1850 Federal Census

The 1850 census for Walker County has a LOT of pages that are faded and/or blurred and is very hard to read. In addition, the census taker didn't have the best penmanship and he used the letter "p" or "f" (long s) to indicate a double s. After getting familiar with the names of the folks of this time period, I realized that many names were transcribed incorrectly. If you cannot find a name with a double s, search for a name with a p in place of them. If you cannot find a surname that begins with a P or an S, try changing the spelling to S or P. There is also a problem with the letter m being transcribed as nn. His R and B were similarly difficult to distinguish. [Gina]

This census gives names, ages, places of birth, values of real estate, Color (White, black or mulatto) and occupations but also has columns for married within the year, attended school within the year, persons over 20 who cannot read or write and "Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper or convict".

We have full transcriptions of the Population Schedule (Sched 1) and the Slave Schedule (Sched 2) but we only have a name list from the Agricultural Schedule (Sched 4). The Ag Sched was written over two pages with the names on the left-hand page and some of the data continuing onto the right-hand page. Most of these Ag pages are almost illegible but you should be able to get an idea of what the farmer was doing.

L 1850 Agricultural Schedule
R 1850 Agricultural Schedule
Agricultural (Farm) Sched
Microfilm: T1134-3
Page Page Line Name
847 848 39 Abbot, Jas
855 856 5 Alexander, Jas
839 840 39 Alexander, Wm F
847 848 3 Allan, Edmond
841 842 26 Allan, George
845 846 19 Allan, Wm A
839 840 31 Allphin, Israel D
841 842 9 Allphin, Rankin
839 840 33 Allphin, Ransom
849 850 20 Avery, Ben
843 844 3 Baldwin, Jane
847 848 31 Banes, G W
853 854 36 Barker, Wm
845 846 28 Barnette, Jas
841 842 37 Barnette, John
841 842 16 Barrett, John W
847 848 26 Bartel, David H
847 848 19 Bartel, Henry
849 850 9 Bessor, John L
847 848 38 Betha, John
853 854 12 Birdwell, Thos G
843 844 33 Birdwell, Wm
849 850 11 Birkley, Nicholas
845 846 41 Birney, Rebecca
849 850 39 Birt, Nancy
855 856 7 Black, Henry M
841 842 35 Blackburn, Gabriel
851 852 38 Bobo, F
847 848 33 Branch, John
843 844 20 Brighton, Wm D
839 840 14 Brimberry, Jas A
839 840 13 Brimberry, Nancy
851 852 27 Burden, John G
847 848 8 Burnet, Joseph
857 858 15 Byerly, George
839 840 3 Cabiness, A L
841 842 25 Caldwell, Thos J
839 840 8 Calhoon, John H
839 840 9 Calhoon, Sam
855 856 29 Calhoon & McDuffie
855 856 37 Caloway, Alex D
843 844 40 Campbell, Joseph
853 854 3 Carlton, Jas M
855 856 8 Carman, John
839 840 23 Carson, Thos
843 844 7 Carter, Giles
843 844 8 Carter, John
851 852 5 Caruthers, Thos
855 856 14 Carver, J C
851 852 41 Cato, Alfred
853 854 13 Christamas, Jas
839 840 35 Clabaugh, Corley
839 840 36 Clabaugh, John
849 850 40 Clanton, F K
847 848 11 Clarke, Davis
841 842 20 Clarke, Jas
855 856 6 Clarke, Wm L
855 856 40 Cline, Peter
839 840 40 Collard, J L
849 850 27 Collard, L M
853 854 23 Conner, David
851 852 17 Coody, Jas
851 852 29 Coody, Joseph
843 844 36 Cook, Nancy
847 848 25 Cotten, John
841 842 10 Cowan, J C
849 850 8 Crabb, Hillery
853 854 24 Crabb, Lowery
855 856 3 Crane, A J
853 854 16 Crane, G B
853 854 17 Crane, G B (Adm)
845 846 7 Crissup, Thos
851 852 23 Crouch, Jackson
855 856 18 Cumings, Jas
841 842 27 Cumings, Sydney
839 840 1 Cummings, Uriah
839 840 4 Davis, Davis K
843 844 12 Davis, W H
853 854 8 Day, Elbert E
843 844 38 Dean, Alfred
855 856 1 Dean, Jas
847 848 12 Denman, C H
847 848 13 Denman, Nancy
839 840 34 Derham, George G
843 844 15 Dickey, John M
849 850 41 Dockery, Matthew
841 842 38 Donahoe, Calvin
841 842 36 Donahoe, Willis
841 842 39 Donahoe, Willis (Jr)
853 854 39 Donica, Anson
839 840 11 Duberry, Thos
855 856 19 Duncan, Meredith
847 848 20 Dunn, Wm L
841 842 1 Durham, Jas D
853 854 4 Dyer, B F
841 842 28 Edinburgh, C C
853 854 15 Edmonson, Wright
851 852 20 Estill, Milton
853 854 35 Evans, J M
841 842 31 Evans, J P
855 856 15 Evans, Jesse
853 854 11 Evans, Jesse T
845 846 37 Farris, Hesekiah
857 858 14 Farris, Loocy
845 846 33 Farris, Wm
845 846 16 Ferguson, John
855 856 21 Fielder, R R
845 846 11 Finey, Thos
849 850 28 Flood, Thos
855 856 11 Ford, Bethia
853 854 21 Ford, Henry
839 840 10 Ford, John
839 840 2 Ford, Wm
853 854 38 Foreman, J J
843 844 21 Foster, Charles
843 844 19 Foster, J F
841 842 11 Fowler, Sam
851 852 37 Frasier, Benjamin
855 856 30 Fry, Ben
841 842 29 Fry, George
853 854 7 Fry, Lad
847 848 9 Fuchner, Alberto
857 858 8 Fuller, Helin
851 852 21 Gerala, G L
843 844 29 Gerant, Dan
849 850 29 Gibson, Anthony
843 844 17 Gillaspey, Elizabeth
853 854 34 Gillaspey, Jas
857 858 16 Gillaspey, Jas
843 844 22 Goodbread, Phillip
857 858 17 Grant, George W
843 844 25 Graves, George N
857 858 21 Gray, Hannah
843 844 32 Gross, Solomon
Agricultural (Farm) Sched
Microfilm: T1134-3
Page Page Line Name
839 840 19 Hackette, Joseph W
847 848 17 Hall, Harrson
851 852 15 Halsel, Thos
845 846 6 Hampton, Hugh
839 840 37 Harbuck, J B
845 846 8 Harden, Joel P
851 852 28 Harris, Gerge
847 848 30 Hatch, C E
849 850 14 Heath, Simon Peter
845 846 25 Heath, Wm
853 854 29 Helms, Gabriel
855 856 9 Hemphill, Jas
841 842 34 Herlock, Vincent
849 850 19 Hess, Fares
845 846 21 Hightower, Jas
855 856 39 Hightower, Peter
841 842 32 Hill, Samuel
839 840 6 Hird, Hampton
853 854 28 Hobbs, Jas
851 852 35 Holbrook, Urich
851 852 14 Hoots, George W
849 850 13 Hoskins, Hugh C
845 846 17 Houston, David
857 858 9 Houston, Sam
839 840 29 Howard, Elisha
847 848 22 Howard, J O
843 844 18 Hoy, Thos W
847 848 5 Hudson, Allan
847 848 27 Hume, John
855 856 32 Hunter, George
857 858 10 Jenkins, Thos
845 846 10 Jergins, J J
853 854 32 Jergins, John H
849 850 33 Johnson, B D
845 846 3 Johnson, Wm
851 852 22 Jones, Jas W
843 844 6 Jones, Kelton
847 848 23 Jordan, Jane
855 856 33 Kealhoffer, T B
847 848 35 Keenan, Charles
849 850 23 Kelton, B F
855 856 12 Kerby, Isaah
851 852 11 Key, Reuben
857 858 7 Kibble, Albert
857 858 6 Kincade, Elizabeth
851 852 26 King, John
851 852 25 King, Katharine
853 854 31 King, Thos
847 848 18 Knowls, J W
849 850 17 Lagrone, Frances
851 852 8 Landrum, Samuel
841 842 2 Larrison, Joel
841 842 3 Larson, Emmaus
839 840 15 Larson, John
849 850 34 Lawrance, George W
845 846 31 Lea, John
845 846 14 Leach, Wm
857 858 1 Leahr, John P
853 854 22 Leahr, Wm D
847 848 32 Lee, Wm G
849 850 24 Linley, Wm
843 844 13 Linsey, Maurace
855 856 27 Logan, Able
841 842 33 Maning, Mark
845 846 9 Maning, Steven
851 852 2 Manley, John
849 850 16 Martin, Phillip
839 840 38 Martin, W R
841 842 24 Marvey, Walter W
845 846 20 Mason, Joseph
851 852 19 Massey, Wm
841 842 17 Mathison, Hugh
855 856 28 Matthews, Robt
845 846 4 Maurice, Jas
855 856 10 Maury, Mary
853 854 26 Maxey, Jas
847 848 10 Mays, Ben
843 844 14 McAdams, John
843 844 16 McAdams, Martha R
857 858 20 McAlexander, John
843 844 27 McDonald, Wm
853 854 33 McGary, Isaac
843 844 31 McGary, John
849 850 30 McGary, Mary
855 856 2 McGiver, Pleasant
841 842 7 McIva, Rodrick
855 856 16 McMillon, Mat
853 854 2 McMillon, Thos
857 858 13 McMilon, Jas
857 858 12 McMilon, Martha
843 844 5 Midkiff, I J
857 858 18 Milligin, Jesse
843 844 35 Millikin, Jas
843 844 2 Mills, John S
847 848 2 Mills, Wm (Jun)
847 848 1 Mills, Wm (Sen)
841 842 23 Minshaw, Wm
841 842 15 Mitcheal, Edward
841 842 14 Mitchell, Jas
841 842 13 Moffit, Paul J
841 842 12 Moffit, Wm C
845 846 32 Montgomery, Edley
845 846 38 Montgomery, John
849 850 22 Moore, John B
857 858 22 Moore, S A
851 852 36 Morgan, Silas
855 856 13 Nashley, Jas
845 846 1 Netherland, Sol
849 850 25 Obannon, J W
857 858 3 Olephant, Bluford
853 854 25 Olephant, J W
847 848 14 Outlaw, W R T
851 852 31 Owen, Pinckney W
839 840 28 Page, Richard
845 846 22 Palmer, Anthony
857 858 19 Palmer, Wm
841 842 8 Park, Andrew
839 840 7 Parker, Delila
853 854 14 Parker, Elizabeth
839 840 5 Parker, Nickolas
839 840 32 Parks, Jas W
853 854 9 Parrish, W A
853 854 27 Paul, Andrew
839 840 41 Pearson, Henry
839 840 27 Perkins, Alvin
843 844 34 Petree, Peter
849 850 5 Plumer, L W
845 846 15 Polk, Cumberland
855 856 38 Pomeroy, E M
853 854 6 Powel, Wm R
847 848 6 Praytor, Azariah
847 848 7 Praytor, Basel
851 852 13 Pursley, John
847 848 37 Randolph, John
839 840 24 Ray, John A
839 840 22 Rayburn, Alex D
839 840 21 Rayburn, R L
849 850 6 Reeves, Wm
839 840 12 Richardson, Ford ???
853 854 5 Roark, Russel
845 846 34 Roberts, Allan
843 844 1 Roberts, Charles
845 846 23 Robinson, B W
839 840 30 Robinson, G W
847 848 16 Robinson, Wm
855 856 17 Rock, Charles
841 842 22 Rogers, George W
855 856 26 Rogers, John
855 856 35 Roland, Charlotte
845 846 29 Rollins, Mark
853 854 41 Ross, Eli F
845 846 12 Roundtree, L C
851 852 1 Route, George W
Agricultural (Farm) Sched
Microfilm: T1134-3
Page Page Line Name
849 850 26 Sadler, John
849 850 3 Samuels, Alan
843 844 39 Sauls, Charley
843 844 41 Sauls, John
851 852 33 Sessums, Richard
845 846 39 Shannon, John
845 846 40 Shannon, Owen
845 846 27 Shannon, Simon
845 846 30 Shannon, Wm P
841 842 21 Shaw, Granville
857 858 5 Shepherd, Joseph G
841 842 19 Shiers, George W
839 840 17 Shiers, Jas
839 840 16 Shiers, Jesse
841 842 18 Shiers, John
855 856 4 Shiers, Sally
841 842 6 Shute, Jas C
847 848 28 Shutz, Henry
851 852 40 Sims, J T
847 848 24 Smith, Henry
849 850 12 Smith, J C & S R
855 856 36 Smith, J H
843 844 10 Smith, John
855 856 25 Smith, John
845 846 36 Smith, Lemuel
847 848 29 Smith, Wm
847 848 21 Smither, John
857 858 4 Smither, Robt
851 852 10 Spear, Malikiah
843 844 30 Spillers, Green
845 846 18 Spillers, H N
843 844 26 Spillers, J W
845 846 35 Steel, Augustus
849 850 2 Stevens, A J
853 854 30 Stilwell, Green L
853 854 37 Stilwell, Reuben
843 844 9 Stockman, Lewis L
847 848 15 Stone, Richard
855 856 20 Stublefield, John
855 856 22 Swindler, L L
847 848 34 Tase, Albert G
855 856 34 Taylor & Hart
853 854 18 Teter, Parris
851 852 16 Thacker, Hiram
839 840 20 Thompson, Davis
849 850 15 Thompson, Jas M
839 840 18 Thompson, Thos
851 852 39 Thompson, Wm N
857 858 11 Tinsley, Susan
855 856 31 Towsey, Isaa
855 856 24 Tucker, Dan J
843 844 28 Valentine, Jas
853 854 10 Van, Jas G
849 850 10 Van, John F
843 844 4 Varnell, Isaac
841 842 30 Vaughn, Alberto
849 850 18 Vick, Isaah
851 852 32 Vick, John
845 846 13 Visor, W J
845 846 5 Visor, Wm
841 842 5 Waland, Jas
841 842 4 Waland, Nevil
851 852 30 Walker, Chares
841 842 40 Walker, Jess
851 852 34 Ward, George E
853 854 20 Watkins, H M
851 852 24 Webb, Thos
843 844 23 Welch, Henry C
843 844 24 Welch, John
847 848 4 Welch, Mark
843 844 37 Wells, Harvison
849 850 7 Wells, Jackson
853 854 19 Wells, John
857 858 2 Wethersby, Ulysses
855 856 23 White, Steven
849 850 36 Whitley, John
849 850 35 Whitley, Mills
849 850 31 Whitley, Sharp
853 854 1 Wilkins, W W
849 850 38 Williams, Highram
849 850 37 Williams, Young
845 846 26 Willson, Jas
849 850 21 Winn, B G
849 850 4 Winn, L P
851 852 3 Winters, Ben
851 852 4 Winters, Jas
851 852 18 Winters, John
851 852 12 Winters, Oran
847 848 40 Wisdom, George W
847 848 36 Wisdom, Jesse
855 856 41 Wise, Henry
851 852 7 Wisinger, Michael
851 852 6 Wisinger, Samuel
849 850 32 Wood, Green W
843 844 11 Woodison, Wm
851 852 9 Woodley, J J
845 846 24 Wooton, W R
849 850 1 Wybrantz, Sam W
853 854 40 Yoakum, Henderson
839 840 26 Young, Mary
845 846 2 Young, Pleasant
839 840 25 Young, Wm F
Slave Schedule
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Population Schedule
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