Roster of Company G, 2nd Battalion, 142nd Infantry, 36th Infantry Divison
of Snyder, Texas (mostly men from Scurry County) as of January 1, 1940

Commissioned Officers
Captain Tim O. Cook
First Lieutenant Roy O. Irvin
Second Lieutenant Homer M. Spence
Non-Commissioned Officers
First Sergeant Claude E. Ingram
Bates, Ralph A. Portis, John C.
Brush, Clarence H. Spence, Leonard W.
Holladay, James C. Reynolds, Cecil H.
Pitner, Kenneth O. Teaff, William G.
Bills, George D. Hudson, William H.
Crenshaw, L. A. McHaney, Billie M.
Groves, Robert A. Merritt, Hugh M.
Hardy, Ivan F. Shield, Robert W.
Privates First Class
Baugh, Max C. Kemp, Luther P.
Bunch, Jesse D. Morrow, Willie T.
Crawley, Harold D. Mullins, Lance P.
Clinkenbeard, Earl F. Pitner, J. C.
Eades, W. D. Ryan, Esse L.
Eades, Verdie L. Starnes, John G.
Fargason, Hugh L. Starnes, Winfield S.
Headstream, James W. Tolson, Phillip B.
Jacobs, Garland Trousdale, George E.
Johnson, Jesse A. Walton, Foch W.
Williamson, J. C.
Bailey, Loyd D. Johnson, Alvin B.
Baugh, Robert W. Keller, Robert L.
Browning, Mitchell C. Kruse, L. M.
Chandler, Alvin L. Lewallen, Herbert L.
Clinkenbeard, J. W. Line, Jack L.
Cook, James R. McCowen, Lloyd M.
Corley, Ernest McCravey Laoyce D.
Crumbie, Marvin A. McCravey, Lee B.
Crumley, Elbie A. Panter, Kenneth W.
Curnutte, Raymond L. Pinkerton, Eugene A.
DeBusk, Barney J. Prather, Raymond W.
Dever, Hosey C. Roberts, Thomas B.
Fenton, Allen L. Robison, jeff D.
Flippen, Arvil G. Rucker, Raymond W.
Gaylean, Herman L. Sealey, A. B.
Hargrove, Allen C. Shultze, Thurman R.
Hern, Aster L. Swint, Wyatt A.
Hollis, Ferrel W. Taggart, Robert B.
Holmes, Sheldon Todd, Charles R.
Howard, R. C. Columbus Trousdale, John E.
Hudnell, Albert H. Way, Eldon J.

Factual History:

Company G, 142nd Infantry was reorganized at Snyder, Texas, April 18, 1924. The first officers were Captain John E. Sentell, First Lieutenant Herbert W. Waterman and Second Lieutenant James L. Ramsour. Captain Sentell was promoted to Major in command of the Second Battalion, 142nd Infantry, January 1938. Command of the company was then assumed by Captain Tim O. Cook upon his promotion from First Lieutenant, February 1, 1938.

It required about two years for the organization to become an effective military machine. When Company G held its third Federal inspection in 1927, it was awarded the highest rating in the 142nd Infantry and received steel lockers for all its men. Since that date, the company has always received a "Satisfactory" rating and has placed among the three leading units of the regiment.

On the walls of the orderly room are two beautiful plaques, which attest to the efficiency of the company in musketry exercises. These awards were won two years out of six in which the 36th Division has sponsored such competitions. In addition, the company was runner-up two other years of the competition.

Company G has made 16 summer encampments at the following places: 1924, Galveston; 1925, Austin; 1926 to 1937, Palacios; 1938, Camp Bullis, San Antonio, and 1939, Palacios. During these 16 years, the company has carried the full strength of 65 men and three officers. Since 1930, only four men have missed an encampment.

Captain Tim O. Cook, the present company commander, is the only charter member of the organization still on the roster. However, there are many of the personnel with long service records behind them. Among these are First Sergeant Claude E. Ingram, with 15 years service; First Lieutenant Roy O. Irvin, Sergeant Clarence H. Brush, and Sergeant Cecil H. Reynolds, 13 years service, and Corporal Ivan F. Hardy, eight years service. Besides these, 11 other men in the company have served from five to seven years.

Last Updated: December 12, 2010