1850 Slave Census, pg 9

SCHEDULE No. 2 - Slave Inhabitants in _____ in the County of Walker State
 of Texas enumerated by me, on the 21st day of September 1850. S. A. Moore Ass't Marshal.

MICROFILM ROLL #M432-918 - Page: 9

Note: Some of the pages are too faded to read and have a lot of ages of 0 (zero).
Names of Slave Owners Number of Slaves Description Fugitive from the State Number Manu-mitted Deaf & Dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic Names of Slave Owners Number of Slaves Description Fugitive from the State Number Manu-mitted Deaf & Dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic
Age Sex Color Age Sex Color
LN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LN LN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LN
1 Wm N Thompson 4 Female Black Cinthia Banton 4 Male Black 1
2 J T Sims 30 42 Male Black Cinthia Banton 3 2
3 J T Sims 40 Female Robt R Brown 9 42 Female Black 3
4 J T Sims 40 Robt R Brown 38 Female Mulatto 4
5 J T Sims 37 Male Robt R Brown 28 Black 5
6 J T Sims 35 Female Robt R Brown 13 Male Mulatto 6
7 J T Sims 33 Male Robt R Brown 11 Female Black 7
8 J T Sims 27 Female Robt R Brown 6 Male 8
9 J T Sims 26 Robt R Brown 4 Female 9
10 J T Sims 26 Robt R Brown 2 Male 10
11 J T Sims 18 Robt R Brown 6m 11
12 J T Sims 17 Thos Mcmillon 6 40 Female Black 12
13 J T Sims 16 Thos Mcmillon 27 Male 13
14 J T Sims 13 Male Thos Mcmillon 18 Female 14
15 J T Sims 11 Thos Mcmillon 14 Male Mulatto 15
16 J T Sims 10 Female Thos Mcmillon 10 Female 16
17 J T Sims 9 Male Thos Mcmillon 1 Black 17
18 J T Sims 8 Female Russel Roark 4 40 Female 18
19 J T Sims 8 Russel Roark 21 Male Mulatto 19
20 J T Sims 7 Male Russel Roark 15 Female Black 20
21 J T Sims 6 Russel Roark 12 21
22 J T Sims 5 Female Tand S Gibbs 2 46 Male Black 22
23 J T Sims 4 Tand S Gibbs 46 Female 23
24 J T Sims 4 Male Jas Van 11 56 Female Black 24
25 J T Sims 3 Female Jas Van 50 Male 25
26 J T Sims 3 Male Jas Van 35 Female 26
27 J T Sims 3 Jas Van 19 27
28 J T Sims 3 Female Jas Van 18 Male 28
29 J T Sims 1 Male Jas Van 15 Female 29
30 J T Sims 9m Jas Van 10 Female 30
31 J T Sims 6m Jas Van 8 Male 31
32 Alfred Cato 4 52 Male Black Jas Van 4 Female 32
33 Alfred Cato 37 Female Jas Van 0 33
34 Alfred Cato 2 Jas Van 0 34
35 Alfred Cato 1 Jesse Evans 0 Female Black 35
36 Calvin Hamilton 1 2 Female Jesse Evans 0 36
37 Cinthia Banton 8 40 Jesse Evans 0 37
38 Cinthia Banton 41 Male Jesse Evans 0 38
39 Cinthia Banton 18 Male Jesse Evans 0 39
40 Cinthia Banton 9 Jesse Evans 0 40
41 Cinthia Banton 0 Jesse Evans 0 41
42 Cinthia Banton 0 Jesse Evans 0 42