1860 Federal Census

The Census Office, and the position of superintending clerk were abolished in May 1865. A portion of the clerks engaged in census work transferred to the General Land Office, where work of the 1860 census was completed under the direction of the commissioner of the General Land Office.

By the time the 1860 census returns were ready for tabulation, the nation was sinking into the American Civil War. As a result, Census Superintendent Joseph C. G. Kennedy and his staff produced only an abbreviated set of public reports, without graphic or cartographic representations. The statistics did allow the Census staff to produce a cartographic display, including preparing maps of Southern states, for Union field commanders. These maps displayed militarily vital topics, including white population, slave population, predominant agricultural products (by county), and rail and post road transportation routes.

In addition to the 1850 columns, the 1860 Population Schedule asked for value of personal property.

L 1860 Agricultural Schedule
R 1860 Agricultural Schedule
Agricultural (Farm) Sched
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17 18 24 Abercrombie, Charles A
15 16 22 Aberombie, John C
15 16 13 Addams, W G
5 6 6 Akin, Thomas
9 10 5 Alexander, James M
3 4 20 Alston, Duncan D
5 6 19 Alston, Thomas P
1 2 3 Archer, R H
7 8 1 Ashford, J Goree
5 6 7 Ashley, E P
5 6 36 Baldwin, H B
11 12 30 Bankhead, R M
9 10 2 Barker, James
17 18 19 Barker, William
3 4 38 Barrett, Wm M
15 16 34 Bass, Richard
9 10 29 Bay, James
17 18 3 Beacham, Henry
3 4 13 Berryman, Jackson
15 16 17 Besser, James
7 8 24 Birdwell, Thomas G
17 18 29 Bishop, Ira
9 10 10 Black, Mary A
13 14 6 Bolding, Cynthia
9 10 11 Bookman, Samuel
9 10 33 Bradley, E G
1 2 7 Branch, E M
17 18 15 Branch, John
11 12 19 Branch, John A
13 14 34 Brent, Michael W
3 4 19 Brice, John C
9 10 25 Brightman, William O
7 8 15 Brittain, Samuel
9 10 8 Brooks, Richard S
13 14 35 Brooks, Samuel C
3 4 33 Brown, F M
7 8 8 Brown, James P
3 4 39 Brown, Mary A
13 14 24 Brown, Robert
1 2 11 Buckley, John
9 10 37 Burden, Joseph C
3 4 2 Burgess, Joseph
11 12 10 Burnett, Joseph F
1 2 37 Burt, Henry
1 2 30 Burt, Wm
17 18 26 Cabiness, James A
17 18 13 Caldwell, Jasper
9 10 1 Caldwell, John
5 6 30 Calhoun, Saml
13 14 1 Callahan, Jane
1 2 19 Calvert, William
15 16 29 Campbell, Ben
1 2 20 Carr, Solomon
3 4 12 Carter, John W
17 18 12 Carter, W W
3 4 5 Carver, John
3 4 36 Cato, Alfred
1 2 28 Chance, Lucy
1 2 12 Chance, Stephen B
1 2 23 Christmass, James C
13 14 18 Claunch, Harvey
3 4 23 Connalley, Elizabeth
7 8 19 Cook, Charles M
13 14 16 Cook, John W
13 14 28 Cotton, Jane B
9 10 39 Cox, Jessee
13 14 9 Davis, Andrew
7 8 11 Davis, D K
7 8 34 Davis, David
1 2 27 Davis, John J
17 18 16 Day, Ann M
3 4 31 Dean, James
11 12 15 Dickey, J A
11 12 37 Dickey, Willis W
7 8 30 Donaho, William
9 10 16 Driscol, William
5 6 13 Dunlap, James C
13 14 20 Dunn, William S
3 4 8 Durden, B W
1 2 9 Edinburg, C C
7 8 10 Edinburg, W B
1 2 32 Edwards, A J
15 16 39 Ellissen, Philip T
17 18 1 Ellisson, G T
17 18 9 Ellisson, John W
17 18 2 Ellisson, Nancy
15 16 27 Elmore, H M
5 6 10 Evans, G P
3 4 40 Everett, Andrew D
9 10 38 Farris, A J
9 10 32 Farris, G W
9 10 36 Farris, Matilda
1 2 29 Farris, Nathan B
15 16 20 Fisher, Horatio W
15 16 23 Fisher, John F
15 16 21 Fisher, L C
15 16 15 Fisher, William P
9 10 12 Ford, Mary A
1 2 17 Foster agent?, Charles
9 10 18 Foster, Harriett L
3 4 30 Fuller [Thomas?], Hellen
11 12 24 Garrett, Howell
13 14 2 Gary, James
1 2 8 Gibbs, John
1 2 25 Gillaspie, James
3 4 29 Gillaspie, James
7 8 23 Goolsby, J W
17 18 10 Goree, S E
5 6 37 Grant, G W
7 8 9 Greer, Joseph
Agricultural (Farm) Sched
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15 16 5 Hall, James H
5 6 22 Hall, William A
15 16 11 Hardy, John
15 16 26 Hardy, Robert L
1 2 14 Harper, Edward A
9 10 13 Harper, Jourden
17 18 11 Harrell, Jo T
17 18 21 Harrison & Rhodes
17 18 20 Harrison, H
15 16 4 Harrison, William
15 16 38 Hart, Joshua
9 10 14 Hassen, Isaac
5 6 34 Hatch, J A
7 8 35 Heath, William
1 2 36 Hemphill, J B
17 18 6 Henderson, David S
1 2 34 Hibbits, Margaret C
7 8 4 Hicks, Zina
17 18 32 Hightower, A L
1 2 10 Hightower, R D & A A
15 16 36 Hill, A T
15 16 33 Hill, John
7 8 16 Hill, Samuel
9 10 17 Hinson, A E
13 14 30 Hodges, Charles F
13 14 29 Hogue, Robert M
13 14 14 Holloway, W L
17 18 4 Hopkins, William
15 16 14 Hoskins, Hugh C
15 16 10 Hoskins, William T
3 4 3 Hough, Leonard B
13 14 23 Howard, J P
13 14 31 Hume, John
9 10 30 Jackson, Bluford H
11 12 6 Jackson, Frank
13 14 25 Jardine, Edward
11 12 14 Jenkins, S M
11 12 20 Jennings, P J
17 18 18 Johnson, W J
1 2 33 Johnston, Cave
5 6 21 Johnston, Isaac
7 8 13 Jordy, Louis J
1 2 38 Josey, H J
11 12 21 Kearse, George H
3 4 26 Keeland, Samuel E
7 8 32 Kerr, D H
15 16 19 King, James C
1 2 13 Kohel, William
13 14 37 Laurence, Sarah
11 12 18 Leach, Margaret
9 10 20 Leatherwood, John M
15 16 37 Lee, Thomas
17 18 31 Leher, Lucilla
11 12 9 Leigh, James
1 2 1 Leigh, W A
15 16 8 Lindley, James
15 16 2 Lindley, John
17 18 28 Logan, James F
3 4 11 Long, James
5 6 29 Love, James
11 12 39 Lyghtsey, David
1 2 40 Mann, S A
7 8 18 Manning, John W
7 8 17 Manning, Mark
7 8 20 Manning, Milam
15 16 9 Marr, Milton H
15 16 3 Martin, Philip
15 16 6 Martin, William R
1 2 2 Mason, A H
5 6 28 Mason, James F
11 12 27 Mathews, A J
11 12 11 Mayes, Augustus P
11 12 13 Mayes, Benjamin M
7 8 31 McAdams, John
5 6 40 McClintock, William
15 16 24 McCormack, J F
7 8 25 McCulloch, Thomas J
5 6 38 McCullock, A G W
13 14 12 McDaniel, James A
11 12 28 McGary, Jonathan A
17 18 33 McGee, John
13 14 7 McGowen, A J
13 14 13 McGraw, Zack
5 6 4 McGuire, Gaston
5 6 3 McGuire, Jefferson R
5 6 5 McGuire, Pleasant H
5 6 2 McGuire, Thomas
17 18 14 McKenzie, A W
11 12 36 McKibbins, John
5 6 8 McMillan, Green
3 4 34 McMillan, James
5 6 12 McMillian, Thomas P
9 10 19 Merryman, Presley
3 4 7 Millard, J T
5 6 9 Mills, Sarah
11 12 4 Mills, William
13 14 32 Minchew, Jacob
3 4 25 Mitchell, W H
1 2 18 Mock, David W
11 12 32 Montgomery, Samuel P
13 14 36 Moore, A A & J W
17 18 27 Morgan, Silas
1 2 26 Moss, James
7 8 40 Murray, J H
7 8 14 Murray, Walter
13 14 39 Naul, John
7 8 36 Neely, Ruth
15 16 25 Nixon, Thomas C
13 14 33 Obanion, Green H
11 12 22 Oliphant, J W
15 16 1 Oneal, William
1 2 4 Owens, G L
11 12 31 Pace, Virgil H
13 14 5 Palmer, A C
3 4 27 Palmer, William
7 8 28 Parker, Andrew J
3 4 35 Parker, Elizabeth
3 4 18 Parker, Wade H
1 2 16 Parks, R N
9 10 4 Parrish, W A
11 12 25 Payne, John M
7 8 7 Peabody, John
7 8 37 Petre, Peter
9 10 28 Polk, James
9 10 27 Polk, Nancy
15 16 35 Powell, James M
13 14 21 Powell, Oliver
3 4 14 Powell, William
17 18 5 Pursley, Jane E
Agricultural (Farm) Sched
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11 12 26 Randall, Dualey
5 6 35 Randall, Edward D
11 12 23 Randall, Sam
9 10 6 Randolph, Jasper
13 14 8 Randolph, Jeremiah
3 4 17 Rawls, J C
17 18 22 Reeves, Caroline
5 6 24 Reynolds, Geo W
5 6 26 Reynolds, James
7 8 3 Roark, Russel
9 10 34 Roberts, Allen
7 8 21 Roberts, Sion
13 14 22 Robertson, H C
9 10 40 Robinson, Ben W
5 6 33 Roddey, G W
1 2 5 Roe, J L
5 6 32 Rogers, John
11 12 5 Rollins, Mark
1 2 21 Roman, John A
7 8 2 Roseborough, James S
11 12 33 Ross, Ely F
11 12 34 Ross, Saml A
5 6 27 Rust, James
13 14 19 Samuel, Allen
9 10 21 Sandel, James W
13 14 38 Sandel, Peter W
9 10 22 Sandell, Henry
15 16 30 Scott, James E
15 16 28 Scott, Laura A
5 6 18 Seale, Joseph
9 10 23 Shannon, James
11 12 12 Shannon, Jonah S
9 10 31 Shannon, Simon
3 4 6 Shanosky, Charles
5 6 15 Shaw, Elias
5 6 17 Shaw, James T
5 6 14 Shaw, John R
17 18 25 Sheppard, J A
1 2 15 Sims, J T
3 4 32 Sims, M M
9 10 35 Sims, Nathan A
7 8 6 Skelton, S H
3 4 22 Smith, Arabella E
13 14 27 Smith, H H
3 4 24 Smith, H J
5 6 31 Smith, James H
11 12 2 Smith, Lemuel
13 14 26 Smith, W H
17 18 30 Smith, W H
7 8 5 Spillers, J W
1 2 6 Spivey, L L
11 12 29 Stearne, John E
9 10 7 Stewart, Dan W
5 6 1 Stewart, James G
13 14 4 Stone, R P
3 4 21 Stubblefield, John
3 4 15 Taylor, Joseph L
3 4 28 Thomas, John
11 12 17 Thomason, J A
3 4 4 Thompson, A J
15 16 31 Thompson, A J
9 10 15 Thompson, George C
17 18 34 Thompson, Melinda
13 14 10 Thompson, W A
13 14 11 Thompson, W N
9 10 9 Thornton, John
5 6 20 Tipton, Eli
5 6 23 Tompkins, Mary J
15 16 12 Traylor, C T
5 6 39 Turner, Theofilus
1 2 24 Upchurch, Calvin B
1 2 31 Vann, James G
7 8 22 Varnell, Isaac A
15 16 18 Vick, John
7 8 27 Walker, James
7 8 33 Warren, A J
15 16 40 Warren, Charles C
1 2 22 Watkins, H M
11 12 16 Watkins, W E
5 6 11 Watts, Haydon
3 4 9 Watts, John
13 14 40 Weatherly, Francis A
11 12 35 Weatherly, Joseph P
7 8 38 Wells, Harrison
13 14 17 Wells, Jackson
13 14 15 Wells, Lydia
3 4 16 West, Guilford
13 14 3 West, J H
5 6 25 White, Tilman B
7 8 39 Whitehead, J H
17 18 8 Whitley, Mary
15 16 16 Whitley, Sharp
15 16 32 Wilkins,
3 4 10 Wilkins, W W
7 8 29 Williams, Thomas
5 6 16 Williamson, J N B
9 10 24 Wilson, Abner S
17 18 17 Wilson, J H
11 12 8 Wilson, James
1 2 35 Wilson, James E
9 10 26 Wilson, John
3 4 1 Wilson, Pinkey C
11 12 1 Wilson, Saml S
17 18 7 Winters, John F
15 16 7 Wood, Green M
7 8 12 Wood, John W
7 8 26 Wooderdson, William
11 12 40 Wooton, W Riley
1 2 39 Wyatt, Joseph
17 18 23 Wynne, Elizabeth E
11 12 7 Wynne, Erasmus
11 12 3 Wynne, John M
11 12 38 Wynne, Thomas
9 10 3 Wynne, Williamson
3 4 37 Yoas, Philip