Adjutant General's Report 1878

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HELLIARY, alias Tucker Blackburn...
Murder; committed August 29, 1871; indicted Nov. 8, same year. Is 5 feet 8 inches high, spare built, dish-faced, dark hair and beard, dark eyes, weighs about 130 or 140 pounds, 25 or 26 years old, very quiet, bad countenance.

Embezzlement of public money; committed Oct. 1, 1870; indicted April 15, 1871. Is about 37 or 38 years old, light complexion, light hair which is inclined to curl, heavy set, about 5 feet 10 inches high, weighs about 170 pounds, Irish accent in speaking, formerly sheriff of Walker Co.

Theft from a house of $160 gold; committed Oct 1, 1871; indicted Nov 17, same year. Is a negro, about 6 feet high, about 40 or 45 years old, weighs about 165 pounds, had no beard.

McGAR, Moses...
Theft of a mare; committed July 30, 1871; indicted Nov. 17, same year.

POWELL, A. J....
Assault with intent to murder; committed March 10, 1872; indicted March 22, same year.

HENDLEY, Isaac...
Forgery; committed Jan. 9, 1872; indicted April 4, 1872. Irish; light complexion, light-reddish hair which is very coarse, a broad, square face, broad front teeth, about 6 feet high, weighs 175 or 180 pounds, large eyes, quick spoken, blacksmith by trade, about 27 years old, large mouth. Supposed to be at Keachi, DeSoto parish, LA.

TULLIS, James...
Theft from a house; committed Feb 17, 1872; indicted April 4, same year. Is a negro, slick-looking, no beard, about 30 years old, weighs about 190 pounds; ex-convict. When last heard of was in Houston Co., TX

Theft from house; committed June 10, 1872; indicted July 17, same year.

Theft from a house; committed Dec 24, 1872; indicted July 16, 1873.

COLBURN, Fill...
Assault with intent to murder; committed July 27, 1873; indicted Aug. 2, same year.

COWAN, Jas. A...
Theft of property over $20 in value; committed July 15, 1873; indicted Aug 2, same year.

LAWRENCE, Primus...
Rape; committed Aug 6, 1873; indicted Nov 20, same year; is of a copper color; about 20 or 22 years old, spare made, about 5 feet 5 inches high, weighs 120 or 125 pounds.

HAYNES, Geo., alias Duckworth...
Murder; committed Oct 16, 1873; indicted Nov 24, same year; is a black negro about 50 years old, weighs 175 or 180 pounds, heavy beard, one eye out, spare build and quick spoken, about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high.

Swindling; committed Feb 15, 1873; indicted Nov 26, same year.

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SMITH, Martin...
Theft of a hog; committed Oct 1, 1873; indicted Nov 26, same year. Is a black negro, heavy set weighs 160 or 170 pounds, is about 5 feet 8 inches high, 40 or 45 years old.

SEWELL, John...
Theft of hog; committed Oct 1, 1873; indicted Nov 26, same year. Is a black, slick negro, about 5 feet 10 inches high, 35 or 40 years old, weighs about 140 pounds.

KING, Theodore...
Theft from a house; committed Sept 1873; indicted Nov 28, 1873. Is about 20 or 22 years old, light complexion, red sandy hair, will weigh 135 or 140 pounds.

McCANTS, George...
Theft from a house; committed Nov 15, 1873; indicted, same month.

GARRETT, Willis...
Theft of hogs; value of $25, three indictments; committed Nov 27, 1873; indicted Nov 28, same year. Is a black negro, about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, weighs about 160 pounds, prominent cheek bones, about 40 or 45 years old.

TIPTON, J. W....
Theft of beef steer; committed Sept 1, 1873; indicted Dec., same year. Has blue eyes, light complexion, sandy hair, about 40 years old, weighs 175 or 180 pounds, sandy beard.

MOON, Austin...
Assault with intent to commit rape; committed Nov 1873; indicted March 19, 1874. Has light complexion, light hair, blue eyes, spare made, weighs about 135 pounds, 25 years old, crippled in one foot by railroad train, was said to be at Hot Springs, AR, in July last, driving a hack.

WILEY, Anderson...
Theft from a house; committed March 8, 1874; indicted March 25, same year.

PETTIT, Millard...
Theft from a house; committed Dec 5, 1873; indicted April 2, 1874.

ALTUM, H. L....
Murder; committed June 12, 1874; indicted July 15, same year. Is about 25 or 30 years old, heavy set, weighs about 140 pounds, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, dark complexion, dark hair, gray eyes, very little beard.

Theft of beef steers; committed May 8, 1874; indicted July 17, same year. Said to be dead.

RIDLEY, Solomon...
Theft of mule; committed May 30, 1874; indicted July 21, same year.

MURTOS, Stephen...
Theft of gelding; committed July 15, 1874; indicted July 30, same year. Is in penitentiary, sent from another county on another charge.

ROE, Frank...
Theft from a house; committed Oct 25, 1875; indicted Nov. 18, same year. Dark complexion, dark hair and eyes, about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, about 40 or 45 year old, weighs about 160 or 170 pounds, No. 1 mechanic, ex-convict.

Theft of hog; committed Nov 5, 1874; indicted Nov 25, same year. Negro, about 45 or 50 years old, both legs deformed, when walking knees strike and feet about 36 inches apart, weighs about 160 pounds. Said to be in Hill Co.

PALMER, Abe...
Feloniously and seriously threatening to take life; committed March 10, 1875; indicted April 1, same year. Negro, about 25 or 30 years old, eyes large and show a good deal of white, weighs about 150 pounds, quarrelsome disposition. Supposed to be in Grimes or Montgomery county.

DAVIS, Arthur...
Murder; committed May 2, 1875; indicted July 28 same (cont)

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year. Dark skin, hair and eyes, heavy beard, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, weighs 140 pounds, about 40 or 45 years old.

TAYLOR, Geo...
Theft from a house; committed Oct 1, 1875; indicted Nov 18, same year. Dark copper colored negro, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, weighs 175 or 180 pounds, ex-convict sent from Leon Co. to penitentiary.

PARKS, James...
Theft from house; committed Nov 8, 1875; indicted Nov 24, same year.

DEES, John...
Theft from house; committed Nov 1, 1875; indicted Nov 24, same year.

ALSTON, Drea...
Theft of hog; committed June 30, 1875; indicted Nov 24, same year. Copper-colored negro, about 5 feet 8 inches high, weighs 145 pounds, 35 or 40 years old.

THOMPSON, Fountain...
Theft of hog; committed June 30, 1875; indicted Nov, same year.

Assault with intent to murder; committed Sept 6, 1875; indicted Nov 26, same year. Negro, Nearly black, about 6 feet high, weighs about 160 pounds, spare built, very talkative when drinking, usually wears his hair and beard wrapped, lower front teeth protrude.

WARREN, Jas....
Assault with intent to murder; committed Feb 13, 1876; indicted March 3, same year.

THOMAS, Fountain...
Theft of hog; committed June 10, 1875; indicted Apr 1, 1876.

SHIELDS, Reed...
Murder; committed Feb 15, 1876. Black, low and chunky, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, weighs 160 pounds, 25 or 30 years old, peculiar voice, speaks down in chest, very deep voice, sounds like he was talking in a barrel.

VOWELL, A. J....
Assault to kill; committed March 10, 1872; indicted March 22, same year.

WOOD, Austin...
Assault to rape; committed Nov 1, 1873; indicted March 19, 1874; light complexion and hair, blue eyes, spare made, weighs 135 pounds, 25 years old, crippled in one foot.

DEES, John...
Theft from house; committed Nov 1, 1875; indicted Nov 24, same year; dark hair and eyes, weighs 160 pounds, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, 35 or 40 years old.

TUCKER, Albert, Jr....
Assault to kill; committed May 3, 1876; indicted Oct 25, same year; 5 feet 10 inches, weighs 135 pounds, sandy hair, red, freckled face, blue eyes, thin, sandy whiskers.

ASHWORTH, Moses...
Murder; committed June 16, 1876; indicted Oct 25, same year; white.

HALL, Sam...
Assault to kill; committed March 15, 1877; indicted April 12, same year; negro.

TAYLOR, Wm....
Murder; committed Jan 28, 1877; indicted April 23, same year; negro.

Theft of hog; committed Dec 1, 1876; indicted April 20, same year; negro.

KENT, Granville...
Theft of gelding; committed July 21, 1877; indicted Oct 18, same year; negro rancher.

BOOKER, John...
Theft of hog; indicted Dec 5, 1873; negro; 25 years old, weighs 140 pounds, 5 feet 6 inches high.