Trinon Revell Obituary

Trinon Revell

Houston--- Trinon Revell passed away Monday, May 6, 1996.

Mr. Revell was a member of Westbury Baptist church and Houston Lodge 151 BPO ELKS.

A loving husband, father and grandfather, he is durvived by his wife of 56 years; Marie; daughters, Trina Frier and husband, Jay, of Houston, and Janice Kasten and husband, Henry, of Euless; grandsons, both of whom are his namesakes, James Trinon Frier and Aaron Revell Kasten; Grandaughter, Sarah
Elizabeth Kasten.

Funeral service will be at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 8 in the Forest Park Westheimer Funeral Home.
A second service will be at 10 A.m. Thursday May 9, at First Baptist Church in Sterling city with burial in the city cemetery in Sterling City.

Submitted by Beverly Dunn Howard on March 12, 2005.

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