 1965
  Rivas, Anita L. April 17, 1915-Aug. 25, 1975 Mother
  Rivas, Corina D. July 8, 1946-March 30, 1974 Wife and Mother
  Rivas, Felipe L. Jr. Sept. 4, 1941-May 28, 1973 Husband and Father
  Roberts, Edith Jan. 18, 1925 (o.d.) (w/o Loys)
  Roberts, Loys "Bud" Nov. 8, 1924-Mar. 29, 2007 married April 4, 1944 (h/o Edith)
  Roberts, Loys (military) US Army World War II Nov. 8, 1924-Mar. 29, 2007 Bronze Star Medal
  Rodriguez, Eulogio "Loy" 1924-1999 (h/o Maria
  Rodriguez, Maria "Mary" 1934-(o.d.) (w/o Eulogio)
  Rodriquez, Eloisa S. Nov. 27, 1925-July 15, 1982. Mother. Pray for us.
  Rodriquez, Frances C. Oct. 10, 1923-Nov. 14, 1981
  Rodriquez, Marcial C. (military) PFC US Army World War II Jan. 28, 1920-Sep. 18, 1987.
  Rodriquez, Marcial C. Jan. 28, 1920 (o.d.) (h/o Eloisa) Father
  Rodriquez, Tomas C. Born 12-28-28 Died 4-12-99 70 years old. God's Carpenter
  Rogers, Melton H. Dec. 26, 1913-Feb. 12, 1984
  Rosales, Consuelo 8/27/1943-8/13/1977
  Rosales, Dolores March 19, 1889-March 21, 1981 Gone but Not Forgotten. Welcome to my Garden,
  Rosales, Eva Rodriquez January 2, 1950-March 9, 2007
  Rosales, Jesus G. February 10, 1920-May 26, 1972
  Rosales, Johnny A. Jr. (military) PO2 US Navy Persian Gulf Apr. 2, 1974-Aug. 20, 2003 Unidos Por Vida Con Amor married Sept. 1, 1999 Unidos Por Vida Con Amor (h/o Mary)
  Rosales, Mara M. June 10, 1914-July 24, 1982
  Rosales, Mary Lynn Feb. 4, 1964 (o.d.) (w/o Johnny)
  Rosales, Mr. Johnny 1974-2003. Welcome to My Garden.
  Rylander, C. Rankin "Rye" 1913-2001 Father (h/o Virginia)
  Rylander, Clyde Rankin (military) Nov. 12, 1913-Jul. 2, 2001 T Sgt US Army World War II 90th INF Division 3rd Army
  Rylander, Virginia E. "Betty" 1915-1995 Mother (w/o C. Rankin)
  Sanches? 1900-1977 Nov. 1970
  Sanchez, Armando June 13, 1945 (o.d.) married Sept. 4, 1965 Husband. (h/o Olga)
  Sanchez, Olga May 17, 1947-March 29, 1997 (wife)
  Scallorn, Robert L. "Bob" Feb. 2, 1929-Jan. 25, 1999
  Scallorn, Robert Lee (military) PFC US Marine Corps World War II Feb. 2, 1929-Jan. 25, 1999
  Schenk, Ida Phillip March 28, 1899-February 15, 1986
  Schneider, Herbert H. Feb 10, 1920- Feb 20, 2007 Tec 4 US Army World War II
  Schneider, Herbert H. February 10, 1920-February 20, 2007 (h/o Thelma) married March 15, 1946
  Schneider, Thelma L. March 18, 1924-June 24, 1989 (w/o Herbert) None knew her but loved her
  Schuster, Erwin F. 1921-2007 married July 12, 1942 (h/o Neta)
  Schuster, Neta C. 1920-2006 (w/o Erwin)
  Sconiers, Dewey Schley Jan. 12, 1899-Nov. 22, 1999 married 12-31-33 (h/o Elsie)
  Sconiers, Elsie Leona June 4, 1910 (o.d.) (w/o Dewey)
  Scott Martha Louise Jan. 24, 1947-Aug. 24, 1952 Our Precious "Tugie"
  Scott, Garland Thomas May 19, 1937-Oct. 3, 1996 To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.
  Scott, John Owen Oct. 2, 1939-May 16, 1983
  Seals, Eugene Wayland 1912-1992 He Loved His Family, He Loved His Home
  Seals, Eunice 1894-1988 (w/o Fred)
  Seals, Fred 1882-1964 (h/o Eunice)
  Sears, Evelyn Beth Born 10-28-58 Died 10-30-58 Infant
  Sehorn, Wanda Jean May 18, 1932-July 4, 1974 In Loving Memory
  Sehorn, Williard Ray May 31, 1928-February 16, 2008
  Shackelford, John H. 1897-1991 (h/o Sarah)
  Shackelford, Sarah D. 1897-1995 (w/o John)
  Shank, Mable Ruth July 24, 1898-July 11, 1983
  Shank, Roy W. (military) Texas Sgt. 8 Co. 165 Depot Brig. World War I Aug. 22, 1894-Nov. 17, 1956.
  Shank, Roy Wayne Sr. Aug. 22, 1894-Nov. 17, 1956
  Sharp, Marian F. White July 20, 1933-Nov. 17, 1963
  Shipp, Cheryl P. Sept. 1, 1946-July 25, 2005 Gone from Our Sight but never our memories, Gone from our touch but never our hearts
  Shipp, Florence Moore Dec. 17, 1908-May 28, 2006 (w/o Robert) The life that serves and loves and clings hears everywhere the rush of angel's wings.
  Shipp, Robert Eugene Mar. 6, 1905-Dec. 19, 1987 wed. Dec. 21, 1926 (h/o Florence)
  Shook, Davis Woodrow "Woody" 1950-1969
  Sims, Doris 1921-1971 wife
  Sims, Rose 1866-1961 Mother A Rose is a Rose, is a Rose, is a Rose
  Sizemore, Kay Feb. 28, 1957-June 21, 1981
  Smart, Billy J.. May 27, 1930-Aug. 5, 2000 m. June 27, 1955 (h/o Pansy)
  Smart, Charles Jan. 31, 1934-March 16, 2000. In Loving Memory
  Smart, James P. April 11, 1900- June 29, 1959
  Smart, Lora L. Nov. 23, 1909-June 5, 1978 (w/o Mack)
  Smart, Mack (military) May 9, 1909-Feb. 18, 1969 PFC US Army World War II
  Smart, Mack May 9, 1909-Feb. 18, 1969 (h/o Lora)
  Smart, Pansy N. June 26, 1940 (o.d.)
  Smith, Anita L. 1938 (o.d.) (w/o Royce)
  Smith, Charles E. 1886-1963
  Smith, Dee Wiley Oct. 10, 1907-Jan. 24, 1979 married July 12, 1937 (h/o Mina S.)
  Smith, Hollis April 12, 1893-Nov. 5, 1982 (w/o James)
  Smith, I. O. March 30, 1919-September 18, 2000. In God's Care (h/o Leona)
  Smith, James W. Dec. 2, 1880-Jan. 7, 1971 (h/o Hollis)
  Smith, Jimmy F. (military) US Army Korea 1933-1988
  Smith, Jimmy F. Mar.14, 1933-Jan. 2, 1988 married Oct. 14, 1977 Daddy (h/o Sherry)
  Smith, Leona Mae "Mutt" September 6, 1916-September 17, 1990 (w/o I.O.)
  Smith, Mina S. Feb. 13, 1912-Feb. 2, 1989 God Bless You Till We Meet Again (w/o Dee)
  Smith, Robert Sewell Aug. 30, 1946-Mar. 6, 1961 Weep Not, Daddy, Mother and Brother For Me, For I am waiting in Glory for Thee
  Smith, Royce D. 1925-2001 (h/o Anita)
  Smith, Sherry E. Feb. 6, 1946 (o.d.) (w/o Jimmy)
  Smithson, Ann Marie Dec. 2, 1919 (o.d.) (w/o Jack)
  Smithson, Jack Gibson Feb. 18, 1922-Apr. 23, 1991 If we could see beyond today as God can see-each sorrow we would soon forget. (h/o Anne)
  square stones in pattern, no marker
  Stafford, Joyce E. 1930-1978 (w/o Lloyd W.)
  Stafford, Lloyd W. (military) Aug. 3, 1920-Nov. 27, 1996 Sgt. US Army World War II
  Stafford, Lloyd W. 1920 (o.d.) (h/o Joyce E.)
  Stone, Gaylon R. May 25, 1958-May 17, 1988 Daddy was a welder.
  Stovall, David Ray Nov. 2, 1997 (o.d.) We will always love you, Dad and Mom
  Stuard, Claud Aug. 21, 1915-May 4, 2002 (h/o Marjorie)
  Stuard, Marjorie June 27, 1927 (o.d.) (w/o Claud)
  Sullivan, Robert W. Oct. 27, 1942-Dec. 10, 1967
  Sullivan, Thurman B. April 19, 1920-Dec. 3, 1974 Father
  Sullivan, Vivian M. Apr. 23, 1922-Sep. 6, 2007 Mother
  Taylor, Belva Jene 1931-1932 In God's Care
  Taylor, Lady 1906-2002 Mother
  Taylor, McKinley 1898-1959 Daddy At Rest
  Teal, Martha M. 1905-1966
  Tennyson, Billy Ray Feb. 12, 1950-Sept. 9, 1971 Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest..
  Tessier, Mary L. Oct. 3, 1925-Nov. 30, 1994 (w/o Robert)
  Tessier, Robert E. (military) MM2 US Navy World War II July 23, 1922-Sept. 4, 1982
  Tessier, Robert E. July 23, 1922-Sept. 4, 1982 (h/o Mary)
  Thurman, Kenneth H. Nov. 6, 1940-Nov. 9, 1971 Daddy (h/o Lequita)
  Thurman, Lequita F. Mar. 8, 1941-Nov. 9, 1971 Together in Christ
  Truesdell, Merle Murphy Jan. 2, 1925- (o.d.) (w/o William)
  Truesdell, William Thomas (military) S1 US Navy World War II Sept. 4, 1925-July 7, 1986
  Truesdell, William Thomas Sept. 4, 1925-July 7, 1986 married June 30, 1943 (h/o Merle)
  Turk, D. M. "Mutt" Mar. 16, 1910-Jan. 9, 1973 (h/o Dorothy)
  Turk, Dorothy M. Jan. 26, 1926 (o.d.) (w/o D. M.)
  Tyson, Curtis Gene "Pops" Mar. 26, 1944 (o.d.) (h/o Karen)
  Tyson, Karen Monroe "Meme" Feb. 3, 1944-Dec. 28, 2005 (w/o Curtis)
  Wade, Willie Belle Forbes August 5, 1907-June 15, 2005 A Wonderful Mother. Where there is a Willie, there is a way.
  Ward, C. R. "Cy" Oct. 12, 1915-Aug. 7, 1992
  Warden, Jessie Lee Sept. 4, 1909-March 22, 1986
  Warden, Kathryn Leone Feb. 26, 1912-Oct. 17, 1990
  Watkins, Jesse Lindel Oct. 2, 1912-May 15, 2001 (h/o Sarah)
  Watkins, Sarah Anita May 5, 1919- Feb. 28, 2005 (w/o Jesse)
  Watson, B. Cecil Aug. 20, 1909 (o.d.) (h/o Gustis)
  Watson, David Elzy Feb. 16, 1899-Aug. 11, 1978 (military) US Marine Corps World War I & II
  Watson, Dean A. Nov. 25, 1933-Mar. 29, 1984 (h/o Dorothy)
  Watson, Dorothy F. July 17, 1933-mar. 9, 2002 (w/o Dean)
  Watson, Gustis M. Sept. 30, 1914-Feb. 17, 1976 (w/o Cecil)
  Watson, Leo. A. Sep. 26, 1906-Apr. 5, 1986
  Watson, Myra C. Jul. 4, 1905-Dec. 2, 1976 (military) Tec 4 US Army World War II
  Watson, W. C. Feb. 7, 1905-Oct. 4, 1989 (h/o Leo A.)
  Weatherby, Ima Jewell Sept. 14, 1929 (o.d.) (w/o Jessie)
  Weatherby, Jessie James March 12, 1921-May 30, 1979 married May 20, 1950 (h/o Ima)
  Weehunt, Eileen Stuard April 9, 1947-April 25, 2001
  White, Donald Gene "the Agitator" 1931-2000 "Know and Loved by all."
  White, Edna Ruth 1922-1989 (w/o Richard)
  White, Jacqueline L. Ice Nov. 26, 1934-Feb. 6, 1991 Mammaw
  White, Richard F. 1911-2002 In God's Care (h/o Edna)
  White, Vernon Leon Nov. 29, 1965-Jan. 4, 1966 I shall go to Him, but He shall not return to me 2nd Samuel 12:23
  Whitefield, Billy J. Dec. 23, 1925 (o.d.) m. Aug. 14, 1950 Father. (h/o Opal)
  Whitefield, Carlos B. Jr. (military) US Navy World War II Sept. 22, 1923-Dec. 6, 1992
  Whitefield, Carlos Bethel Jr. Sept 22, 1923-Dec. 6, 1992 married Mar. 15, 1942 (h/o Kathryn)
  Whitefield, Cathy Sue February 23, 1954-March 29, 2006 Daughter
  Whitefield, Ethel May Nov. 19, 1919-Nov. 27, 1979 (w/o Joe)
  Whitefield, Joe Ray Sept. 21, 1914-Oct. 21, 1967 married Aug. 7, 1937 (h/o Ethel)
  Whitefield, Kathryn Murphy Mar. 18, 1927 (o.d.) (w/o Carlos)
  Whitefield, Opal K. June 21, 1921-Mar. 21, 2005 Mother. In Loving Memory. (w/o Billy)
  Wills, Carl G. 1887-1963
  Wills, Erin B. 1902-1975
  Wilson, A. C. "Dub" Aug. 22, 1911-Sept. 17, 1992 Loving brother
  Wilson, Cora Worlow Mar. 13, 1893-Oct. 2, 1986 (w/o Wm. Thomas; on same stone with Wm. Theodore and Marian Gray Wilson).
  Wilson, Jessie Lou Aug. 7, 1894-Aug. 5, 1971 Mother
  Wilson, Marian Gray Nov. 10, 1922 (o.d.) (w/o Wm.)
  Wilson, Paul Richard May 21, 1940 (o.d.) married May 1, 1960 Loving Son, Husband, Father (h/o Wanda)
  Wilson, Ruby M. 1903-1986 (w/o Russell)
  Wilson, Russell H. 1897-1973 (h/o Ruby)
  Wilson, Russell H. Jan. 13, 1897-Oct. 29, 1973 (military) Pvt. US Army World War I
  Wilson, Wanda Louise Lawler October 12, 1942-September 25, 2006 Loving Daughter, Wife, Mother (w/o Paul)
  Wilson, Wm. T. (military) T Sgt. US Army Air Corps World War II Jan. 23, 1919-Aug. 31, 1991
  Wilson, Wm. Theodore Jan. 23, 1919-Aug. 31, 1991 married Jan. 21, 1940 (h/o Marian)
  Wilson, Wm. Thomas "Tom" Aug. 23, 1890-Dec. 31, 1986 married Nov. 24, 1912 (h/o Cora; on same stone with Wm. Theodore and Marian Gray Wilson).
  Winn, Earl 1901-1970 (h/o Mary)
  Winn, Mary 1908-1983 (w/o Earl)
  Winter, Tillie 1900-1981
  Wood, Clarence Samuel August 7, 1895-April 7, 1959 Gone But Not Forgotten (h/o Sue)
  Wood, Modenia Sue March 20, 1903-Nov. 10, 1967 (w/o Clarence) Young People All, As You Pass By; As You are now so once was I: As I am now you all must be: So prepare yourselves for eternity.
  Woodard, Jason Heath Aug. 13, 1971-April 1, 1997 Forever In our hearts. to the best of times, family & friends.
  Word, John Russell Oct. 5, 1970-July 14, 1991 In God's Care
  Wright, Hellen Anne Nagy January 20, 1923 (o.d.)
  Wright, Robert Neal Aug. 11, 1914-Aug. 21, 1978 (military) PFC US Army World War II
  Wright, Robert Neal Sr. August 11, 1914-August 21, 1978 (h/o Hellen)
  Wyatt, Rebel G. (military) Texas Pvt. 1722 Ordinance Co. World War II Oct. 20, 1899-Jan. 29, 1965
  Yates, Jonas Arden 1888-1956 Father
  Young, Dorothy E. Apr. 23, 1921 (o.d.) (w/o Gerald E.)
  Young, Gerald E. Sept. 9, 1925-Feb. 14, 2002 (h/o Dorothy)


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