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Pioneer Club

The information below regarding the Presidents of the Pioneer Club was recorded in

the " 1947 Pioneer Club Recipe Book", which was scanned and submitted by Jimmy Joe Moore

All of the Presidents listed after 1948 were handwritten into the book.

If you know of those not listed, or, if you can connect a name to a photo below, please email me!


1933Mrs. O. W. Williams
1934Mrs. H. H. Butz
1935Mrs. James Rooney
1936Mrs. John L. Moore
1937Mrs. H. L. Winfield
1938Mrs. Shipton Parke
1939Mrs. Mary Richardson
1940Mrs. Mart Adams
1941Mrs. Anna Achterberg
1942Mrs. Johnnie Boydstun
1943Mrs. R. H. Price
1944Mrs. Tryon Lewis
1945Mrs. A. F. Thrift
1946Mrs. Len Smith
1947Mrs. N. D. Pouncey
1948Mrs. Dan Bihl
1949Mrs. J. M. Montgomery
1950Mrs. C. C. Rollins
1951Mrs. Marsh Lea
1952Mrs. Jennie Nunn
1953Mrs. Jessie Rooney
1954Mrs. Della Moore
1955Mrs. Edna Butz
1956Mrs. Ladonia Gorom
1957Mrs. Charles Dees
1958Mrs. Zetta Hoefs
1959Mrs. Melba Carpenter
1960not listed
1961not listed
1962not listed
1963not listed
1964not listed
1965not listed
1966not listed
1967not listed
1968Mrs. Sue Montgomery
1969Mrs. Mary Carter
1970Mrs. Josephine Buchanan

The list below contains names of those who submitted recipes for the 1947 Pioneer Club Recipe Book

Achterberg, Mrs. Anna Odom, Mrs. Mattie
Adams, Mrs. Mart
Parke, Mrs. Shipton
Bihl, Julia Patterson, Nell Brannon
Bisohall (?), Jane Rooney Pearsey, Peggy LaVern
Blackwell, Lillian Young Pouncey, Pearl Hirst
Boydstun, Mrs. J. N. Pouncey, Peggy Laverne
Brannon, Mrs. H. R. Powers, Mary
Brissman, Ann Rooney Price, Maggie
Brown, Grace Rooney Pulk, Louise Montgomery
Buchanan, Josephine Moore
Butz, Edna Bennett Richardson, Mary
Butz, Mrs. H. H. Rollins, Ollie
Rooney, Maris(e) Hull
Camp, Gladys Parke Rooney, Mrs. James
Carpenter, Melba Thomson Rooney, Mrs. W. P.
Rooney, Mrs. Will
Davonport, Maggie Rooney, Ray D
Dees, Mrs. Charlie
Devlin, Fern Minear Stephenson, Ophelia
Dixon, Madie Butz Stephenson, Mrs. H. F.
Downs, Belle Smith, Frankie
Dunn, Minnie Smith, Mrs. Lem
Garnett, Ermine Thomson, Margaret
Thomson Mrs. C. L.
Heck, Nell R. Richardson Thrift, Lillian Hirst
Hoefs, Zetta
Varble, Obie
Lawrence, Marie Rollins
Lea, Mrs. Marsh Walker, Kathryn W.
Lewis, Mrs. Tryon Walker, Sue Montgomery
Wilson, Mollie
McKenzie, Mrs. T. N. Winfield, Mrs. H. L.
Mendel, Myrtle Cato Wright, Leah Richardson
Mendell, Myrtle
Montgomery, Mrs. J. H.
Montgomery, Mrs. J. M.
Moore, Della
Moore, Mrs. J. L.

The Pioneer Club was organized on November 10, 1933. The purpose of the club was " social activities to help encourage the pioneer spirit in the future generations ".

The first constitution of the club provided that the meetings be held the second Friday of each month at 2:30 p.m. Membership of the club required those who had lived in Fort Stockton 25 years prior to the organization of the club at the close of the year 1933 and their daughters and female descendants as they reached the age of 25 years.

Mrs. Anna Achterberg

1865 ~ 1957

Mrs. Anna McKenzie Westerman

1897 ~ 1993

Mrs. Annie Rooney Harrison

1899 ~ 1975

Mrs. Bennie Bell Boydstun Sullivan

1909 ~ 1955

Mrs. Betty Westerman Daniel

1921 ~ 1992

Mrs. CC Rollins

1876 ~ 1977

Mrs. C. Thomson

Mrs. Dan Bihl

1880 ~ 1963

Mrs. Doris Lea Koentz

1906 ~ 1995

Mrs. Dorothy Rooney Danvers

1906 ~ 1958

Mrs. Edna Bennett Butz

1904 ~ 1989

Mrs. Edwin (Zetta) Hoefs

1886 ~ 1970

Mrs. Ermine Williams Garnet

1885 ~ 1950

Mrs. Euna Sachse Wade

1900 ~ 1991

Mrs. F. M. Smith

Mrs. Francis Brannon (Nell) Patterson

1921 ~ 2006

Mrs. Fred (Cordelia Mack) Cliett

1881 ~ 1970

Mrs. George W. Cate

Mrs. Geraldine Brannon Dickson

1918 ~ 1987

Mrs. Hiram F. Stephenson

1882 ~ 1951

Mrs. H. L. Winfield

1888 ~ 1977

Mrs. Jack Richardson, Sr

Mrs. James Rooney

1876 ~ 1958

Mrs. J. E. Minear

1869 ~ 1936

Mrs. Jennie Rooney Nunn

1901 ~ 1983

Mrs. J. Morgan Livingston

1877 ~ 1955

Mrs. J. N. Boydstun

1884 ~ 1956

Mrs. Jo Ann Montgomery Moore

1917 ~ 1991

Mrs. Joe M. Montgomery

Mrs. John L. Moore

1870 ~ 1954

Mrs. Josephine Moore Buchanan

1898 ~ 1971

Mrs. Josh Richardson, Sr

Mrs. Ladonia "Donnie" Ryan Gorom

Mrs. Leona Brannon Rhoads

1914 ~ 1976

Mrs. Lillian Hirst Thrift

1896 ~ 1984

Mrs. Louise Montgomery Fulk

1907 ~ 1984

Mrs. Maggie Davenport

1869 ~ 1951

Mrs. Margaret Thomson

1879 ~ 1930

Mrs. Marie Rollins Lawrence

1902 ~ 2002

Mrs. Marjorie Price Crawford

1918 ~1991

Mrs. Marmie Moore Martin Pitts

1889 ~ 1958

Mrs. Marsh Lee

1885 ~ 1962

Mrs. Mart Adams

1875 ~ 1960

Mrs. Mary J. Powers

1863 ~ 1953

Mrs. Mary Lee Thomson McKenzie

1899 ~ 1966

Mrs. Mary McKenzie Carter

1900 ~ 1993

Mrs. Mary M. Ryan

1868 ~ 1947

Mrs. Mattie L. Odom

1875 ~ 1954

Mrs. Melissa Carpenter

1897 ~ 1948

Mrs. Mildred Bihl Crumpton

1907 ~ 1943

Mrs. Mildred Thomson

1901 ~ 1968

Mrs. Minnie Dunn

1892 ~ 1924

Mrs. Myrlte Cate Mendel

1894 ~ 1966

Mrs. Obie Valentine Varble

1886 ~ 1953

Mrs. O. W. Williams

1860 ~ 1936

Mrs. Pearl Hirst Percy

1900 ~ 1982

Mrs. Pebble Brannon Storey

1916 ~ 2000

Mrs. Peggy Montgomery Brooks

1925 ~ 1960

Mrs. Rae Davenport Rooney

1896 ~ 1991

Mrs. R. H. Price

1881 ~ 1957

Mrs. Rosalie Everts Dees

Mrs. Rosa Cope Camp

1872 ~ 1938

Mrs. R. W. E. Hurt, Sr

1866 ~ 1935

Mrs. Shipton Parke

1873 ~ 1948

Mrs. Smith

Mrs. Stanley Wilson

1878 ~ 1952

Mrs. Sue Montgomery Walker

1909 ~ 2000

Mrs. T. McKenzie, Sr

Mrs. Tryon Lewis

1887 ~ 1960

Mrs. Wilma Rooney Browning

1912 ~ 1984

Mrs. W. P. Rooney

1885 ~ 1968


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