Reeves County, TXGenWeb
genealogy & history

Deaths, Apr 19, 1917-Jul 28, 1923

Some of the pages in this volume were very faint and were hard or impossible to read.
Transcribed from FHL film # 0025359
There were two death certificates per page.

The county and city are the place of death

dob - Date of birth
dod - Date of death
cod - Cause of death
Reeves Co. Registered No. 83
Pecos, Texas Page 1
Geo. N. Gentry dod: April 19, 1917
Male white married cod: Peumonisus Anemina
age: 71 yrs. 7 mo. 21 days doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Post Master Pecos, Texas
birthplace: Texas Burial: Hamilton, Texas
father: Fred P. Gentry Undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Tennessee Pecos, Texas
mother: Rebecca Burnett
born: Tennessee
informant: Fred P. Gentry

Reeves Co. Registered No. 84
Pecos, Texas Page 1
Ora H. Beauchamp dod: May 19, 1917
dob: June 18, 1890 cod: Toxic Gastritis
age: 26 yrs. 11 mo. Burial: May 20, 1917
occupation: Bank bookkeeper Doctor: O. J. Bryan
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
father: T. H. Beauchamp Undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
mother: Louisa M. Clayton
born: Texas
informant: T. H. Beauchamp
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 85
Pecos, Texas Page 2
Baby Owens dod: May 26, 1917
female white single cod: difficulity in delivery -
birthplace: Pecos, Texas lived a few minutes
father: Add Owens toximia of mother
born: Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
mother: Nannie Farrell date of burial: May 26, 1917
informant: Jim Camp, M. D. Undertaker: J. E. Wells
Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 86
Pecos, Texas Page 2
Tanisalo Lara dod: July 1, 1917
male white single The father says tuberculois-
age: 25 no doctor in attendance.
occupation: farmer burial: July 2, 1917
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Sylvario Lara Undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas
mother: Felshino Moralis
informant: Florenca Garcia
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 87
Pecos, Texas Page 3
Ollie Maurine Burlison dod: June 26, 1917 7:15 PM
female white single cod: exhaustion & toxcemia
dob: Jan. 16, 1896 from tuberculor kidney
age: 21 yrs. 5 mo. 10 days doctor: Jim Camp
born: Concord, Texas burial:shipped to Dallas
father: George Burleson undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
mother: Sally Cox
born. Texas
informant: F. M. Burleson
Dallas, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 88
Pecos, Texas Page 2
George Aubrey Thorchle Dale dod: June 9, 1917
male white married cod: Pulmouer tuberculosis
dob: March 8, 1877 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 45 yrs. 3 mo. 1 day Pecos, Texas
born: Los Angles, California date of burial: June 10, 1917
occupation: Sea Captain Pecos, Texas
father: Lord George Aubrey undertaker: J. E. Wells
Thorchle Dale Pecos, Texas
born: London, England
mother: Mary Cummings
Queenstown, Ireland
informant: Mrs. Winnifred Sollen
El Paso, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 89
Pecos, Texas Page 4
Lillie Ruth Ward dod: June 13, 1917
female white single cod: lack of development
dob: May 13, 1917 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 30 days Pecos, Texas
born: Reeves Co. date of burial: June 13, 1917
father: S. W. Ward undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Virginia Pecos, Texas
mother: Viola Prewit
born: Texas
informant: S. W. Ward

Reeves Co. Registered No. 90
Pecos, Texas Page 4
James Turnet Smart dod: July 11, 1917
male white married cod: Infected sinisuis
dob: April 19, 1858 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 59 yrs. 9 mo. 12 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Farmer burial: Pecos, Texas
father: James T. Smart
born: Texas
mother: Sallie Farmer
born: Texas
informant: Mrs. J. F. Smart
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 91
Pecos, Texas Page 5
Raymond Milton Eisenwine dod: June 28, 1917
male white single cod: snake bite
dob: June 7, 1912 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 5 yrs. 5 mo. 21 days Pecos, Texas
born: Texas burial: June 28, 1917
father: J. E. LEisenwine Pecos, Texas
born: Germany undertaker: J. E. Wells
mother: Carrie Wilkenson Pecos, Texas
born: Texas
informant: Mrs. J. E. Eisenwine
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 92
Toyah, Texas Page 5
Jesus Florez dod: Aug. 6, 1917
male Mexican infant cod: asphepxia neontoruem
dob: Aug. 6, 1917 doctor: J. R. Neal
born: Texas Toyah, Texas
father: Juan Flores burial: Toyah, Texas
born: Mexico Aug. 6, 1917
mother: Otilia Lyles
born: New Mexico

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 93
Toyah, Texas Page 6
Mary Florez dod: Aug. 7, 1917
female Mexican infant cod: hemorage from lungs
dob: Aug. 6, 1917 doctor: J. R. Neal
born: Pecos, Texas Toyah, Texas
father: Juan Flores burial: Toyah Texas
born: Mexico
mother: Otilia Lyles
born: New Mexico

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 94
Pecos, Texas Page 6
Infant Riggs dod: Aug. 18, 1917
male white single cod: atalictosis
dob: Aug. 18, 1917 doctor: O. J. Bryan
born: Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: B. W. Riggs
born: Arkansas
mother: Ellen Hendon
born: Mississippi
informant: B. W. Riggs
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 95
Pecos, Texas Page 7
Morgan Hayney Schermerhorn dod: Aug. 23, 1917
dob: March 1, 1878 cod: Pnumonia folowing pulmonary hemorrage
age: 39 yrs. 5 mo 22 days doctor: H. N. Lusk
Occupation: Salesman & Oil Pecos, Texas
Agent date of burial: Aug. 25, 1917
born: Fayette Co. Texas Pecos, Texas
father: John Spencer Schemerhorn undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Albany, NY Pecos, Texas
mother: C. B. Haney
born: Fayette Co. Texas
informant: Mrs. M. H. Schermerhorn
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 96
Pecos, Texas Page 7
Mrs. Mary Henry Mannery dod: Sept. 3, 1917
female white widow cod: Thrombosis of branch of Superior Mesenlus Artery
dob: April 9, 1853 doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texas
born: Texas date of burial: Sept. 4, 1917
father: John H. Rundle Pecos, Texas
born: Texas undertaker: J. E. Wells
mother: Susan Carrothers Pecos, Texas
born: Texas
informant: Jackie Floyd

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 97
Pecos, Texas Page 8
Caroline Holdman dod: Sept. 4, 1917
dob: Nov. 3, 1832 cod: Senility
age: 85 yrs. 10 mo 1 day doctor: O. J. Bryan
Occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texas
father: James Hart date of burial: Sept. 5, 1917
born: Georgia undertaker: J. E. Wells
mother: unknown Pecos, Texas
informate: S. M. Nolan
Pecos, Texas

Register Nos. 98, 99, 100, & 101 were too faint to read.

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 102
Pecos, Texas Page 10
Bertha Lee Berry dod: Nov. 23, 1917
female white married body shipped from El Paso,
dob: Feb. 12, 1893 Texas
age: 29 yrs. 10 mo. 11 days burial: Nov. 24, 1917
occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texas
father: A. E. Wilson undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Indiana Pecos, Texas
mother: Mildred Ellzabeth Sish
born: Georgia
informant: A. E. Wilson
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 103
Pecos, Texas Page 11
Simona Subia dod: Nov. 30, 1917
female Mexican married cod: Septisemia
dob: 1883 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 34 yrs. Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Nov. 31, 1917
father: Juan Martinez
born: Mexico
mother: Jesus Alasan
informant: Juan Martinez

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 104
Pecos, Texas Page 11
Mrs. Eudora Alley Shipped from Carlsbad, NM
female white widow burial: Dec. 16, 1917
dob: March 16, 1847 undertaker: J. E. Wells
occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texas
born: Mississippi
father: Quitman Loe
born: Mississippi
informant: Sue Alley

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 105
Balmorhea, Texas Page 12
Elsie Florence Huesler dod. Dec. 7, 1917
female white infant cod: Cynous
Nov. 12, 1917 doctor: J. B. Cortes
age: 22 days buried: Balmorhea, Texas
born: Balmorhea, Texas Dec. 8, 1917
father: N. C. Huesler undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Jeff Davis Co. Texas Pecos, Texas
mother: Lucile Smith
born: Enid, Oklahoma
informant: E. Gill
Balmorhea, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 106
Pecos, Texas Page 12
Mrs. Agnes Tennessee Mount dod: Dec. 27, 1917
female white married cod: Acute edema of lungs
born: Dec. 15, 1874 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 43 yrs. Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife buried: Pecos, Texas
born: Mexia, Texas Dec. 28, 1917
father: Thomas H. Kelly undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Ireland Pecos, Texas
mother: Mary Perry

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 1
Pecos, Texas Page 13
Jack Ackers Curtis dod: Jan. 11, 1918
male white single cod: Pnuemonia
born: Nov. 17, 1917 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 1 mon. 24 days Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas Buried: Pecos, Texas
father: O. O. Curtis Jan. 12, 1918
born: N. Carolina undertaker: J. E. Wells
mother: Marion Long Pecos, Texas
born: Iowa
informant: Mrs. O. O. Curtis

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 2
Pecos, Texas Page 13
? Newton Brookfield dod: Jan. 11, 1918
male white widowed no medical attendant
dob. Nov. 28, 1834 buried: Pecos, Texas
ages: 83 yrs. 1 mo. 14 days Jan. 12, 1918
occupation: Cow man undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Arkansas Pecos, Texas
informant: W. W. Brookfield

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 3
Pecos, Texas Page 14
F. E. Marshall dod: Jan. 15, 1918
male white married cod: Tuberculous
dob: Aug. 9? 1876 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 41 yrs. 5 mo. 6 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: R. R. engineer buried: Balmorhea, Texas
born: Pennsylvania Jan. 16, 1918
father: David P. Marshall undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Pennsylvania Pecos, Texas
mother: Martha Brown
born: Pennsylvania
informant: W. S. Marshall
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 4
Pecos, Texas Page 14
Samuel H. Runyan dod: Jan. 27, 1918
male white widowed cod: Pulmanary tuberculois
occupation: Osteopath M D doctor: Jim Camp
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Absolum G. Runyan buried: Roswell, NM
born: Kent undertaker: J. E. Wells
mother: Margurita E. Hudson Pecos, Texas
informant: A. J. Curtis

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 5
Pecos, Texas Page 15
James Alexander Moore dod: Feb. 14, 1918
male white married cod: don't know - only saw
dob: Jan. 19, 1845 him after death.
age: 72 yrs. 6 mo. 24 days doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Laborer Pecos, Texas
born: Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Samuel Moore Feb. 15, 1918
born: Texas undertaker: J. E. Wells
mother: Mary Tarmelton
Informant: James Sellers Moore
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 6
Pecos, Texas Page 15
Benjamin Kendrick Bloomfield dod: Feb. 22, 1918
male white married Pneumonia & Pulmonary
dob: Feb. 21, 1849 tuburculosis
age: 69 yrs. 1 day doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Carpenter Pecos, Texas
born: Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: James Bloomfield Feb. 23, 1918
informant: M. Bloomfield undertaker: J. E. Wells
204 3rd Ave. Dallas, Texas Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 11
Pecos, Texas Page 16
Wandolpia Garcia dod: March 15, 1918
female Mexican single cod: Pneumonia
dob: Aug. 14, 1917 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 1 yr. 9 mo. 1 day Pecos, Texas
born: Reeves Co. Buried: Pecos, Texas
father: Florencio Garcia March 16, 1918
born: Texas undertaker: J. E. Wells
mother: Rahacia Lidea Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico
informant: Florencio Garcia

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 12
Saragosa, Texas Page 16
Albert Leslie Halbert dod: April 21, 1918
male white single cod: Tumor of brain
dob: April 22, 1906 buried: Saragosa, Texas
age: 11 yrs. 11 mo. 29 days April 22, 1918
born: Temple, Texas undertaker: J. E. Wells
father: W. C. Halbert Pecos, Texas
born: Union Co. Arkansas
mother: Mary C. Nibling
born: Bell Co. Texas
informant: W. C. Halbert
Saragosa, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 14
Pecos, Texas Page 17
Lucile Pendergrass dod: May 27, 1918
female white singles cod: Pneumonia
dob: Jan. 13, 1913 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 5 yrs. 4 mo. 14 days Pecos, Texas
Born: Nolan Co. Texas burial: Barstow, Texas
father: Ruben L. Pendergrass May 28, 1918
born: Decalf Co. Alabama undertaker: J. E. Wells
mother: Velmer Allie Funderburg Pecos, Texas
born: Eastland Co. Texas
informant: Ruben L. Pendergrass

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 14
Pecos, Texas Page 17
Minnie Lee Rice dod: May 24, 1918
female white married cod: Peritorsitis
dob: Sept. 6, 1867 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 25 yrs. 8 mo. 8 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife Burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Alabama May 27, 1918
father: P. T. Grogan undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Tennessee Pecos, Texas
mother: Emma V. Harper
born: Alabama
informant: Mrs. J. O. Moore
12011/2 S. Howard Dallas, TX

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 7
Pecos, Texas Page 18
William R. May dod: Feb. 21, 1918
male white widower no doctor in attendance
dob: Sept. 6, 1853 burial: Pecos, Texas
age: 64 yrs. 5 mo. 16 days Feb. 22, 1918
occupation: Farmer undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Nashville, Tennessee Pecos, Texas
father: William R. May
born: Tulahoma, Tennessee
mother: Jennie Stine
informant: Lee Windham
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 8
Barstow, Texas Page 18
I-rastacio Urias dod: March 3, 1918
male Mexican child cod: Pnuemonia in Ded.
dob: May 15, 1916 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 1 yr. 9 mo. 16 days Pecos, Texas
born: New Mexico Burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Victoranio Urias March 4, 1918
born: Mexico undertaker: J. E. Wells
mother: Juana Morales Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico
informant: Frank Urias

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 9
Pecos, Texas Page 19
Charles L. Parker dod: 1918
male white married shipped from Dallas
dob: Feb. 1, 1893 burial: Pecos, Texas
age: 25 yrs. 6 mo. 17 days March 22, 1918
occupation: bookkeeper undertaker: J. E. Wells
father: Louis M. Parker Pecos, Texas
born: Texas
mother: Sally Cornwell
born: South Carolina
informant: John T. Elroy

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 10
Pecos, Texas Page 19
Mrs. Betty Elkins dod: March 28, 1918
female white married cod: cardio-vascular renal
dob: June 6, 1849 disease
age: 68 yrs. 9 mo. 22 days burial: March 29, 1918
occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texas
born: Texas undertaker: J. E. Wells
father: Peyton Parker
born: Illinois
mother: Nancey Galloway
born: North Carolina
informant: - and Elkins
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 15
Pecos, Texas Page 20
Mrs. Mollie Bell dod: May 16, 1918
female white married cod: Cerebral embolis or
dob: May 20, 1848 apoploxey
age: 70 yrs. 6 days burial: Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife May 18, 1918
born: Alabama undertaker: J. E. Wells
father: Andrew Peters Pecos, Texas
born: Alabama
informant: Carl Ligon
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 16
Pecos, Texas Page 20
Miguel Hernandez dod: May 8, 1918
male Mexican widowed cod: Cardio-renal disease
age: 71 yrs. doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Farmer Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico burial: Pecos, Texas
informant: Victoria Hernandez May 8, 1918
undertaker: J. E. Wells
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 17
Pecos, Texas Page 21
John Y. Lilly dod: May 10, 1918
male white married cod: Cardio renal disease
dob: Nov. 25, 1869 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 48 yrs 5 mo. 25 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Merchant undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Delhi, Louisiana Pecos, Texas
father: Dr. T. W. Lilly
born: Delhi, Louisiana
mother: Rose Norris

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 18
Pecos, Texas Page 21
Antonio Butieras dod: May 4, 1918
female Mexican single no medical attendant
dob: June 14, 1914 burial: Pecos, Texas
age: 3 yrs. 11 mo May 4, 1918
born: Texas undertaker: J. E. Wells
Father: Antonio Butieras Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico
mother: Maria LIdea
born: Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 19
Recos, Texas Page 22
Infant Davis dod: May 1, 1918
female white single cod: Still born
dob: May 1, 1918 doctor: O. J. Bryan
born: Pecos, Texas
father: R. Mont Davis
born: Blanco Co. Texas
mother: Mittie Ballard
born: Brown Co. Texas
informant: R. M. Davis

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 20
Balmorhea, Texas Page 22
Adan T. Bravo dod: May 2, 1918
male white single cod: Tuberculosis
dob: Feb. 26, 1901 doctor: J. B. Cortes
age: 17 yrs. 2 mo. 6 days Balmorhea
born: Balmorhea, Texas burial: Larna Cemetery
father: Frank Bravo Balmorhea, Texas
born: San Marcus, Texas May 3, 1918
mother: Elya Teruro undertaker: L. M. Pittman
born: Ogineza, Mexico Balmorhea, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 21
Pecos, Texas Page 23
Roche Urgendy dod: July 4, 1918
male Mexican Widowed no doctor saw deceased
age: 87 yrs. O. J. Bryan
occupation: Laborer Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico Burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Francisco Urgendy July 4, 1918
informant: F. J. Siske undertaker: J. E. Wells
Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas

Cotton Co. Oklahoma Retistered No. 22
Walters, Oklahoma Page 23
Joe B. Miller dod: July 17, 1918
male white married cod: Suicide
age: 45 yrs. 11 mo 5 days Shipped from Walters, OK
occupation: Cabinet maker doctor: G. M. James
born: Russellville, Arkansas Walters, OK
father: James W. Miller buriel: Pecos, Texas
born: Charleston, N. Carolina July 20, 1918
mother: Emilie Veasey undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: College Hill, NC
informant: R. E. Miller
Pecos, Texas

Dallas Co. Texas Registered No. 23
Dallas, Texas Page 24
Mrs. W. L. Glassenek dod: July 20, 1918
female white married Shipped from Dallas
age: 36 yrs. 10 mo. buriel: Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife July 22, 1918
born: Ranger, Texas undertaker: J. E. Wells
father: Sol Pace
born: Georgia
mother: Mollie McCombs
born: Cleburne, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 24
Pecos, Texas Page 24
J. C. Whitlock dod: July 31, 1918
male white married cod: Pulmonary Sarcoma
dob: Sept. 13, 1883 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 35 yrs. 10 mo. 18 days burial: Hillsboro, Texas
born: Alabama undertaker: J. E. Wells
father: W. M. Whitlock Pecos, Texas
born: Tennessee
mother: Georgia Devane
born: Tennessee
informant: S. H. Whitlock
Hillsboro, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 25
Balmorhea, Texas Page 25
Edwardo Mahle dod: July 24, 1918
male white child cod: Typhoid fever
dob: March 26, 1916 doctor: J. B. Cortes
age: 2 yrs 3mo. 28 days burial: Loma Cemetery
father: Alexander Mahle Balmorhea, Texas
born: Ft. Davis, Texas July 26, 1918
mother: Narcesa Jamie

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 26
Pecos, Texas Page 25
Mrs. John Y. Leavell dod: July 10, 1918
female white widowed cod: Pulmonary sarcoma
dob: Feb. 3, 1863 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 55 yrs. 5 mo. 8 days burial: Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife July 11, 1918
born: Cook Co. Texas undertaker: J. E. Wells
father: A. G. Ward Pecos, Texas
born: Georgia
mother: Sarah Holland
informant: Mrs. T. Y. Casey
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 27
Pecos, Texas Page 26
Thomas Marquez dod: July 7, 1918
male Mexican single cod: Eutero Colitis
dob: Sept. 7, 1917 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 10 mon. burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas July 7, 1918
father: Antonio Marquez undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Toyah, Texas Pecos, Texas
mother: Marqurete Mendosa
born: Pecos, Texas
informant: Antonio Marquez
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Texas Registered No. 28
Pecos, Texas Page 26
Grace Addie Brown dod: Aug. 2, 1918
female white widowed cod: cancer of liver
dob: Dec. 2, 1854 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 63 yrs. 8 mo. burial: Pecos, Texas
occupation: keeping house Aug. 3, 1918
born: Natchotoches Parish, LA undertaker: J. E. Wells
father: J. J. Rausheck Pecos, Texas
born: Koenenburg, Germany
mother: Julia Cox
born: Indiana
informant: Grace Hardy
509 C Rush Street
Marshall, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 29
Pecos, Texas Page 27
Laura Ida Jones dod: Aug. 10, 1918
female white married cod: Pulmonary tuberculosis
dob: Oct. 21, 1885 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 33 yrs. 8 mo. 10 days burial: Lauraine, LA.
occupation: Housewife undertaker: J. E. Wells
born: Lauraine, Louisiana
father: S. J. Dunn
born: Mississippi
mother: Caroline Henderson
born: Mississippi
informant: J. M. Jones

Reeves Co. Registered No. 30
Balmorhea, Texas Page 27
Heinrich Paul Renz dod: Sept. 17, 1918
male white married cod: Accute indegistion
dob: June 24, 1852 doctor: J. B. Cortes
age: 66 yrs. 2 mon. 23 days burial: Balmorhea, Texas
occupation: Farmer Sept. 18, 1918
born: Germany undertaker: L. Pittman
father: John Gottfried Renz
born: Germany
mother: Emilie Houfe
born: Germany
informant: George Renz
Balmorhea, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 31
Pecos, Texas Page 28
Elijo Vera dod: Sept. 20, 1918
male Mexican single cod: Pulmonary tuberculosis
dob: 1891 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 19 years old burial: Sept. 26, 1918
occupation: Farmer undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Toyah, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: M. Vera
born: Mexico
mother: ? Marquez
born: Mexico
informant: Jose Vera
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 32
Pecos, Texas Page 28
Domingo Villardes dod: Sept. 29, 1918
male Mexican married cod: Pelagra
dob: Aug. 4, 1860 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 58 yrs. 1 mo. 24 days burial: Sept. 30, 1918
occupation: Farmer undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas
father: Jose Villardes
born: Mexico
mother: Jesus Escobido
born: Mexico
informant: Alberto Villardes

Reeves Co. Registered No. 33
Pecos, Texas Page 29
Mary Jewell Stewart dod: Sept. 30, 1918
female white married cod: Pulmonary tuberculosis
dob: Jan. 17, 1896 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 22yrs. 8 mo. 17 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Cherokee Co. Texas Oct. 1, 1918
father: R. T. Grisson undertaker: J. G. Murrary
born: Cherokee Co. Texas Balmorhea, Texas
mother: Electra C. Hall
born: Cherokee Co. Texas
informant: Wm. Stewart, Jr.
Balmorhea, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 34
Pecos, Texas Page 29
Wilson Grissom Stewart dod: Oct. 2, 1918
male white child cod: I couldn't read this
dob: Aug. 31, 1918 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 1 mo. 15 days burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas Oct. 3, 1918
father: William Stewart undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Kansas Pecos, Texas
mother: Mary Jewell Grissom
born: Cherokee Co. Texas
informant: W. W. Stewart, Jr.
Balmorhea, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 35
Pecos, Texas Page 30
Tom Lewis dod: Oct. 20, 1918
male white married cod: Pneumonia
dob: March 15, 1878 burial: Pecos, Texas
age: 40 yrs. 7 mo. 10 days Oct. 21, 1918
occupation: Stockman undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Coleman Co. Texas Pecos, Texas
father: T. J. Lewis, Sr.
mother: Alice Atkenson
informant: Bob Lewis
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 36
Pecos, Texas Page 30
Victoriana Luna dod: Oct. 28, 1918
female Mexican child cod: Branch Pneumonia
dob: Jan. 1917 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 1 yr. 10 mo. burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas Oct. 29, 1918
father: Salmon Luna undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas
mother: Clara Duros
born: Mexico

Reeves Co. Registered No. 37
Petrole, Texas Page 31
Augustina Laparta dod: Nov. 2, 1918
female Mexican cod: Pneumonia
born: Mexico doctor: O. J. Bryan
father: Florentino Salcendo burial: Mexican Cemetery
born: Mexico Nov. 2, 1918
mother: Juno Domingus undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas
informant: Florentino Salcido

Reeves Co. Registered No. 38
Pecos, Texas Page 31
George Sylvesster Skeen dod: Nov. 2, 1918
male white married cod: Pneumonia
dob: June 11, 1869 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 49 yrs. 9 mo. 22 days burial: Pecos, Texas
occupation: RR Supertendant Nov. 2, 1918
born: Illonois undertaker: J. G. Murray
father: John J. Skeen Pecos, Texas
born: Tennessee
mother: Marianda Pasten
born: Illinois
informant: Mrs. Geo. Skeen
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 39
Pecos, Texas Page 32
Josefa Palacio dodD: Nov. 7, 1918
female Mexicasn single cod: Pneumonia & flu
dob: June 10, 1902 no doctor
age: 16 yrs. burial: Mexican Cemetery
born: Shafter, Texas Nov. 7, 1918
father: Concencio Palacio undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Mexico
mother: Rufejio Palacio
forn: Shafter, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 40
Pecos, Texas Page 32
Modote Lujan dod: Oct. 28, 1918
female Mexican married cod: Pneumonia following
born: 1888 Influenza
age: 30 yrs. doctor: H. N. Lusk
occupation: Housewife burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Texas Mexican Cemetery
father: Florentino Salcedo Nov. 29, 1918
born: Mexico undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Juanita Dominquez Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 42
Pecos, Texas Page 33
Anneslacia Reyes dod: Nov. 3, 1918
female Mexican single doctor: H. N. Lusk
dob: May 2, 1900
age: 18 yrs. 5 mo. 1 day
born: Pecos, Texas
father: Pablo Reyes
born: Bulas, Texas
mother: A. Espinosa
born: Mexico

Reeves Co. Registered No. 41
Pecos, Texas Page 33
Ysidro Solcedo dod: Oct. 29, 1918
nake Mexican single cod: Pneumonia
age: 28 doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Farmer burial: Oct. 30, 1918
born: Texas undertaker: J. G. Murry
father: Florentino Solcedo Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico
informant: Jose Barassa
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 1
Otilia Galinda Page 34
girl Mexican burial: Nov. 22, 1918
dob: June 16, 1916 Mexican Cemetery
born: Reeves Co. Texas undertaker: J. G. Murray
father: Juan Galinda
mother: Doretia Garcia
born: Reeves Co. Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 2
Pecos, Texas Page 34
Fallicita Espinosa dod: Oct. 31, 1918
female Mexican married cod: Pneumonia following
age: 47 yrs. influenza
occupation: Housewife doctor: H. N. Lusk
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas
father: Atanores Espinosa
born: Mexico
mother: Marie Lopez
born: Mexico

Reeves Co. Registered No. 3
Pecos, Texas Page 35
Pedro Reyes dod: Oct. 31, 1918
male Mexican cod: Pneumonia
dob: Oct. 19, 1911 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 7 yrs. 5 mo. 12 days Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas
father: Pablo Reyes
born: Texas
mother: A. Espinosa
born: Mexico

Reeves Co. Registered No. 4
Pecos, Texas Page 35
Placido Reyes dob: Nov. 3, 1918
male Mexican single cod: Chronic diarrhea
dob: Oct. 6, 1916 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 2 yrs. 1 mo 27 days Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas
father: Pablo Reyes
born: Texas
mother: A. Espinosa
born: Mexico

Reeves Co. Registered No. 5
Pecos, Texas Page 36
Aerarslacia Reyes dod: Nov. 2, 1918
female Mexican single cod: Pneumonia
dob: May 2, 1900 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 18 yrs. 5 mo 1 day Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas
father: Pablo Reyes
born: Texas
mother: Apnicna Espinosa
born: Mexico

Reeves Co. Registered No. 6
Pecos, Texas Page 36
Refugio Jaramilla dod: Nov. 3, 1918
male Mexican married cod: Pneumonia
age: about 31 doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Farmer Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico
father: Fillipe Jaramilla
born: Mexico
born: Mexico

Reeves Co. Registered No. 7
Pecos, Texas Page 37
Angel Florez dod: Nov. 4, 1918
male Mexican single cod: Pneumonia
age: 17 yrs. 6 mo. 17 days doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Farmer Pecos, Texas
born: Ward Co. Texas
father: Angel Florez
born: Mexico
mother: Nestra Gunsley
born: Mexico
informant: Angel Florez

Reevses Co. Registered No. 8
Pecos, Texas Page 37
Leandro Balardes dod: Nov. 4, 1918
male Mexican married cod: Pneumonia Influenza
age: 24 yrs. doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Farmer Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico
bather: Malinano Balardes
born: Mexico
mother: Petra ?
born: Mexico
informant: Anastacio Turango

Reeves Co. Registered No. 9
Pecos, Texas Page 38
Marie Espinosa dod: Nov. 4, 1918
female Mexican married cod: Pneumonia Influnenza
dob: 1883 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 35 yrs. Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife
born: Mexico

Reeves Co. Registered No. 10
Pecos, Texas Page 38
Nasorio Saez dod: Nov. 5, 1918
male Mexican widower cod: Pneumonia
dob: 1880 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 38 Pecos, Texas
occupation: Laborer
born: Mexico

Reeves Co. Registered No. 11
Pecos, Texas Page 39
Baby Buchanan dod: Nov. 12, 1918
male white single cod: Still born at 2:30 A.M.
dob: Nov. 12, 1918 doctor: H. N. Lusk
born: Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Hubert N. Buchanan undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Roberson Co. Texas Pecos, Texas
mother: Maude Roach
born: Arkansas
informant: Mrs. W. G. Bean

Reeves Co. Registered No. 12
Pecos, Texas Page 39
Maude Buchanan dod: Nov. 14, 1918
female white married cod: Pneumonia
dob: Aug. 10, 1892 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 25 yrs. 3 mo. 4 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Arkansas Nov. 14, 1918
father: Ed Roach undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
mother: Mary Parrott
informant: J. W. Parrott

Reeves Co. Registered No. 13
Pecos, Texas Page 40
Otelia Galindo dod: Nov. 21, 1918
female Mexican single cod: Diarehea following flu
dob: July 16, 1916 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 2 yrs. 4 mo. 5 days Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas
father: Juan Galindo
born: Texas
mother: Dorthea Galindo
born: Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 14
Pecos, Texas Page 40
Annie M. Robinson dod: Dec. 2, 1918
female white married cod: Carcenona in right ?
dob: April 4, 1844 region
age: 74 yrs. 7 mo. 29 days doctor: O. J. Bryan
born: Washington Co. Texas Pecos, Texas
father: W. A. Cole burial: Pecos, Texas
mother: Nancy Woodward
informant: Eugene Robinson

Culberson Co. Texas Registered No. 15
Ernest Earl Barragu Page 41
male white sigle dod: Dec. 18, 1918
dob: Dec. 8, 1892 cod: Head crushed
age: 21 yrs. doctor: Jim Camp
born: Colwell Co. Pecos, Texas
father: B. A. Barragu burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Canada Dec. 20, 1918
mother: Nannie Davis Undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Kansas Pecos, Texas
informant: B. A. Barragu

Reeves Co. Registered No. 16
Pecos, Texas Page 41
Mrs. Edith Ramsdill dod: Dec. 20, 1918
female white married cod: Pulmanary tuberculosis
dob: Feb. 3, 1899 doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texas
born: St. Paul, Minnesota burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Charles Shalander Dec. 21, 1918
born: Europe undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Ida Beuson Pecos, Texas
born: Sweden
informant: Mrs. Jennie Pickler

Reeves Co. Registered No. 17
Pecos, Texas Page 42
James B. Goode dod: Dec. 20, 1918
male white cod: Pulmonary tuberculosis
& Influenza
doctor: Jim Camp
Pecos, Texas
burial: Pecos, Texas
Dec. 20, 1918
undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 18
Pecos, Texas Page 42
Juan Ornaldez dod: Jan. 6, 1919
male Mexican married cod: Cancer of liver
age: 63 doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Merchant Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico burial: Pecos, Texas
father: manuel Ornaldez Jan. 8, 1919
born: Mexico undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: Dimesiro Aldez

Reeves Co. Registered No. 19
Balmorhea, Texas Page 43
Henry C. Meier dod: Jan. 2, 1919
male white married cod: Pneumonia
dob: June 23, 1885 doctor: J. B. Nortes
age: 33 yrs. 6 mo. 9 days Balmorhea, Texas
occupation: Farmer & Stockman burial: Balmorhea
born: Bell Grove, Clay Co. Illinois Jan. 3, 1919
father: J. F. Meier undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Illinois Pecos, Texas
mother: Freidereke Meyersiech
born: Germany
informant: E. Gill

Reeves Co. Registered No.20
Pecos, Texas Page 43
Thomas Harrison dod: Jan. 20, 1919
male white married cod: Gun shot wound in
dob: June 6, 1866 chest - this at night - no
age: 52 yrs. 7 mo. 14 days witness
occupation: Has been sheriff of doctor: Jim Camp
Reeves Co. Just out of office. burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Waco, Texas Jan. 22, 1919
father: Thomas Harrison undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Alabama Pecos, Texas
mother: Sarah N. Danols
born: N. Carolina
informant: James A. Harrison

Reeves Co. Registered No. 21
Pecos, Texas Page 44
Jesus Ramaries dod: Nov. 1919
male Mexican married cod: Influenza - Had no
age: 46 doctor
occupation: Farmer signed: O. J. Bryan
born: Mexico
father: Marcos Rameries
born: Mexico
mother: Anastatia Marlenus
informant: W. L. Paddock

Reeves Co. Registered No. 22
Pecos, Texas Page 44
Fedellia Aguillas dod: Nov. 1919
female Mexican single cod: influenza
dob: Sept. 1, 1917 Had no physician
born: Reeves Co. Texas signed: O. J. Bryan
father: Sepranis Aguillas
born: Mexico

Loving Co. Registered No. 23
Porterville, Texas Page 45
Belen F. Quinonaz dod: Feb. 3, 1919
female white married cod: Pneumonia
born: 1874 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 45 burial: Arno, Texas
born: Mexico Feb. 4, 1919
father: Rumaldo Tarin
born: Mexico
informant: Floyd Goodrich
Porterville, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 24
Pecos, Texas Page 45
J. A. Overman dod: Dec. 29, 1919
male white married cod: Injury from fall
dob: Dec. 28, 1882 doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Cabinet maker burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Aglic, Indiana undertaker: J. G. Murray
father: Not known Pecos, Texas
born: S. Carolina
mother: Sarah Gage/Tage
born: S. Carolina
informant: Marie Overman

Reeves Co. Registered No. 25
Pecos, Texas Page 46
Mrs. John D. Leatherman dod: Feb. 7, 1919
female white married cod: Pulmonary edema
age: 24 doctor: H. N. Lusk
occupation: Housewife
born: Texas
father: William Qurry
mother: ? Evans

Reeves Co. Registered No. 26
Pecos, Texas Page 46
Anne Elizabeth Noeckes dod: Feb. 21, 1919
female white single cod: Ordema of lungs
dob: June 17, 1917 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 1 yr. 8 mo. 4 days burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Defrance Co. Ohio Feb. 21, 1919
father: Harry M. Noeckes undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Macon Co. Illinois Pecos, Texas
mother: Minnie Essman
born: Illinois
informant: Harry M. Noeckes
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 27
Pecos, Texas Page 47
Laura Daly dod: Feb. 18, 1919
female white married cod: Pneumonitis
dob: Dec. 28, 1890 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 29 yrs. 2 mo. 7 days burial: Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife Feb. 19, 1919
father: Dr. W. C. Stiles undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Mississippi Pecos, Texas
mother: Nannie Rurs
born: Mississippi
informant: Mrs. Nannie Stiles
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 28
Balmorhea, Texas Page 47
William E. Goss dod: April 23, 1919
male white married cod: Artero Schlorasus
dob: March 12, 1866 doctor: J. B. Cortes
age: 53 yrs. 1 mo. 11 days burial: Clinton, MO
occupation: Carpenter April 25, 1919
born: Green Co. MO undertaker: J. G. Murray
father: ? Pecos, Texas
born: N. Carolina
mother: Sarah Small
born: Green Co. MO
informant: Mrs. W. E. Goss

Reeves Co. Registered No. 29
Pecos, Texas Page 48
William Jordan Woods dod: May 11, 1919
male white widowed cod: Septic Absorption from
dob: March 15, 1854 bladder - cystitis
age: 65 yrs. 1 mo. 25 days doctor: Jim Camp
born: Virginia burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Harrison Woods May 11, 1919
born: Virginia undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: ? Jordan Pecos, Texas
born: Tennessee
informant: W. W. Runnels
Pecos, Texas

Las Animas Co. Registered No. 30
Trinidad, California Page 48
Alfonzo Wright dod: April 6, 1919
male white widower burial: Pecos, Texas
born: 1868 April 10, 1919
age: 51 yrs. undertaker: J. G. Murray
occupation: Railroad employee Pecos, Texas
born: Tennessee
informant: Mrs. Ann Proctor
Trinidad, California

Reeves Co. Registered No. 31
Pecos, Texas Page 49
Scott Leandro Winfield Montgomery dod: March 21, 1919
male white widowed cod: Organic heart disease
dob: July 10, 1850 doctor: O. J. Bryan
69 yrs. 8 mo. 11 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Farmer burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Alabama March 22, 1919
father: Hampton Montgomery undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Georgia Pecos, Texas
mother: Jane Brooks
born: Georgia
informant: Mrs. E. A. Farnum
Pecos, Texas

Loving Co. Registered No. 32
Porterville, Texas Page 49
Eulalen A. Byasano dod: May 15, 1919
female Mexican single cod: Chronic nephritis
dob: Jan. 10, 1854 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 65 yrs. 4 mo. 21 days Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico burial: Porterville, Texas
father: Reyes Byasano May 16, 1919
born: Mexico undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Patricia Afanse Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico
informant: Floyd Goodrich

Reeves Co. Registered No. 33
Pecos, Texas Page 50
Elizabeth Philips dod: May 22, 1919
female white married cod: Senility
dob: Jan. 2, 1842 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 77 yrs. 4 mo. 21 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Mississippe May 24, 1919
informant: C. H. Ross undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 34
Pecos, Texas Page 50
Nuna Fay Bowlin dod: June 3, 1919
female white single cod: Entero Colitis
dob: June 11, 1918 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 11 mo. 24 days Pecos, Texas
born: Panola Co. Texas burial: Shelby Co. Texas
father: H. J. Bowlin June 6, 1919
born: Georgetown, Texas undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Ira Crawford
born: Shelby Co. Texas
informant: H. J. Bowlin
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 35
Pecos, Texas Page 51
Edward E. Salee dod: July 2, 1919
male white married cod: Tuberculosis
dob: Sept. 4, 1895 doctor: Jim Camp
born: Woodside, Long Island, NY burial: Chicago Calvery
father: Eusibia Salee undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Matonu, Cuba Pecos, Texas
mother: Elizabeth Whelin
born: Chicago, Illinois
informant: Elizabeth French

Reeves Co. Registered No. 36
Pecos, Texas Page 51
Olive A. Middleton dod: Aug. 14, 1919
female white married cod: Himiflegia?
dob: June 19, 1862 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 57 yrs. 1 mo. 25 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Modesto, California
born: Illinois undertaker: J. G. Murray
father: Samuel Bryant Pecos, Texas
born: Indiana
mother: Elizabeth Powell
born: illinois
informant: W. J. Middleton
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 37
Pecos, Texas Page 52
Benjamin W. Golson dod. Aug. 6, 1919
male white divorced burial: Toyah, Texas
age: 51 Aug. 7, 1919
occupation: Cattleman undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Waco, Texas Pecos, Texas
informant: J. O. Tinnin
Toyah, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 38
Pecos, Texas Page 52
Baby Hart dod: Nov. 17, 1919
female white cod: Still born
born: Reeves Co. Texas doctor: H. N. Lusk
father: Tom C. Hart Pecos, Texas
born: Texas burial: Toyah, Texas
mother: Hattie Crosby Nov. 17, 1919
born: Texas undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: Tom C. Hart Pecos, Texas
Toyah, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 39
Pecos, Texas Page 53
Cecil Wright Muck dod: Nov. 24, 1919
male white single cod: Tuberculosis
dob: Aug. 8, 1897 doctor: H. N. Rusk
age: 22 yrs. 3 mo. 17 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Street car motorman burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Indiana Nov. 25, 1919
father: Schreyler C. Muck undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Indiana Pecos, Texas
mother: Mary Wright
born: Indiana
informant: Schreyler
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 40
Pecos, Texas Page 53
A. E. Link dod: Sept. 23, 1919
male white single cod: Senility
born: 1835 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 84 Pecos, Texas
occupation: Farmer - laborer burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Germany Sept. 24, 1919
informant: F. W. Johnson undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 41
Pecos, Texas Page 54
E. P. Gaines dod: Sept. 21, 1919
male white widowed cod: Angina Pectoris
age: 66 yrs. doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: ex-druggist Pecos, Texas
born: Georgia burial: Pecos, Texas
father: ? Gaines Sept. 22, 1919
born: Alabama undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: Monroe Stack Pecos, Texas

Floyd Burrows Sinclair Registered No. 42
male white single Page 54
dob: March 30, 1918 dod: Nov. 28, 1919
age: 1 yr. 8 mo. cod: Choked to death. Died
born: Deming, New Mexico on train enroute to Deming,
father: W. L. Sinclair New Mexico.
born: Denison, Texas signed: H. N. Lusk, M. D.
mother: Mary Burrows Pecos, Texas
born: Oklahoma burial: Coahoma, Texas
informant: W. L. Sinclair Nov. 30, 1919
undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 43
Balmorhea, Texas Page 55
Mary Ammons Odell dod: May 15, 1920
female white married cod: Carcinoma
dob: Jan. 4, 1875 doctor: P. B. Cortez to Jim
age: 45 yrs. 4 mo. 11 days Camp
born: Mississippi Balmorhea, Texas
father: Benjamin E. Plunkett burial: Balmorhea Cemetery
born: Mississippi May 16, 1920
mother: Tabatha B-nstos
born: Mississippi
informant: J. B. Odell
Balmorhea, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 44
Pecos, Texas Page 55
Hugh D. Wells dod: Jan. 10, 1920
male white married cod: Pulmanory tuberculosis
born: 1888 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 32
occuupation: Bookkeeper
born: Russelville, Arkansas
father: Jas. W. Wells
born: Russelville, Arkansas
morther: ? Williams
informant: R. E. Miller

Reeves Co. Registered No. 45
Pecos, Texas Page 56
Baby Duncan dod: Jan. 12, 1920
boy white cod: Stillborn
father: Geo. David Duncan doctor: O. J. Bryan
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
mother: Fay Capps
born: Texas
informant: Geo. David Duncan
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 46
Pecos, Texas Page 56
Robert Elmer Johnson, Jr. dod: March 22, 1920
male white cod: Pneumonia
dob: Jan. 8, 1920 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 2 mo. 14 days Pecos, Texas
father: R. Elmer Johnson burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Uvalde Co. Texas March 23, 1920
mother: Myrtle Briscoe undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Hunt Co. Texas Pecos, Texas
informant: Rose Briscoe
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 47
Porterville, Texas Page 57
Baby Balanguella dod: March 24, 1920
female Mexican single cod: Stillborn
dob: March 24, 1920 doctor: did not see alive
born: Texas Jim Camp
father: Anselmo Balenguella
born: Mexico
mother: Delfina Martinez
born: Mexico
informant: Anselmo Balenguella

Reeves Co. Registered No. 48
Balmorhea, Texas Page 57
Billey Louise Jones dod: March 14, 1920
female white child cod: Influenza-Pneumonia
dob: Oct. 6, 1925 doctor: J. B. Cortes
age: 4 yrs. 6 mo. 10 days Balmorhea, Texas
father: Henry R. Jones burial: Balmorhea, Texas
born: Graham, Texas March 15, 1920
mother: Margarite W. Davis
born: Oakhill, Kansas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 49
Balmorhea, Texas Page 58
Samuel Alexander Jones dod: March 10, 1920
male white child cod: Influenza - Pneumonia
dob: April 24, 1918 burial: Balmorhea, Texas
age: 1 yr. 10 mo. 17 days March 12, 1920
born: Balmorhea, Texas
father: Henry A. Jones
born: Graham, Texas
mother: Margarite W. Davis
born: Oakhill, Kansas
informant: Henry A. Jones
Balmorhea, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 50
Pecos, Texas Page 58
Infant Clark dod: April 30, 1920
female white cod: Stillborn
born: Pecos, Texas doctor: W. P. Meredith
father: William Hannibal Clark burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Sabine Co. Texas April 30, 1920
mother: Alma Brantley
born: Brownwood, Texas
informant: W. H. Clark
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 51
Pecos, Texas Page 59
Fannin Woodyard Johnson dod: April 18, 1920
male white married cod: Angina Pictoris
dob: Jan. 24, 1851 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 69 yrs. 2 mo. 21 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Banker/Ranchman burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Washington Co. Texas April 19, 1920
father: J. H. Johnson undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Illinois Pecos, Texas
mother: Loucinda Woodyard
born: Texas
informant: Mrs. Zulema Johnson
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 52
Pecos, Texas Page 59
name not given dod: May 15, 1920
male white cod: Accute infection on/in
dob: Nov. 10, 1919 central nervous system
age: 6 mo. 5 days doctor: Jim Camp
born: Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: G. C. Parker burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Glasgow, Kentucky May 16, 1920
mother: Duffie I. Beauchamp undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas
informant: G. C. Parker
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 53
Pecos, Texas Page 60
H. F. Nichols dod: April 26, 1920
male white widowed cod: Apploxy - cerebril
dob: Feb. 5, 1843 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 77 yrs. 2 mo. 21 days Pecos, Texas
born: Illinois burial: Edgewood, Texas
father: William Nichols undertaker: J. G. Murray
morther: Mrs. Lydia Nichols Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 54
Pecos, Texas Page 60
Antonia Madrid dod: May 3, 1920
female Mexican single cod: Pneumonia
dob: Nov. 11, 1918 whooping cough
age: 1 yr. 5 mo. 15 days doctor: Jim Camp
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Elenterio Madrid
born: Mexico
mother: Delores Garcia
born: Mexico
informant: Elenterio Madrid
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 55
Pecos, Texas Page 61
Hugh J. Wilson dod: May 22, 1920
male white widowed cod: Apoplexy
dob: Sept. 24, 1854 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 65 yrs. 7 mo. 28 days
occupation: Furniture dealer
born: Waco, Texas
father: ? Wilson
born: Alabama
mother: ? Bullock
born: Alabama
informant: J. A. Drane
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 56
Pecos, Texas Page 61
Lorenza Gomez dod: June 6, 1920
female Mexican single cod: Cause unknown. Some
age: 19 nervous condition
born: Texas doctor: H. N. Lusk
father: Benino Gomez Pecos, Texas
born: Texas
mother: Ynosenta Brisento
born: Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 57
Pecos, Texas Page 62
Angel Byarano dod: July 1, 1920
male Mexican widowed cod: Appendecites
age: 28 yrs. doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Farmer Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Pablo Byarano July 2, 1920
born: Mexico undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Carmelia Olivas
born: Mexico

Yavape Co. Registered No. 58
Kerome, Arizona Page 62
Richard Lee Adams dod: June 16, 1920
Boy American cod: Specific cause not
dob: Oct. 12, 1919 acertained - liver enlarged
age: 8 mo. 4 days doctor: Jim Camp
born: Arizona
father: J. J. Adams
born: Kentucky
mother: Lizzie Mitchell
born: Missouri
informant: J. J. Adams

Reeves Co. Registered No. 59
Pecos, Texas Page 63
Ysabel Marquez dod: June 21, 1920
girl Mexican single cod: Lobar pneumonia
dob: Dec. 24, 1919 doctor: Wm. P. Meredith
age. 6 mo. Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Jesus Marquez June 21, 1920
born: Pecos, Texas
mother: Josefa Rivera
born: Balmorhea, Texas
informant: Jesus Marquez

Reeves Co. Registered No. 60
Pecos, Texas Page 63
B. B. Gentry dod: June 9, 1920
male white single cod: drown in Pecos River
dob: June 19, 1912 burial: Pecos, Texas
age: 7 yrs. 11 mo. 20 days June 10, 1920
born: Hamilton Co. Texas undertaker: J. G. Murray
father: S. N. Gentry Pecos, Texas
born: Hamilton Co. Texas
mother: D. A. Stidham
born: Atascosa Co. Texas
informant: F. P. Gentry
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 61
Toyah, Texas Page 64
E. M. Mathews dod: July 17, 1920
male white married cod: Gun shot wound (by
age: 36 yrs. self) after killing his wife
occupation: Oil Brokeage burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Illinois July 20, 1920
undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 62
Toyah, Texas Page 64
Mrs. Noe Mathews dod: July 17, 1920
female white married cod: Gun shot wound
dob: Sept 30, 1896 inflicted by E. M. Mathews,
age: 24 yrs. 9 mo. her husband.
occupation: Housewife burial: Enid, Oklahoma
born: Texas July 21, 1920
father: A. M. Ridanour undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Iowa Pecos, Texas
mother: ?
born: Enid, Oklahoma

Reeves Co. Registered No. 63
Pecos, Texas Page 65
John Thomas Hubbs dod: July 28, 1920
male white married cod: Progressive neusencas
dob: May 4, 1853 paralysis
age: 67 yrs. 2 mo. 22 days doctor: H. N. Lusk
born: Illinois Pecos, Texas
father: Boze Hubbs burial: July 29, 1920
born: Illinois Pecos, Texas
informant: Jack Hubbs undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 64
Robert N. Hairston Page 65
male white married dod: Aug. 29, 1920
age. 35 yrs. 16 days cod: Gun shot wound of
occupation: Farmer head. Likely accident
born: Bell Co. Texas doctor: Jim Camp
father: Jene B. Hairston Pecos, Texas
born: Alabama burial: Pecos, Texas
mother: Fannie Garrett Aug. 30, 1920
born: Mansfield, Tennessee undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: Eland Hairston Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 65
Pecos, Texas Page 66
Ahemia Barra dod: July 16, 1920
male Mexican single burial: July 17, 1920
dob: Feb. 1920 Pecos, Texas
age: 6 mo. undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Reeves Co. Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Pleasday Barra
born: Mexico
informant: Pleasday Barra

Reeves Co. Registered No. 66
Manuela B. Hernandez Page 66
girl Mexican single dod: Aug. 27, 1920
dob. Aug. 19, 1918 cod: Ilio-Colitis
age: 1 yr. 8 days whooping cough
born: Loving Co. Texas doctor: H. N. Lusk
father: D. B. Hernandez Pecos, Texas
born: Presidio, Texas burial: Reeves Co.
mother: Andrea Breta Aug. 27, 1920
born: Presidio, Texas
informant: D. B. Hernandez

Reeves Co. Registered No. 67
Pecos, Texas Page 67
Mrs. Tennie F. Moran dod: Sept. 4, 1920
female white married cod: Wood alcohol and
dob: Dec. 1, 1887 bichloride poising
age: 32 yrs. 8 mo. 4 days doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texas
born: Reeves Co. Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: O. J. Hart Sept. 4, 1920
born: Texas undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Lula V. Coalson Pecos, Texas
informant: D. J. Moran
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 68
Pecos, Texas Page 67
Nancy M. Noling dod: Sept. 21, 1920
female white single cod: Entero-Colitis
dob: Feb. 8, 1920 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 7 mo. 13 days Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Sam Noling Sept. 21, 1920
born: Texas undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Mattie Davis
born: Texas
informant: Mrs. Sam Noling

Reeves Co. Registered No. 69
Pecos, Texas Page 68
Eula May Hayes dod: Sept. 17, 1920
female white single cod: Accident - lived 3 hours
dob: Aug. 16, 1917 after being struck by auto.
age: 3 yrs. 1 mo. 1 day doctor: Jim Camp
born: Barstow, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Arthur E. Hayes burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Llano Co. Texas Sept. 18, 1920
mother: Lois E. Adcock undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Mason, Texas Pecos, Texas
informant: Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E.

Reeves Co. Registered No. 70
Pecos, Texas Page 68
Mrs. Mary Tudor dod: Sept. 20, 1920
female white married cod: Abscess of brain
dob: April 3, 1874 doctor: W. P Meridith
age: 46 yrs. 6 mo. 16 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Kentucky Sept. 24, 1920
father: D. B. Willis undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Kentucky
mother: Sarah Simmons
born: Kentucky
informant: D. M. Tudor
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 71
Pecos, Texas Page 69
Jno. Moore dod: Sept. 18, 1920
male white single cod: Inomtion due to
age: 75 yrs. stomatitis. Infected hands
occupation: Ranchman doctor: Jim Camp
born: West Virginia burial: Pecos, Texas
father: John Moore Sept. 19, 1920
informant: R. S. Johnson undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 72
Saragosa, Texas Page 69
Harrison Lee Harbert dod: Sept. 13, 1920
Boy white single cod: Drowing in Toyah River
dob: Sept. 2, 1909 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 11 yrs. 11 days Pecos, Texas
born: Texas burial: Reeves Co.
father: C. L. Harbert Sept. 14, 1920
born: Texas undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Mattie Chapman Pecos, Texas
born: Texas
informant: C. L. Harbert
Saragosa, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 73
Pecos, Texas Page 70
Leonardo Lujan dod: Oct. 12, 1920
male Mexican cod: Diarrhea
dob: June 28, 1920 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 3 mo. 14 days Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas
father: Santjiago Lujan
born: Texas
mother: Petra Silbos
born: Texas
informant: Rafael Lujan

Reeves Co. Registered No. 74
Pecos, Texas Page 70
name not given dod: Nov. 28, 1920
female white married cod: Appoplexy
age: 74 yrs. 11 mo. 10 days doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texas
born: Pikeville, Tennessee burial: Pecos, Texas
father: John Bulngolen Nov. 28, 1920
mother: ? Hoodenpyle undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: Ben Randals Pecos, Texas
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 75
Pecos, Texas Page 71
Dolores Contreras dod: Feb. 24, 1921
female Mexican married cod: Exhausliance and
age: 28 yrs. 2 mo. 8 days infection from ? Due to
occupation: Housewife pelvis abuse
born: Mexico doctor: Jim Camp
father: Andres Contreras Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico burial: Pecos, Texas
mother: Anastacia Ramerez Feb. 25, 1921
informant: Baulio Tarrango undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 76
Pecos, Texas Page 71
George Nold dod: March 18, 1921
male white widowed cod: Organic heart disease
born: 1849 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 72 yrs. Pecos, Texas
occupation: Farmer burial: Cambridge, MN
born: Germany March 1921
informant: Mrs. Mable Nold undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 77
Pecos, Texas Page 72
Kenneth Wayne Cory dod: April 1, 1921
male white child cod: Morasusus
dob: Nov. 7, 1920 (brain lesion)
age: 4 mo. 24 days doctor: O. J. Bryan
born: Hughes Springs, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Victor L. Cory
born: Alibia, Iowa
mother: Zenobia Brian
born: Verda, Louisiana
informant: Victor L. Cory
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 78
Toyah, Texas Page 72
Baby Story dod: March 22, 1921
male white single cod: cause not determined
dob: March 22, 1921 sudden, about 7 hrs. after
born: Toyah, Texas birth - discovered dead by
father: C. V. Story mothers side.
born: Oregon doctor: W. F. Storley
mother: Elvera K. Kreuziger Toyah, Texas
born: Illionis burial: Toyah, Texas
informant: J. Z. Hodge March 23, 1921
undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 79
Pecos, Texas Page 73
Richard E. Lunsford dod: April 25, 1921
male white single cod: Acute gastoritis
dob: Feb. 25, 1875 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 46 yrs. 2 mo. Pecos, Texas
occupation: Section foreman burial: Lampasas, Texas
born: Lampasas, Texas April 28, 1921
father: John Lunsford undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Missouri Pecos, Texas
mother: Sallie Harrison
born: Missouri

Reeves Co. Registered No. 80
Toyah, Texas Page 73
Infant son of T. J. Workman dod: April 31, 1921
male white cod: Premature death
born: April 1921 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 3 days old burial: Toyah, Texas
born: Toyah, Texas May 1, 1921
father: T. J. Workman undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: West Virginia Pecos, Texas
mother: Mattie Hurley
born: Mississippi
informant: B. P. Van Horn
Toyah, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No.81
Balmorhea, Texas Page 74
Mrs. Manuela L. Lyles dod: May 8, 1921
female white married cod: Broncho-pneumonia
dob: May 24, 1894 doctor: J. B. Cortes
age: 26 yrs. 11 mo. 8 days Balmorhea, Texas
occuupation: Housewife burial: Balmorhea, Texas
born: Redford, Texas May 9, 1921
father: Simon L. deLeon undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Monterey, Mexico Pecos, Texas
mother: Victoria Pena
born: Chihuaha, Mexico
informant: Jose Lyles
Balmorhea, Texas

George Benz Registered No. 82
male white married Page 74
dob: June 5, 1876 dod: June 7, 1921
age: 45 yrs. 2 days cod: Tuberculosis
occupation: Painter doctor: J. B. Cortes
born: Leaenworth, Kansas Balmorhea, Texas
father: J. J. Benz burial: Balmorhea, Texas
born: Germany June 8, 1921
mother: L. M. Cole
born: New York
informant: E. W. Backers
Balmorhea, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 83
Pecos, Texas Page 75
Asunsion A. Orenlas dod: June 16, 1921
female Mexican widowed cod: Don't know - did not
age: 53 yrs. see alive
occupation: Merchant doctor: Jim Camp
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas
father: Pedro Aldas burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico June 17, 1921
mother: Cruz Guardiola undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas
informant: Diego Peyes
El Paso, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 84
Pecos, Texas Page 75
William Harrie Otto dod: June 22, 1921
male white single cod: Acute dysentary
dob: March 23, 1920 doctor: W. P. Meredith
age: 1 yr. 3 mo. Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Max Otto June 23, 1921
born: Howard Co. Texas undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Rosalia Afra Kelly Pecos, Texas
born: Howard Co. Texas
informant: M. E. Otto

Reeves Co. Registered No. 85
Pecos, Texas Page 76
Ben Hersheal Palmer, Jr. dod: July 2, 1921
male white single cod: Dysentery
dob: Aug. 26, 1918 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 2 yrs. 10 mo. 11 days Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Ben Palmer, Sr. July 3, 1921
born: Georgia undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Lillie Pearl Bucholz Pecos, Texas
born: Texas
informant: Ben Hersheal Palmer
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 86
Pecos, Texas Page 76
Yrbano Martinos dod: Aug. 2, 1921
male Mexican single cod: Pulmonary Tuberculosis
age: 19 yrs. doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Farmer burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Barstow, Texas Aug. 3, 1921
father: Lorenzo Martinos undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 87
Myrtle Hazel Alley Page 77
female white single dod: Dec. 21, 1921
dob: Dec. 28, 1914 cod: Gun shot wound by
age: 5 yrs. 11 mo. 24 days accident
born: Ottaway Co. Oklahoma burial: Saragosa, Texas
father: J. W. Alley Dec. 22, 1921
born: Jackson Co. Missouri J. G. Murray
mother: Ada M. Hoover
born: Oscola, Missouri
informant: J. W. Alley
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 88
Pecos, Texas Page 77
Jesus Tarango dod: Aug. 9, 1921
female Mexican Married cod: Drowned
dob: July 10, 1903 burial: Pecos, Texas
age: 18 yrs. Aug. 10, 1921
occupation: Housewife undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
father: ? Martinez
informant: S. C. Vaughan
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 89
Pecos, Texas Page 78
Samuel Walter Brazeal dod: Aug. 13, 1921
male white single Cod: Malnutrition followed
dob: March 24, 1921 by acute bowel disturbance
age: 4 mo. 15 days doctor: Jim Camp
born: Howard Co. Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: M. W. Brazeal Aug. 14, 1921
born: Texas undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: N. E. M. Brown
born: Oklahoma, OK
informant: M. W. Brazeal
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 90
Hernosa, Texas Page 78
Anastacia Subiade Martinez dod: Sept. 14, 1921
female Mexican widow cod: Dysentary
age: 81 yrs.
occupation: Housewife
born: Mexico
father: Juan Subia
born: Mexico
mother: Dolores Hernandez
born: Mexico
informant: Jojse Martinez
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 91
Pecos, Texas Page 79
Baby Harding dod: Aug. 16, 1921
male white single cod: Still born
dob: Aug. 16, 1921 doctor: O. J. Bryan
born: Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: R. E. Harding burial: Pecos, Texas
born: St. Louis, Missouri? Aug. 16, 1921
mother: Mary Franco undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
informant: R. E. Hardin
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 92
Pecos, Texas Page 79
Helen Hicks dod: Sept. 3, 1921
female white single cod: Exhaustion from lack of
dob: Sept. 3, 1921 blood suppy before birth
born: Pecos, Texas doctor: O. J. Bryan
father: Vernon Hicks Pecos, Texas
born: Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
mother: Mary Lee Richbury Sept. 3, 1921
born: Alabama undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: Vernon Hicks Pecos, Texas
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 93
Pecos, Texas Page 80
Jobe Washington Brown dod: Oct. 22, 1921
male white widowed cod: Presume heart failure
dob: June 6, 1869 doctor: O. J. Bryan
occupation: Trader Pecos, Texas
born: Blanco Co. Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
Oct. 25, 1921
undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 94
Pecos, Texas Page 80
S. C. Muck dod: Dec. 14, 1921
male white married cod: Pulmonary Tuberculosis
dob: Oct. 8, 1868 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 53 yrs. 2 mo. 6 days burial: Pecos, Texas
occupation: Jewelry man Dec. 15, 1921
undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 95
Pecos, Texas Page 81
W. R. Johnson dod: Oct. 26, 1921
male white married cod: Thrombosis --? sinus
dob: April 24, 1882 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 39 yrs. Pecos, Texas
occupation: Farmer burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Bearie Johnson Oct. 27, 1921
mother: Ellen Northcross undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: Lydia Johnson Pecos, Texas
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 96
Pecos, Texas Page 81
A. J. Mann dod: Dec. 20, 1921
male white single cod: Pulmonary Tuberculosis
dob: March 22, 1902 doctor: H. N. Lusk
occupation: Salesman Pecos, Texas
born: Merkel, Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Jed Mann Dec. 21, 1921
born: Arkansas undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Flora Davis Pecos, Texas
informant: J. L. Mann
Pecos, Texas

El Paso Co. Registered No. 97
El Paso, Texas Page 82
no name given dod: Jan. 6, 1922
male white single cod: Gastro Ententes
dob. April 17, 1921 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 8 mo. 22 days Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Richard Ora Parker Jan. 8, 1922
born: New York undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Duffie Beauchamp
informant: G. C. Parker
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 98
Pecos, Texas Page 82
Mrs. Juan Flatt dod: not given
female white married cod: Lobar Pneumonia
dob: April 6, 1847 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 75 yrs. 9 mo. 2 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: housewife burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Tennessee Jan. 9, 1922
father: Porter Christian undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Tennessee Pecos, Texas
mother: ? Cannack
born: Tennessee
informant: Mrs. Ava Hicky
Pecos, Texas

Pima Co. Registered No. 99
Tuson, Arizona Page 83
Gunner I. Tholander dod: Jan. 19, 1922
male white single cod: Pulmonary Tuberculosis
dob: May 4, 1892 burial: Pecos, Texas
age: 29 yrs. Jan. 23, 1922
occupation: Ex soldier undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: St. Paul, Minniesota Pecos, Texas
father: Carl Tholander
born: Sweden
mother: Matilda Benson
born: Sweden
informant: Stanley Tholander
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 100
Pecos, Texas Page 83
Walter Edward Hamilton dod: Jan. 23, 1922
male white married cod: Intestinal obstruction
dob: March 7, 1877 caused by appendecidis
age: 44 yrs. 10 mo. 16 days doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Contractor Pecos, Texas
born: Dallas Co. Texas burial: Fairview Cemetery
father: Wilber Hamilton Pecos, Texas
born: Illionois Jan. 24, 1922
mother: Emma Tevis? undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Missouri Pecos, Texas
informant: William Hamilton
Van Horn, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 101
Saragosa, Texas Page 84
Mary McFadden dod: Jan. 26, 1922
female white widowed cod: Old age and general debility
dob: March 2, 1842 doctor: J. B. Cortes
age: 78 yrs. 10 mo. Saragosa, Texas
born: Canton, Ohio burial: Kingfisher, OK
informant: Ray Arnold undertaker: J. G. Murray
Saragosa, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 102
Pecos, Texas Page 84
Mrs. Sarah Ann Woods dod: Feb. 23, 1922
female white married cod: Pneumonia
dob: Nov. 2, 1854 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 67 yrs. 3 mo. 21 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Pearesbury, Virginia Feb. 24, 1922
father: ? Borden undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: O. F. Woods Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 103
Pecos, Texas Page 85
Theo Millow Wright dod: Feb. 16, 1922
male white single cod: Pneumonia
dob: April 10, 1921 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 10 mo. 6 days burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas Feb. 17, 1922
father: Claud Wright undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Eastland Co. , Texas Pecos, Texas
mother: Alice Dublin
born: Midland Co. Texas
Informant: J. L. Wright
Pecos, Texas

Tom Green Co. Registered No. 104
San Angelo, Texas Page 85
John W. Bell dod: March 11, 1922
male white widowed cod: Senility
dob: Nov. 12, 1833 burial: Fairview Cemetery
age: 88 yrs. Pecos, Texas
occupation: Rancher March 13, 1922
born: Missouri undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Margaret Henry Pecos, Texas
Informant: Earl Legion
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 105
Pecos, Texas Page 86
Mrs. E. T. Tatum dod: March 1, 1922
female white married cod: Pneumonia
dob: March 22, 1858 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 64 yrs. 21 days burial: Monahans, Texas
occupation: Housewife March 2, 1922
born: Missouri undertaker: J. G. Murray
father: G. W. McWilliams Pecos, Texas
born: Missouri
mother: Alice W. McWilliams
born: Missouri
informant: Mrs. J. J. Wheat
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 106
Toyah, Texas Page 86
Henry Gordon dod: Oct. 25, 1921
male white doctor: W. A. McAlpine
informant: W. A. McAlpine Toyah, Texas
Toyah, Texas burial: Toyah, Texas
Oct. 26, 1922
undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 107
Toyah, Texas Page 87
Joe Pruesser, Jr. dod: Jan. 25, 1922
male white single cod: Gun shot wound in
dob: Aug. 11, 1867 head
age: 54 yrs. 5 mo. 14 days doctor: W. A. McAlpine
occupation: Trapper burial: Toyah, Texas
born: New Braunfels, Texas Jan. 25, 1922
father: Joe Pruesser, Sr. undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Germany Pecos, Texas
mother: Cathrine Titamour
born: Germany
informant: Joe Pruesser, Sr.
Toyah, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 108
Toyah, Texas Page 87
Elilzabeth Singleton dod: Feb. 19, 1922
female white married cod: Dibility (senile)
dob: Sept. 12, 1860 doctor: W. A. McAlpine
age: 61 yrs. 6 mo. 7 days Toyah, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Toyah, Texas
born: New York City, NY Feb. 20, 1922
informant: R. L. Singleton undertaker: J. G. Murray
Toyah, Texas Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 109
Pecos, Texas Page 88
Robert M. Boyle dod: March 30, 1922
male white single cod: Peratantis following
dob: Dec. 25, 1865 rupture of appendix
age: 57 yrs. 3 mo. 5 days doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Bailer maker Pecos, Texas
born: Pennsylvania burial: Toyah, Texas
father: Hugh Boyle April 1, 1922
born: ireland undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Mary McNichol Pecos, Texas
born: Ireland
informant: P. C. Boyle
Raton, New Mexico

Culberson Co. Registered No. 110
Teresa Acosta Page 88
female Mexican single dod: April 24, 1922
age: 7 yrs. cod: Likely cerebral hemm-
born: Mexico orage at time of epilectic
father: Vicente Acosta seizure.
born: Mexico doctor: Jim Camp
mother: Tiodora Mallonada Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico burial: Pecos, Texas
Informant: Ben Chavez April 24, 1922
undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 111
Pecos, Texas Page 89
Infant Eddins dod: May 1, 1922
male white cod: Aspixiation
dob: May 1, 1922 doctor: Jim Camp
born: Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Carl M. Eddins burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Texas May 1, 1929
mother: Leta Heard undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
informant: Mr. & Mrs. Eddins

Reeves Co. Registered No. 112
Pecos, Texas Page 89
Mrs. Mattie M. Leeman dod: May 8, 1922
female white married cod: Cerebral Compression
dob: Oct. 19, 1851 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 71 yrs. 6 mo. 19 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Pecos, Texas
father: J. J. Armour May 9, 1929
born: Mississippi undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Culberson Co. Registered No.
On Train No. 7 Page 90
H. C. Kennedy dod: May 5, 1922
male white married cod: Lung and throat trouble
age: 35 yrs. (tuberculosis)
occupation: Laborer burial: Stamps, Arkansas
born: Arkansas May 1922
informant: Mrs. H. C. Kennedy undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No.
Pecos, Texas Page 90
Jno. W. Koen dod: June 12, 1922
male white married burial: Toyah, Texas
dob: May 16, 1846 June 12, 1922
age: 76 yrs. 27 days undertaker: J. G. Murray
occupation: Ranchman Pecos, Texas
born: Travis Co. Texas
father: D. B. Koen
born: Illinois
mother: Not known
born: Missouri
informant: Sam Koen

Reeves Co. Registered No. 115
Pecos, Texas Page 91
Mary Josephine Silman dod: June 13, 1922
female white single cod: Stillborn
dob: June 13, 1922 doctor: O. J. Bryan
born: Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: T. L. Silman burial: Pecos, Texas
mother: Annie Richburg July 23, 1922
informant: T. L. Silman undertaker: J. G. Murray
Kent, Texas

Truberia Zuniga Registered No. 116
female Spanish married Page 91
age: 48 yrs. dod: July 23, 1922
occupation: Housewife cod: Dysentary
born: Mexico doctor: H. N. Lusk
father: Francisco Tiniga Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico burial: Pecos, Texas
mother: ? Anidua July 23, 1922
born: Mexico undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: Miguel Y. Lopey Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 117
Pecos, Texas Page 92
Dr. W. J. Starley dod: July 18, 1922
male white widowed cod: Acute interitis
dob: Sept. 4, 1843 infection
age: 78 yrs. 10 mo. 14 days doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Physician Pecos, Texas
born: Nacadoches Co. burial: Pecos, Texas
father: S. F. Starkey July 19, 1922
born: Alabama Undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: J. E. Starkey Pecos, Texas
Reeves Co. Texas

Pasadena, Califorina Registered No. 118
Sidney Johnson Kyle Page: 92
male white married dod: Aug. 8, 1922
dob: Nov. 23, 1869 cod: subocsite Endo
age: 52 yrs. 8 mo. 8 days cartistis
occupation: Ranchman doctor: Jim Camp
born: Hayes Co. Texas burial: Green Cane, Pecos,
Father: Ferg Kyle Texas Aug. 10, 1922
born: Tennessee Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Anne Moore Pecos, Texas
informant: Mrs. Sid Kyle
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 119
Pecos, Texas Page: 93
A. H. Weaver dod: July 10, 1922
male white widowed cod: Taximia & exhaustion
dob: Feb. 6, 1845 from prostate hyortrophy
age: 77 yrs. 5 mo. 4 days doctor: H. N. Lusk
occupation: Carpenter doctor: Jim Camp
born: Kentucky Pecos, Texas
Father: A. H. Weaver burial: El Paso, Texas
born: Kentucky July 12, 1922
mother: ? Martin undertaker: J. G. Murray
Born: Virginia Pecos, Texas
informant: Mrs. L. H. Dearing
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 120
Pecos, Texas Page: 93
Capt. John T. Tucker dod: Aug. 6, 1922
male white widowed cod: Likely pneumonia
dob: April 24, 1845 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 76 yrs. 3 mo. 12 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Farmer burial: Pecos, Texas
father: J. M. Tucker Aug. 7, 1922
born: Illinois Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Lauren Gregory Pecos, Texas
born: Illinois
informant: Mrs. M. L. Vickers
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 121
Pecos, Texas Page: 94
Rebecca A. Anderson dod: Aug. 20, 1922
female white single cod: Intestinal obstruction
dob: 1894 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 18 years Pecos, Texas
occupation: Housewife burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Missouri Aug. 21, 1922
father: ? Anderson Undertaker: J G. Murray
born: Missouri Pecos, Texas
informant: W. F. Alexander
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 122
Pecos, Texas Page: 94
R. L. Wright, Jr. dod: Nov. 18, 1922
male white cod: Gastro interitis
dob: Ocdt. 29, 1920 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 2 yrs. 24 days Pecos, Texas
born: Barstow, Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Rufus Wright Nov. 19, 1922
born: Eastland, Texas Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Mittie Boyle Pecos, Texas
born: Barstow, Texas
informant: J. L. Wright
J. L. Wright

Reeves Co. Reistered No 123
Pecos, Texas Page 95
William Haskell Murray dod: Nov. 22, 1922
male white single cod: Indima of lungs
dob: March 25, 1903 complicating typhoid fever
age: 19 yrs. 8 mo. doctor: Jim Camp
occupation: Salesman Pecos, Texas
born: Hopkins Co. Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: J. G. Murray Nov. 26, 1922
born: Kentucky Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Lennie B. Anderson Pecos, Texas
born: Hopkins Co. Texas
informant: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 124
Pecos, Texas Page: 95
William Thomas Duncan dod: Nov. 19, 1922
male white married cod: Indima of larynx
dob: March 17, 1859 burial: Toyah, Texas
occupation: Cattleman Nov. 20, 1922
born: Ellis Co. Texas Undertaker: J. G. Murray
father: James Duncan Pecos, Texas
born: Tennessee
mother: Elizabeth Jane Thomas
born: Tennessee
informant: Mrs. J. B. Young
Toyah, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 125
Toyah, Texas Page: 96
Anita Remiras dod: Jan. 7, 1923
girl Mexican single cod: Broncitis pneumonia
age: 5 years doctor: H. N. Lusk
born: Toyah, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Refugio Martinez burial: Toyah, Texas
born: Toyah, Texas Jan. 8, 1923
mother: Benita Remiras Undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Toyah, Texas Pecos, Texas
informant: Serapio Renteria
Toyah, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 126
Toyah, Texas Page: 96
Pablo Renteria dod: Jan. 7, 1923
female Mexican single cod: Pneumonia
age: 18 years doctor: H. N. Lusk
born: Toyah, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Pablo Renteria burial: Toyah, Texas
born: Pecos Co. Texas Jan. 1923
mother: Felesita Grenteria Undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas
informant: R. R. Martinez
Toyah, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 127
Balmorhea, Texas Page: 97
Charles Hallet Crenshaw dod: Jan. 16, 1923
boy white cod: Pnemonia
dob. Nov 25, 1922 doctor: J. B. Cortes
born: Balmorhea Balmorhea, Texas
father: O. H. Crenshaw burial: Balmorhea, Texas
born: Texas Jan. 17, 1923
mother: Calara DeWanacht Undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos Co. Texas Pecos, Texas
informant: O. H. Crenshaw

Loving Co. Registered No 128
Crispin Hernandez Page: 97
male Mexican dod: Jan. 8, 1923
born: 1855 cod: Progressive Paralysis
occupation: Farmer doctor: Jim Camp
born: Mexico burial: Loving Co.
father: Crispin Hernandez Jan. 9, 1923
born: Mexico Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Felipa Biscana Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico
informant: D. B. Hernandez

Reeves Co. Registered No. 129
Pecos, Texas Page 98
William David Cowan dod: Jan. 9, 1923
male white married cod: Acute indigestion
dob: July 25, 1851 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 71 yrs. 4 mo. 14 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Ranchman
born: Consallus Co. Texas
father: Jno. M. Cowan
born: S. Carolina
mother: ? Nations
informant: John M. Cowan

Reeves Co. Registered No. 130
Pecos, Texas Page 98
Marion Lou Roddy dod: Jan. 30, 1923
male white married cod: Gun shot wound
dob: Feb. 19, 1874 through heart
occupadtion: City Marshall doctor: O. J. Bryant
born: Milam Co. Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Philip Dale Roddy Burial: Pecos, Texas
mother: Catherine Elizabeth Jones Feb. 1, 1923
born: Trinity Co. Texas Undertaker: J. G. Murray
informant: Mrs. E. E Beady
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 131
Pecos, Texas Page 99
Merwin Joyce Bryan dod: Feb. 6, 1923
male white cod: Pneumonia
dob: July 6, 1922 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 7 mo. Pecos, Texas
born: Reeves Co. burial: Pecos, Texas
father: H C Bryan Feb. 7, 1923
born: Texas Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Martye Wright Pecos, Texas
born: Texas
informant: T. E. Bryan
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 132
Pecos, Texas Page 99
Halley L. Norman dod: Feb. 17, 1923
female white single cod: Pneumonia
dob: June 19, 1922 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 8 mo. Pecos, Texas
born: Runnels Co. Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: E. A. Morman Feb. 18, 1923
born: Erath Co. Texas Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: May Hanson Pecos, Texas
born: May Hanson
informant: E. A. Norman

Reeves Co. Registered No. 133
Saragosa, Texas Page: 100
William Washington Chandler burial: Saragosa, Texas
male whlte married March 20, 1923
dob. Feb . 17, 1843
age: 80 yrs. 1 mo. 2 days
occupation: Farm & Ranch
born: Mississippi
father: William Welcome Chandler
mother: Sarah Brown
informant: E. A. Chandler

El Paso Co. Registered No. 134
El Paso, Texas Page 100
J. B. Sullivan dod: March 27, 1923
male white married cod: Kidney infection
dob: Oct. 9, 1865 doctor: Jim Camp
age: 66 yrs. 5 mo. 18 days Pecos, Texas
occupation: Farmer & Ginman burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Alabama March 28, 1923
informant: Mrs. J. B. Sullivan Undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 135
Pecos, Texas Page 101
Edna Roberta Kesler dod: March 20, 1923
girl white single cod: Broncho pneumonia
dob: Jan. 28, 1922 doctor: H. N. Rusk
age: 1 yr. 1 mo. 23 days Pecos, Texas
born: Pecos, Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: I. F. Kesler March 21, 1923
born: Jackson Co. Georgia Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Edna Bates Pecos, Texas
born: Purce Co. Wisconsin
informant: I. F. Kesler

Reeves Co. Registered No. 136
Pecos, Texas Page: 101
Marie Overman dod: March 19, 1923
female white widowed cod: Lobor pneumonia
dob: July 12, 1843 doctor: H. N. Lusk
occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texos
born: Jonesville, Indiana burial: Pecos, Texas
father: Mr. Alde March 19, 1923
mother: Elizabeth Alde Undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Kentucky Pecos, Texas
informant: George Overman

Reeves Co. Registered No. 137
Balmorhea, Texas Page: 102
William Smith Peck dod: April 10, 1923
male white married cod: Exhaustion - General
dob: Sept. 4, 1849 debility
age: 73 yrs. 7 mo. 6 days doctor: J. B. Cortes
occupation: Farmer Balmorhea, Texas
born: Rhode Island burial: Balmorhea, Texas
father: George F. Peck April 11, 1923
born: Rhode Island Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Margaret Smith Pecos, Texas
born: Rhode Island
informant: Flora L. Peck
Balmorhea, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 138
Pecos, Texas Page: 102
Clarkson Wilson dod: April 30, 1923
male white single cod: Cardio-vasculardisease
dob: Jan. 13/14, 1847 doctor: H. N. Lusk
age: 76 yrs. Pecos, Texas
born: Missouri burial: Pecos, Texas
informant: Mrs. D. Jester May 1, 1923
Pecos, Texas Undertaker: J. G. Murray

Reeves Co. Registered No 139
Catherine Byers Page 103
female white married dod: Feb. 7, 1923
dob: Dec. 18, 1882 cod: Pneumonia
age: 40 yrs. 10 mo. 20 days doctor: W. T. Rowley
occupation: Housewife Balmorhea, Texas
born: Springfield, S. D. burial: Balmorhea, Texas
father: Chas. Dahlenburg Feb. 8, 1923
born: Germany Undertaker: J. G. Murray
mother: Elizabeth Miller Pecos, Texas
born: Lancaser, Wisconsin
informant: Emma Dahlenburg
Sioux City, Iowa

Reeves Co. Registered No. 140
Pecos, Texas Page: 103
Mrs. Kate Miller dod: May 9, 1923
female white married cod: Chronic Bulbos
dob: 1871 Paralysis
age: 52 yrs. doctor: H. N. Rusk
occupation: Housewife Pecos, Texas
born: Russellvillle, Kentucky burial: Fairview Cemetery
father: J. B. Settle Pecos, Texas
born: Kentucky May 10, 1923
informant: R. E. Miller-Husband Undertaker: J. G. Murray
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 141
Blass Tersero Page: 104
male Mexican widowed dod: May 17, 1923
age: 47 yrs. cod: Perferation of gastic
dob: 1876 ulcer
occupation: Farmer doctor: O. J. Bryan
born: Mexico Pecos, Texas
father: Blas Tersero burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Mexico May 18, 1923
mother: Eucibea Gomez Undertaker: J. G Murray
informant: Jose Tersero Pecos, Texas
Pecos, Texas

Harrison Co. Registered No. 142
Marshall, Texas Page 104
Charley Hailey Harker dod: May 30, 1923
male Amer. married cod: Hemoplegin
dob: Sept. 19, 1867 burial: Pecos, Texas
age: 55 yrs. 8 mo. 11 days June 3, 1923
occuption: Section formen Undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Lemestone, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: John Perry Harker
mother: Martha E. Tribble
informant: Mrs. C. H. Harker
Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 143
Petrole, Texas Page: 105
Juan Galindo dod: June 4, 1923
male Mexican married cod: Tuberculosis
dob: 1893 doctor: O. J. Bryan
age: 30 yrs. burial: Petrole, Texas
occuption: Farmer June 5, 1923
born: Texas Undertaker: J. G. Murray
father: Guillermo Galinda Pecos, Texas
Born: Mexico
mother: Santiago Anaya
born: Mexico
lnformant: Angel Flores
Pecos, Texas

Hereford, Texas Registered No. 144
William Gantt Page 105
male white single dod: July 2, 1923
dob: Nov 28, 1922 cod: Summer complaint who
age: 7 mo. died at Dinnett, Texas
born: Balmorhea, Texas burial: Pecos, Texas
father: J. F Gantt July 4, 1923
mother: Lola Hanes Undertaker: J. G. Murray
Informant: Mrs. J. F. Gantt Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 145
Pecos, Texas Page 106
Baby Eddins dod: July 7, 1923
male white single cod: Stillborn Trauma
born: Pecos, Texas attendant on delivery
father: Carl Eddins doctor: Jim Camp
born: Texas Pecos, Texas
mother: Letha Heard burial: Pecos, Texas
born: Texas July 8, 1923
informant: Carl M. Eddins Undertaker: J. G Murray
Pecos, Texas Pecos, Texas

Reeves Co. Registered No. 146
Pecos, Texas Page 106
Fritz Albert Bessire dod: July 28, 1923
male white married cod: Genersal septicima
dob: Jan. 28, 1861 following gangrenous
age: 62 yrs. 1 mo. appendecitus
occupation: Merchant doctor: Jim Camp
born: Sugarland, Texas Pecos, Texas
father: Peter Henry Bessire burial: Toyah, Texas
born: Sugarland, Texas July 29, 1923
mother: Eliza Groshan Undertaker: J. G. Murray
born: Sugarland, Texas Pecos, Texas
informant: A. A. Besire

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This page was last updated on 17 September 2024.